Tuesday, April 28, 2020

"In our description of nature..."

                       unidentified creature peering from bushes
           this looks like a young canine but not very foxlike

well I have some bird and frog recordings which I would like
to make available online for those folks who are isolated from
nature but the labyrinthine way that audio has to be added
to this brand of blog is beyond my capacity for now

therefore I will add some reading material which is interesting
  some sound science about what a persons body temperature should be

also i have a music recommendation
I found a DVD by "Bare Naked Ladies"
entitled "Barelaked Nadies" and found
the song "What a Good Boy" from the
stage performance at to be Roseland Ballroom
quite good. All the performers are fully clothed
however they have exposed their deepest feelings.

"In our description of nature the purpose is not to disclose
the real essence of the phenomena but only to track down,
so far as it is possible, relations between the manifold aspects
of our experience."  Niels Bohr (1934)

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