Saturday, October 26, 2019

"Better to live alone..."

                                         largest ocotillo in this part of the desert
                                         seems to be in symbiosis with saguaro twins

i keep hearing about
folks inquiring into impeachment
i would like to hear more about
peach mint ice cream
politics is now thundering along like
a herd of lemmings
probably not too many changes will be
made in how people get elected to national
that's the real problem
money driven elected officials need to whip up
support and do not get to spend enough time
studying the solutions to the problems
Yang wants guaranteed income
guaranteed food clothing shelter and health care
might better serve the citizens
and take social security from the billionaires too
i have this notion that if college  was free more people
would get a college degree and better paying jobs
and then more income tax money would be collected
is it me or do common sense solutions just
seem to be not very common
also why can't a person be prescribed a membership
to a health and exercise fitness type facility before
they need to get on medications
it is just too damned hot in the summertime
to get much jogging done
anyhow....I need more exercise myself...


"Better to live alone;
with a fool there is no
companionship. With few desires
live alone and do no evil, like
an elephant in the forest roaming at will."
                                                            Pali Canon

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

"In his third incarnation..."

                                            two saguaro cactus dug up and left to die
                                            which I replanted and watered last year
                                            and they seem to be doing much better

insofar as I do not have a PH.D
in environmental science but I
still would like to work towards
a better planet (this is my home planet)
I like to pick up some garbage every
day and help out the plants and animals
when I can...

"In his third incarnation Vishnu manifested
himself as a boar in order to rescue the earth
submerged under the ocean of non-existence."
                                   Hindu Mythology


Monday, October 21, 2019

"Technology will surely drown us...."

                                                           NEW SPONSOR FOR

                                               DUE TO THE SLOW BUSINESS CYCLE
                                                       WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL
                                                      INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF
                                                  ONE FREE SLOGAN FOR EVERY
                                                      CLIENT DURING THE 2020
                                                      PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS

Some examples are as follows:

Vote for the goose and not the ganders
cast your vote for Bernie Sanders!

He's one of us, he's kind of plump
cast your vote for Donald Trump!

He's a civilized man, he eats with a fork
cast your vote for Beto O'Rourk!

Don't say he's strange, who are you to judge!
cast your vote for Pete Buttigieg!

Stick with a person who's always scorin'
cast a vote for Elizabeth Warren!

"Technology will surely drown us. The
individual is disappearing rapidly. We'll
eventually be nothing but numbered ants.
The group thing grows."  Marcel Duchamp

Charley Toorop

Saturday, October 12, 2019

"Work ethic is not a moral virtue..."

                                               spider on the road this morning

I saw a guy with a t-shirt on with a bunch
of writing on the back which basically said
that if you were not an oil-field worker you
and your job were inferior to all oil-field work
and workers...I think he must have had some issues
I spent a lot of time in the oil-field and the petro-chemical
industry and do not
consider the work to be any better or more
important than most other jobs...a few jobs do
seem sort of pointless and some even seem
dumb...(I don't want to sell sun-glasses in a kiosk in
the Mall) but a gig is usually needed to pay the bills.
I recently got an e-mail from a fellow who was
promoting the efforts of some folks who had hung
banners from a bridge to bring attention to
WHAT? themselves apparently...they asked me
to give them some money to bail the bridge climbers
out of jail...well DUH! I DONT THINK SO!
I get a bit annoyed when the entire petro-chemical
industry is described as just ain't so.
My first job on a oil rig was an Exxon production
rig and one of the fellows in our bunkhouse was from
New Orleans. He shaved his legs. This was 1973 and I
had not seen a lot of mens shaved legs. His friend
in the bunkhouse said he dressed as a woman when he
was on shore. Sort of surprised me but that was then.
This trans-fellow stole two of my library books and
I had to ask him for them back but he only returned one.
So there are all sorts of folks in the petro-chemical industry
good and bad just like there are all sorts of trans-folks
good and bad.

"Work ethic is not a moral virtue. It's actually a biological
condition which can be fostered, purposefully, through
activity that increases dopamime." Jane McGonigal


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

"...perceptual-cognitive processes, while physiological, are also personal..."

                                  DMITRI MENDELEEV (1834-1907) 17th child in his family
                                  published periodic table march 1, 1869

so if we are able to freely think and use such information
that we have access to we may find answers to some of
lifes more intriguing mysteries and so others will be able
to learn of our ideas and build on them...keep thinking!

"...perceptual-cognitive processes, while physiological, are also personal- it
is not a world that one perceives or constructs but ones own world- and
they are linked to a perceptual self, with a will, an orientation, and a
style of its own."   Oliver Sacks

Evariste Galois
Emmy Noether