Sunday, October 25, 2020

" fetish worship..."

 came across this old porcupine with some bullet holes in it...

so i was contemplating the societal implications of organized crime families and of course the clan of     'BROTHERS' came to know the people who have "served their country" and now they have decided to squeeze a little more out of citizens......some instances of this organized shakedown of the public come to mind....when  was working on supply boats in the oil field in the gulf of mexico we had some high seas and the waves ripped  some of the deck-boards off of the  back the captain calls a company to replace them and a fellow "brother" comes out and replaces the two boards which are pretty big and pricy at 20 feet long and 18 inches wide and 3 inches thick...when this "brother" presents the captain with the bill  and leaves the captain asks me how many boards were replaced and I say two and he says he was charged with three boards...but he is a "brother" so he don't say nuthin...once two "brothers" came on a boat I was on and are going to repair the dynamic positioning system and after a couple of days it occurs to the captain that they were milking the clock and he realizes that the problem was fixed on the first day and then they just flip the switch to off and waited...the captain threatened to call the coast guard and have them removed from the boat if they didn't get off...this sort of thing happens all the time and the "brother mafia" have decided that they want to utilize their veteran status to shake down people...I have been on public property that the "brothers" consider themselves to have extra rights to...serious mistake...this encroachment of the veterans mafia and the apparent lack of concern by the justice department will lead to a mafia state...which is well under way...In Iran there is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or IRGC which are the enemy of most Iranians...most Iranians hate and fear them...yet they still resist and protest despite being tortured and killed...bravery in the face of tyranny...people have to speak out against the illegitimate use of power to suppress speech and the use of intimidation...because tyranny is like a cancer and grows if left unchallenged...and I dont think the American public realize how many gangsters there are willing to snatch material goods and property from the public... 

now I know that some people will think that perhaps I have a particular dislike of the military which is not the case...I recently picked up a DVD called "The Greatest Generation" which I kind of find the title offensive...there is an interview with a fellow named Ed Wasil who is described as a P38 bomber pilot 20th fighter group out of England. He says with some glee that if they had enough fuel after a bombing run they would strafe the civilians and if they saw a woman pushing a stroller with a child they would strafe her too because "she was the enemy"...which I suppose could be called "the fog of war"...or "moral disengagement"...I think the people who have recently had to do battle with ISIS are every bit as "great" as the WW2 military and ISIS is as evil as the Nazi system...maybe more so....the Nazis were a governmental system ISIS is a religious based system...seriously dangerous...I heard an interview with the head of the joint chief of staff General Mark Milley who explained that a person working for the military takes an oath...not to the military or any government official but to the constitution of the United States...and that is where their loyalty must remain...and I think any person who knowingly violates the constitution should be refused any financial support by the government...a mr P.J. ORourke said in an essay that it is essential that "the people with the money and the people with the guns must never be the same people" may be too late for that...the gun goobers are proliferating...and just to put it in perspective 40% of the guns in civilian hands on this planet are in the USA which has 5% of the population...we be armed...not always a good thing...especially when you consider that there are really people who think Que and on and on and on is a legitimate  source of  accurate information...there is too much access to accurate information to for people to be so intellectually lazy as to believe poppy cock and drivel.  

" fetish worship. It is the prostration of men's (and women's) souls and the laceration of their bodies to appease an idol." A.W. Tawney "The Acquisitive Society" 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

"Wherever a man goes..."

 this is a very interesting article about the reduction of violence in human society...yeah, who knew          there has been a reduction in human violence...but humans are apparently less violent than chimps        and I can verify that because when a chimp tried to bite my finger off I did not resort to biting the chimp back...but I thought about...after much thought about the human race and whether they will survive...or even if they should survive...I have concluded that we need to change our genetics...and therefor we should hybridize with bonobos...a kinder, gentler primate...I know for some people that seems pretty radical...but the survival of the human species is at stake...I suppose we could take the even more radical step...and this is almost too horrifying to contemplate...we could enlist women in at least half of the decision making.......when R.B.Ginzburg was asked how many women should be on the supreme court she said "nine"...I got out my calculator and did the the math several times and it seems that is 100%...which seems like a lot to me...well maybe 5 women justices would be appropriate anyhow...but obviously if the trajectory which has been recorded in history continues...building/war,       building/war, building war...we will have so poorly utilized our resources that the catastrophic collapse...which has begun...will reduce humans to clinging to a vestigial environment...surviving,           not thriving...

"Wherever man goes, men pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions,                                        and if they can constrain him to belong to their desperate odd fellow society."                                                                                                                             Henry David Thoreau "Walden"

Friday, October 9, 2020

"Some people never go crazy..."

                     as can be seen from the above diagrams bears is dumb...dogs is smart...cats?   

after much deep introspection I have determined that I am an omni-supremacist                                        that is to say I think I am better than is a very useful delusion to have                                  except raccoons...I acknowledge that raccoons are my intellectual and moral superior                              and also they are cuter than I am...                                                                                                               I have determined that when humans are extincted raccoons will become the dominant species                they will live in nice homes in the suburbs and not wear high heels or neck-ties...superior                       however there will be overturned trashcans and garbage strewn in the streets...because no species           can overcome their genetic heritage....

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lifes they must lead." Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

                                            baby short horned lizard

                                            pocket gopher...i don't know who put the apple slices there


Teatsqueezer/Teatsqueezer and Hogwash announce shutting down of                                                         political consulting business until further notice

due to the unavoidable circumstances which resulted in                                                                              a sharp business turn-down the consulting business is closed

this is what Mr. Teatsqueezer has to say to the public

"We is very grateful for the good wishes of the public and their                                                                   concern for our animals...since the Hogwash brothers is very                                                                      busy building chicken coops and outhouses we have brought                                                                    Horace the mule foot hog to live in the repurposed silo which is                                                                 also know as Teatsqueezer Tower next to the manure lagoon...                                                                  the ground floor is animal stalls now and Horace lives in the stall                                                              next to Miss Moo the last of our dairy cows...although Miss Moo                                                              tends to snore in her sleep and Horace tends to grunt in his sleep they                                                         get along very well...Miss Moo fears getting Mad cow disease and Horace                                               fears getting swine flu so they keep socially isolated...but they do not wear                                               masks and the veterinarian says their main health problem is becoming too fat.                                       Since Miss Moo is a prize winning Guernsey cow she has blue ribbons and trophy's                                 on the shelves around the barn...she is used to being shampooed and blow-dried often                            and has beautiful golden hair on her head and tail...the cost of the hair care has                                          always been an income tax deduction but her show competition days are over.

On a much sadder subject it has come to our attention that the federals have decided                                 to use "lethal" methods to reduce the number of plains bison...they will allow                                           folks to shoot them...which is quite is usually the policy of the                                          federal government to allow surplus property to be acquired by municipalities for                                     a small fee, then eventually the public is allowed to bid on the surplus property                                        we find it hard to believe that there are not better ways to utilize these symbols of                                         wild America than to shoot them...certainly there are people with the resources to                                   get and safely keep and breed more bison...a live bison is preferable to a dead bison. 

Thank you again for your kindnesses and I would like to recommend                                                          Mrs. Teatsqueezers favorite song which is "Milk Cow Blues" by Willie                                                    Nelson on his "Live from Austin Texas" recorded September 6, 1990