Monday, October 21, 2019

"Technology will surely drown us...."

                                                           NEW SPONSOR FOR

                                               DUE TO THE SLOW BUSINESS CYCLE
                                                       WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL
                                                      INTRODUCTORY OFFER OF
                                                  ONE FREE SLOGAN FOR EVERY
                                                      CLIENT DURING THE 2020
                                                      PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS

Some examples are as follows:

Vote for the goose and not the ganders
cast your vote for Bernie Sanders!

He's one of us, he's kind of plump
cast your vote for Donald Trump!

He's a civilized man, he eats with a fork
cast your vote for Beto O'Rourk!

Don't say he's strange, who are you to judge!
cast your vote for Pete Buttigieg!

Stick with a person who's always scorin'
cast a vote for Elizabeth Warren!

"Technology will surely drown us. The
individual is disappearing rapidly. We'll
eventually be nothing but numbered ants.
The group thing grows."  Marcel Duchamp

Charley Toorop

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