Thursday, August 22, 2019

"I shall tell you a great secret my friend..."

         got stunk in lafayette
sprayed with a very noxious smelling stuff
in my home/van/castle
eventually it will go away but it is a violation
of my civil rights
as usual

spent time on the internet
saw way too much child pornography
someone is not doing their job
someone said that it was too hard to look at
people who do not like dog fights have to go to
dog fights to stop the dogs fights
I suppose when thousands go online
and look for illicit material there will
be less of it around
pretty saddening viewing

as usual the constabulary are harassing me
for imagined offenses
I am making a list of all the times I get
harassed so that when I go to court and ask
for monetary recompense for my stress
there will be no doubt in the minds of the jurors
as to what has been happening to me

"I shall tell you a great secret, my friend.
Do not wait for the last judgement.
It takes place every day."  Albert Camus "The Fall"

Private Henry Gunther of Baltimore...10:59 AM

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