big news
the desert southwest is hot this time of year!
on a positive note
the lizards seem to like it
desert iguana=Dipsosaurus dorsalis
desert horned lizard (southern)Phrynosoma platyrhinos
probably some species of Cnemidophorus (whiptail)
zebra-tailed lizard=Callisaurus draconoides
this is not the best photo of this lizard and I must say
in the desert wild it is a spectacularly colored lizard
but the gecko was buried in the ground
desert banded gecko=Coleonyx variegatus variegatus
i unearthed this animal while digging my poop hole
and the snake was just soaking up some sun
gopher snake (sonoran) Pituophis melanoleucus affinis
this snake was laying in the road and i regret not shooing
it out of the road as a few minutes later a vehicle came
the road and probably ran over it
any or all of these identifications could be wrong or the names may have changed
but they were observed a few miles east of the Imperial sand dunes in California.
I think some of the lizards I have seen and assumed were whiptails may be something
else...and also this area was geographically isolated by extensive sand-dunes to the
west of me and the Colorado river to the they may be sub-species...
the zebra-tail scurried through my campsite daily and the iguana and the whiptail
came around regularly also
I learned some years ago that certain things make a person less threatening to
the neighborhood may not seem like much but I never shoot a gun,
a bow and arrow or even a slingshot around makes critters nervous.
also I never poop or pee around a campsite except in a closed container to be
buried in a hole someplace distant or dumped into a toilet or black water dump.
"...if humans were incapable of rationality, we could never have discovered
the ways in which they irrational, because we would have no benchmark of
rationality against which to assess human judgement, and no way to carry out
the assessment." Steven Pinker
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