amazon fast fast overnight be there quick delivery of....whatever!
just tracking my external memory purchase from AMAZON...going to be here the day after or tuesday...coming to arizona...tracked from the litchfield arizona baltimore! that's in maryland last i they say maybe sunday delivery or 7 days...i think they stretch the truth ...a lot...whats all the hype about super duper management,,,and don't these people read where the order is going!...anyhow i better not order anything frogs!
so in the news today big news about the city of lost angels...someone put online several thousand city police images including many undercover personnel...this jeopardizes everyones safety not just the cops...the outfit that did this is called "watch the watchers" now we have to have an organization to watch the watcher watchers...gets kind of tedious...
uganda now makes being gay a crime punishable by life in jail or even death...and these folks are in charge of keeping the gorillas safe and protected from poachers...they be in deep doo doo now
Honduras backs china over taiwan...and is also a major drug route...maybe they can help ship the tons of compounds to make fentanyl coming out of china to help bolster their economy..
so there seems to be some concern about sex education in schools...i think i can be of some help here...lets start with genetic reproduction...which is what sex is all about...people do it...frogs do it all living things do it...plants and animals...even slime molds do it...why do they do it...well because as can be seen from fossils from long ago...all living things change over time...well maybe not those that reproduce from parthenogenesis...someone should look into that...but most living things combine the genes (chromosomes)from two of their species usually referred to as male and female...and pronouns don't mean a thing here...and the offspring or babies are different from either parent...and this difference may or may not make the offspring better suited to all comes down to which organisms will be able to live long enough to reproduce...and the gene combination just keeps on going on...whatever pronouns are can be seen from the huge population of humans gene sharing is pretty popular...but most people don't think about it too much...which is kind of it seems to me that if humans that have developed what are called secondary sexual characteristics are taught how and why gene replication occurs in organisms on earth...maybe instead of the sex education being some kind of graphic humanoid sex show it can be given the dignity that reproductive biologists see in it...slime molds are way interesting and need to be taught too.
Well artificial intelligence has not taken over the world yet but it is getting closer and nice to HAL and maybe HAL will be nice to you...or not...
read about ELIHU BURRIT (1810-1879) who was called the "learned blacksmith"...when he wasn't hammering cherry red metal with a sledge hammer he studied mathematics and languages...he traveled in the USA and Europe and was known as the apostle of peace...
"Would you steal my shadow too! Crazy Horse (when he asked that his photograph not be taken...AI will also steal your shadow!)