Wednesday, October 7, 2020

                                            baby short horned lizard

                                            pocket gopher...i don't know who put the apple slices there


Teatsqueezer/Teatsqueezer and Hogwash announce shutting down of                                                         political consulting business until further notice

due to the unavoidable circumstances which resulted in                                                                              a sharp business turn-down the consulting business is closed

this is what Mr. Teatsqueezer has to say to the public

"We is very grateful for the good wishes of the public and their                                                                   concern for our animals...since the Hogwash brothers is very                                                                      busy building chicken coops and outhouses we have brought                                                                    Horace the mule foot hog to live in the repurposed silo which is                                                                 also know as Teatsqueezer Tower next to the manure lagoon...                                                                  the ground floor is animal stalls now and Horace lives in the stall                                                              next to Miss Moo the last of our dairy cows...although Miss Moo                                                              tends to snore in her sleep and Horace tends to grunt in his sleep they                                                         get along very well...Miss Moo fears getting Mad cow disease and Horace                                               fears getting swine flu so they keep socially isolated...but they do not wear                                               masks and the veterinarian says their main health problem is becoming too fat.                                       Since Miss Moo is a prize winning Guernsey cow she has blue ribbons and trophy's                                 on the shelves around the barn...she is used to being shampooed and blow-dried often                            and has beautiful golden hair on her head and tail...the cost of the hair care has                                          always been an income tax deduction but her show competition days are over.

On a much sadder subject it has come to our attention that the federals have decided                                 to use "lethal" methods to reduce the number of plains bison...they will allow                                           folks to shoot them...which is quite is usually the policy of the                                          federal government to allow surplus property to be acquired by municipalities for                                     a small fee, then eventually the public is allowed to bid on the surplus property                                        we find it hard to believe that there are not better ways to utilize these symbols of                                         wild America than to shoot them...certainly there are people with the resources to                                   get and safely keep and breed more bison...a live bison is preferable to a dead bison. 

Thank you again for your kindnesses and I would like to recommend                                                          Mrs. Teatsqueezers favorite song which is "Milk Cow Blues" by Willie                                                    Nelson on his "Live from Austin Texas" recorded September 6, 1990                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


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