Tuesday, October 8, 2019

"...perceptual-cognitive processes, while physiological, are also personal..."

                                  DMITRI MENDELEEV (1834-1907) 17th child in his family
                                  published periodic table march 1, 1869

so if we are able to freely think and use such information
that we have access to we may find answers to some of
lifes more intriguing mysteries and so others will be able
to learn of our ideas and build on them...keep thinking!

"...perceptual-cognitive processes, while physiological, are also personal- it
is not a world that one perceives or constructs but ones own world- and
they are linked to a perceptual self, with a will, an orientation, and a
style of its own."   Oliver Sacks

Evariste Galois
Emmy Noether

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