Friday, October 9, 2020

"Some people never go crazy..."

                     as can be seen from the above diagrams bears is dumb...dogs is smart...cats?   

after much deep introspection I have determined that I am an omni-supremacist                                        that is to say I think I am better than is a very useful delusion to have                                  except raccoons...I acknowledge that raccoons are my intellectual and moral superior                              and also they are cuter than I am...                                                                                                               I have determined that when humans are extincted raccoons will become the dominant species                they will live in nice homes in the suburbs and not wear high heels or neck-ties...superior                       however there will be overturned trashcans and garbage strewn in the streets...because no species           can overcome their genetic heritage....

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lifes they must lead." Charles Bukowski

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