awoke this morning about dawn and clicked on television...FOX news;Maria/Trump the subtitles were on so I listened to N. Lane and marveled at the fact that through modern technology I can be delighted and offended at the same time...I watched J.Biden address congress last night...I paid special attention to the number of men who were not wearing neck-ties....approximately zero...bad a rut...a serious rut...I was hoping that Ms. Harris was wearing a good pair of running shoes or climbing boots...but I could not see. the chief executive seemed to hit on many of the important issues...childcare ,education, minimum wage...all well and good but I am not sure if anyone in government has considered what is happening on this planet on a daily basis which if not changed will destroy our capacity to exist...we are going to smother in our own garbage...we need a department of recycling and conservation...I heard that soon the weight of the plastic in the oceans will be greater than the weight of the fish...THIS JUST IN! i am watching the BBC news and they have a story about investing in vintage shoes...sneakers and basketball shoes mainly...not likely to make much of a dent in the amount of garbage though...when a hurricane hit the U.S. gulf coast a while back I read about how many tons of garbage was sitting in piles waiting to be picked up...the price of lumber has tripled since last year...but a few days ago I looked in a dumpster at a construction site and there was perfectly good lumber being trashed...most of the "litter" that I see is packaging and most of that is plastic and most of this plastic is deteriorating and becoming a part of the soil which will poison future generations... so here are some recommendations I have for movies on DVDs..."The Wild Bunch" made in about 1969 directed by Sam Peckinpah...I dont think so! this movie is offensive...gratuitous violence... they must have gotten a good deal on buying a bunch of fake many people being shot that some of them are being killed several times...also there is cruelty to animals...a bridge breaks and horses fall into the river...the scorpions in the ant pile is gross...and the movie is an insult to Mexicans as they are depicted as either stupid or cruel or both...however the acting and the actors are OK...the script is moronic...I did pick up a collection of Oscar Wilde movies and watched "The Picture of Dorian Gray" from 1976 with John Gielgud...a good story with excellent actors...
and I feel compelled to comment on Mr. Scotts comments on what pres. Biden said last night.... Mr. Scotts rebuttal will go down in history along with Piyush Jindals as some of the most ill thought out comments and self serving aggrandizement ever to insult the american public..."Cotton to Congress" indeed...
"You can never get enough of what you dont really need" Professor Mark W. Muesse (from Buddhist scripture)