this is a very interesting article about the reduction of violence in human society...yeah, who knew there has been a reduction in human violence...but humans are apparently less violent than chimps and I can verify that because when a chimp tried to bite my finger off I did not resort to biting the chimp back...but I thought about...after much thought about the human race and whether they will survive...or even if they should survive...I have concluded that we need to change our genetics...and therefor we should hybridize with bonobos...a kinder, gentler primate...I know for some people that seems pretty radical...but the survival of the human species is at stake...I suppose we could take the even more radical step...and this is almost too horrifying to contemplate...we could enlist women in at least half of the decision making.......when R.B.Ginzburg was asked how many women should be on the supreme court she said "nine"...I got out my calculator and did the the math several times and it seems that is 100%...which seems like a lot to me...well maybe 5 women justices would be appropriate anyhow...but obviously if the trajectory which has been recorded in history continues...building/war, building/war, building war...we will have so poorly utilized our resources that the catastrophic collapse...which has begun...will reduce humans to clinging to a vestigial environment...surviving, not thriving...
"Wherever man goes, men pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions, and if they can constrain him to belong to their desperate odd fellow society." Henry David Thoreau "Walden"
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