Thursday, March 23, 2023

"Would you steal..."

 amazon fast fast overnight be there quick delivery of....whatever!

just tracking my  external memory purchase from AMAZON...going to be here the day after or tuesday...coming to arizona...tracked from the litchfield arizona baltimore! that's in maryland last i they say maybe sunday delivery or 7 days...i think they stretch the truth ...a lot...whats all the hype about super duper management,,,and don't these people read where the order is going!...anyhow i better  not order anything frogs!

so in the news today big news about the city of lost angels...someone put online several thousand city police images including many undercover personnel...this jeopardizes everyones safety  not just the cops...the outfit that did this is called "watch the watchers" now we have to have an organization to watch the watcher watchers...gets kind of tedious...

uganda now makes being gay a crime punishable by life in jail or even death...and these folks are in charge of keeping the gorillas safe and protected from poachers...they be in deep doo doo now

Honduras  backs china over taiwan...and is also a major drug route...maybe they can help ship the tons of  compounds to make fentanyl coming out of china to help bolster their economy..

so there seems to be some concern about sex education in schools...i think i can be of some help here...lets start with genetic reproduction...which is what sex is all about...people do it...frogs do it all living things do it...plants and animals...even slime molds do it...why do they do it...well because as can be seen from fossils from long ago...all living things change over time...well maybe not those that reproduce from parthenogenesis...someone should look into that...but most living things combine the genes (chromosomes)from two of their species usually referred to as male and female...and pronouns don't mean a thing here...and the offspring or babies are different from either parent...and this difference may or may not make the offspring better suited to all comes down to which organisms will be able to live long enough to reproduce...and the gene combination just keeps on going on...whatever pronouns are can be seen from the huge population of humans gene sharing is pretty popular...but most people don't think about it too much...which is kind of it seems to me that if humans that have developed what are called secondary sexual characteristics are taught how and why gene replication occurs in organisms on earth...maybe instead of the sex education being some kind of graphic humanoid sex show it can be given the dignity that reproductive biologists see in it...slime molds are way interesting and need to be taught too.

Well artificial intelligence has not taken over the world yet but it is getting closer and nice to HAL and maybe HAL will be nice to you...or not...

read about ELIHU BURRIT (1810-1879) who was called the "learned blacksmith"...when he wasn't hammering cherry red metal with a sledge hammer he studied mathematics and languages...he traveled in the USA and Europe and was known as the apostle of peace...

"Would you steal my shadow too! Crazy Horse (when he asked that his photograph not be taken...AI will also steal your shadow!)



Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"Whoso diggeth a pit..."

 I remember when i took this image and can still smell the fir forest on a wet day in the coastal range in oregon...

decided to get in on the AI developing an app. i will call CHAT will make you a bacon/lettuce/ and tomato sandwich and engage you in witty repartee (without making you look bad)...this is going to be big!

 i did not get arrested yesterday either so after 30 years of being criminalized i suppose more new and exciting accusations must be manufactured to keep me in the SUSPECT list...i

 have been gearing up to move back into the truck after nearly three months of living in the aquarium...surrounded by what appears to be mutant sleuths and lazy spies...this is the longest i have been inside in 15 years..

i would like to recommend a DVD called "SINATRA DUETS" (2002) and a particular favorite of mine is the video of F.Sinatra singing "Nice work if you can get it" with Peggy many if not most female singers perform in their skivies (underwear) perhaps to enhance their respiration...except Adele i notice likes to perform fully clothed...but she does have quite a potty mouth...and a spectacular singing voice...anyhow i think Ms. Lee is one of the most vivacious singers i have ever seen and this is a good example of it... 

"Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein."  Proverbs 26:27


Saturday, March 18, 2023

"The universe..."

 all over the world the battle between good and evil, darkness and light...

a correction to the Rimbaud/Verlaine tale  I was a victim of "...facetious memory"...if i had consulted my fat little biography book i could have given a more accurate account of the relationship... according to the bio-book Verlaine was upset about Rimbaud leaving and he shot him in the wrist...Rimbaud call the cops on him and Verlaine spent 2 years in prison...but he wrote some good poetry about his experience...Rimbaud went off on some adventures but slavery was not mentioned... speaking of bad memory we will now be cursed with an onslaught of social media from the late commander in chief seeking to be the next commander in chief...we are DOOMED!...the twisted timber of humanity which surrounds me is probably responsible for the theft of my truck keys...alas and alak ol' blue may be the victim of  truck-napping...and i will be left to wander the world with my lantern in hand searching for that honest person that does not far as the advantages of reading go Samuel Johnson was a big believer in reading...and he was famous for being well read...however i came across this fellow named JAMES BRINDLEY (1716-1772) who was an english engineer who "contrived" a pump to pump the water out of a coal mine, he redesigned a silk mill and several other well known engineering feats but he remained illiterate until he died...when he came across a particularly difficult problem he went to bed and thought about it until he solved it...TIC TOC is in the news quite a bit these days...never seen it myself...never read a blog...never read anything on Facebook as a matter of fact i have never looked at any other social media...but i might...i read where one billy eyelash dumped all of her social media accounts so i looked her up on google and wiki says she is a singer songwriter and apparently a mover and shaker type...i think a lot of people get sucked into online advertisement of themselves...i get way more attention than i readership has gone up to 12 but i realized that i have quadro-phrenia  which is twice as bad a schizophrenia (thanks Pete) and there are only 6 people who read this blog (which is twice as many as there used to be) but two of those people are institutionalized in a facility for the criminally insane and four of the readers are undercover agents for various nefarious covert agencies...i dont like to be too critical of the intelligence folks but it seems to me that "...they consume labor disproportionate to their utility..."i hear where $250 million bucks might be set aside to pay public defenders to represent folks who can not afford a lawyer...i read where about 80% of all persons charged with crimes never go to court but "plea-bargain" with the judges. the district attorneys office is the department of government that files charges and takes the plead bargain so they have a lot of power...i hear the new attorney general of errorzona a Miss May (not to be confused with Miss Moo) and she decided not to prosecute the former attorney general as she felt even thought he "dropped the hose" i suppose it would generate more heat than light...i hear where 10 million people in africa are at risk of starvation...there is a fellow named norman borlaug who won a nobel prize for developing food crops that make more than twice as much food...i think rice was his specialty...he said that more people would be born...only to die from other causes such as drought etc...yep the reality is that history will not be kind in remembering out my "History of Films" by John L. Fell his account of japanese film making refers to pornography...i was wondering about how long that culture has been in that vein of film making...there are some distinctive characteristics of their participation in porn...a few weeks ago there was a report on the news about online porn on the news program "ON POINT" they said that about half of the illicit images were repeated from various sites...there is a DNA for photos but not for streaming and law gets about 32 million reports a year but the feds get about 3 thousand prosecutions a year (i did not hear how many convictions) what with the chemical injection i got to stop the testosterone my interest in porn viewing came to a screeching halt...i am going to join FARINELLI in the choir...never underestimate the effect chemicals can have on a persons mental state...i can recall four extremes in my mental state brought about by purposely ingested chemicals...the first a large psilocybin mushroom, later a hit of owsley stanley acid, then sertraline medication and now 45 mg of Leuprolide injected in the muscle....whoa buddy...everyone's body chemistry is different so cannot recommend any of them...just my own experiences...heaven and hell and the doors of perception...i watched a movie called "World without End"(1956) which is about people in a space ship that goes too fast and they travel in time to 2508 AD and land on earth and encounter one eyed future monsters and future people living underground...the men have pretty much wimped out and don't go outside but the future women are all babes and they sort of hit on the space/time travelers but the space/time travelers want to see the rest of the future planet and get is an interesting take on sci-fi...when i was watching the film credit an Alberto Vargas was credited with set scetches...when i was wandering down Geary street in san fransisco once i went into an art gallery featuring Vargas work...he is best know for his nude women in Playboy magazine but he used to be a set designer in argentina i think...he says that most of his models were his wife and his daughter...sounds kind of japanese...anyhow he may be responsible for the future babes in the film...

"The universe is non-simultaneously apprehended" R. Buckminster Fuller (unless youre the Buddha)


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"Sing Sorrow Sing..."

 cottonmouth hunting...i took this image many years ago with a point and shoot in the Atchafalaya Basin (see "Cactus" clyde Lockwoods film about the basin made many years ago..)

so i hear that columbia and equador are seeking to legalize the coca leaf for the same purpose that it has been used for centuries or longer...a great adventure book by a fellow named wade davis called "one river" about a fellow named richard evans schultes work as a botanist in south america...schultes discovered several new species of coca plants and he writes about how the indigenous people carry a little pouch of the leaves around with them all the time...the coca leaf culture is far removed from the cocaine the difference between coffee drinkers and crystal meth addicts...i suppose i will be accused  of taking bribes from some cocaine cartel by lizard harris...a reality based political party?  i watched a movie which i have heard about for  a long time called  "natural born killers" which is one of the most violent movies i have sort of reminded me  of "sin city" except the later film was much more artistic...multi colored blood and such as that...both of these films might give you nightmares...i also watched "Paint Your Wagon" and "Fiddler on the Roof" both of which were paint your wagon clint eastwood and lee marvin both sing or try to sing and the songs are not very memorable the woman lead sings very well...but the movie is OK (1965) in "fiddler on the roof" the songs are better and you can see why it got 3 is probably the best musical i have seen...well the air show was last weekend and you did not have to go to it to get a view of the jets doing fancy was louder than hell!...your tax dollars at work...i am a fan of drones can deny everything with drone i dont mean to be controversial ...maybe a little...but i heard that in san fransisco there is a proposal to award african americans 5 million dollar "reparations" payment (per person) and a house for a dollar (per family)...whoa buddy! i dont think even willie brown would have voted for that...i heard a woman (of color) say that according to her calculations the reparations due to people of color for them not getting farm land loans amounts to 14 trillion bucks (give or take) i believe that african americans make up 14% of the U.S, population...but they get 85% of the news...i think it is gerrymanderd news...not "proportional" as Obama used to like to bring the way can't he run for president again!...i hope the democrats realize that more than 70 million people went to the polls and voted for D. Trump...and they had better try to figure out what it was that attracted that many votes or the next president might not be to their liking...

"Sing, Sorrow, Sing. But good will win out in the end"  Oresteia

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

"Pleasure and revenge..."

 sunset in the desert with hummingbird...

was reading about camille bombois (1883-1920) who was a circus worker and laborer who took up painting...looked up his work online and was impressed with his style...a very varied life...try it!

some people get the "silent treatment" but i get the opposite treatment ...too many people have too much to say about whatever it is that i have done/am doing/or might do...what a bore...

the news from mexico is not too good...the mexican gun goobers and cartel creeps now have taken up the nasty habit of killing americans who come to mexico to spend money.. i remember when i was living in the Caribbean and the local toughs decide to hold up some tourists and one of them was an officer on the Queen Elizabeth cruise line...the taxi drivers who depend on tourists dollars were very upset and demanded that something be done...i suppose when the mexican business owners are driven into bankruptcy they might start to do something about the narco-terrorists who have neglected the needs of most of the citizens of mexico...

predicting warmer weather here this week...the heat will be un-relenting and another hellish summer is in store for this desert region...what with the unprecedented weather in northern california this year there is no reason to assume that extreme weather will not occur in the desert DVD's on the history of planet earth show how the sahara desert used to be quite moist and much of the planet had different climates than what they have now...i think that so called MOBILE HOMES   will evolve into living units that can be made small or folded and transported with trains or large flatbed trucks to places where landscaped lots are rented for the season...these units will be super-insulated to make them comfortable in extreme heat or has advanced to such an extent that between solar and wind and even small hydrogen generators a living space can be made luxuriant...for those that can afford it...the rest...well let them eat cake in the hot and cold...

Pleasure and revenge/ Have ears more deaf than adders to the voice/ Of any true decision." Shakespeare


Thursday, March 2, 2023

"What is the most important..."

                                         some flying creature in the night...perspective is everything

so heard the Chinese authorities mentioning that the FBI were not honest and their evaluation of such businesses as TICTOC as being a threat to the security of the USA was tainted with bias...yeah there is a lot of that going around that bias a virus that's been around forever...well as they say in Deadwood, trust your friends but cut the cards...

listening to Musk Mellon this morning as he said that he was all about "HOPE AND OPTIMISM"...yeah well his bank account went up to about 176 billion bucks this week making him once again numero uno in the wealth list...i remember the first oil rig i worked on in the gulf of was an exxon rig and the head man...the company man...said he was the highest paid man in the gulf of mexico working with the lowest paid man...which was me...even back in 1973 the kick-back scam was well established in the oil if the musk mellon would team up with zuckerberg and start a non-profit job placement business a lot of people would be better able to shorten that so called wealth gap...$7.25 and hour minimum wage what a joke...i want reparations too!...remember when henry ford raised his worker wages to $5 a day so they could afford to buy a car...well musk mellon needs to make available lease Teslas for folks who cannot swing 35 grand for a first car was a 1962 ford falcon i paid 25 bucks for and had to rebuild the top end...but it ran pretty good after that..anyhow hughes tool (howards cash cow)  did not sell his drill bits he leased them and made a bunch of money doing it, certainly musk mellon can figure out a way to get an electric car into the driveway of most of america. i would be more hopeful and optimistic if i had his money...maybe

heard a very sad account from a couple of parents whose children were killed in non-combat situations while in the of them started a group called "SAVE OUR SERVICE MEMBERS"...there is a law called the Feres doctrine = a legal doctrine that prevents members of the armed forces who are injured while on active duty from successfully suing the federal government under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). what a crock of poop that is...and these are the people who put themselves in harms way to protect the rights of citizens...the military has been described as having a TOXIC leadership...but that only goes back about 10 thousand years...

so what's it going to take to change the way things are done...i heard an interview with a woman who studies that sort of thing and she mentioned META MODERNISM=that process needed to facilitate seems that there is a political party in Denmark which is based on NO PROGRAM...might keep an eye on that party...

so i hate to be the turd in the punch bowl but there is a term from the TORAH called TIKKUN OLAM which is supposed mean =repair of the world...which sounds noble but is now where to be found...the OTHER people are getting a raw deal from the they are changing their government...too was a good plan for a while...

so i would like to recommend an excellent music is HOROWITZ IN MOSCOW (1986)... this concert is described as "the musical recital of the century".... i particularly like  D. Scarlatti piano E major K 380  (L23) (i dont know what those numbers mean but it is the second tune he play)s...i was particularly impressed when he petted the piano when he came out...

"What is the most important way to understand a piece of music, by a deep analysis of it's content out side time, understanding the mechanics of its composition, or by the circumstances that brought it into being?" "What matters in Music" Nicholas Kenyon