Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"You can't build an economy..."

                                           yellow fungi? lichen? whatever on rock in all shade

                                           more of the same in a different color...

reading in my book of ideas there is mention of various philosophical "determinisms" but there is no mention of "biological determinism"...i read that by 2100 AD there will be 10 billion people on planet if there is nothing that can be done to stop humans from i think once the full effects of climate extremes begins to take toll the population will be reduced...i read that there are 40 million immigrants' in the USA...11 million undocumented people i the USA and millions more on the way here...damn! i have heard different names are being used to describe mothers...gestational  parent, birth parent. egg producer, carrier...Mama is what i used...

i see where biden is described as strange for not accepting a glass of water from a man in Hawaii...he has a 50 years of experience and ain't stupid...the old man is getting more good press as trump is gettin more bad press...

i heard about a couple of young women singer/musicians in Ukraine who gave a concert and went to the mall and the mall was bombed by Russian planes and they both were killed dead...they called themselves "SIMILAR" and should be looked up as they sound great...

brown giraffe born in Tennessee very rare...weighing all the animals in the London zoo...very odd...

saw "Rich men north of Richmond" performed by the writer of the song...good performance don't agree with the lyrics..."5 foot three and 300 pounds" addiction is a Mama had it...65% of all the endorphins in the body are in the gut...why we feel good when we eat... i might write a song called "poor people north of Richmond (California)" before you get to el Cerrito del Norte exit...end of the line...

so i was thinking about the beginnings of western civilization...back in 5th century Athens all those smart people...did i mention that they went to Melos and told the people they needed to back Athens in the war and the people of Melos said they wanted to be neutral so the Athenians killed all the men and sold all the women and chidden into slavery...not exactly the height of enlightenment...did that to several city states...

swampy says voting in a single day..i say give em' a month...swampy says paper ballots...i say paper, metal, wood, hand raised, whatever...AND...i say every citizen needs an anonymous people...if the utilization of the massive computational power now achievable is to be of any use we must have accurate information to input...that 11 million undocumented segment of the population will be reduced considerably....much to the benefit of the legal population...and the 100 billion dollars that was stolen in the covid funds would not have happened ....organized crime has crippled this country and those folks who think they should bot pay taxes are leaving the country way too much in debt...

i looked up CONSTITUTIONAL SHERRIFFS AND PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION...and i was astounded at all the folks who are involved with dozens of delusional ideas about their sovereignty...what a crock...i highly recommend that everyone make themselves very familiar with all the anarchists' and other anti government groups...they should move to Haiti and see how they like mob rule...

 the person who stood 40 yards or so from my truck yesterday evening and fired off a couple of clips of 9mm rounds just for fun is probably associated with these clowns who want to run things...

"You can't build and economy on illegality." Ron de Santis 

Friday, August 25, 2023

" A vile melancholy made him mad..."


the rain had the gophers repairing their homes (holes) so i saw this one during the daytime...likes apples
have no idea what creature made this neat hole in the ground...not a crawfish

big news of the week is people being registered in the court system to stand trial for...lots of stuff...but it must be remembered that an indictment is not a finding of guilt and according to legal experts a guilty finding is not a sure indication of guilt...but we have to have a legal to trial we go...some countries just make those charged disappear and thats the end of  it ...

no trans-sexual women in chess...a first i thought they were saying in chest...i was mistaken...there is an excellent one hour lecture with good graphics and video from "HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL CENTER...HOLIDAY LECTURES ON SCIENCE...POTENT BIOLOGY, STEM CELLS CLONING AND makes clear what happens during women's pregnancy from the time of fertilization...

i have some first hand experience with the drugs and or chemicals (testosterone) that some people want to deny folks who are not 18 years of age so as to alter their body chemistry to align with their chosen is very important that these chemicals be allowed to be administered so as to interact with the body as soon as possible...

i see sledgehammer boy got hammered...good riddance...of course putin just made more people fear him (and want him dead)...

the so called presidential debates did not really bring out any hidden qualities of any of the participants...Swampy seems to be delusional about a lot of the things a president needs to not be delusional trump and climate change...desantos wants to eliminate what some want to illuminate...woke ain't broke...pence said "consensus is the opposite of leadership..." well maybe in a dictatorship but not a democracy...

.heard a japanese fisherman say "we've been protecting the ocean since the time of our ancestors..." excuse me? they have been vacuuming every living creature and a lot of seaweed for as long as anyone can remember...they tried to buy costa ricas fishing rights but they were not going for it they saw what they did to the gulf of baja...wiped it i think the radioactive water dump may be a bad mistake but the japanese have a very poor record of conservation...

10,000 emperor penguin chicks fall off of an ice flow and drown...just a little taste of whats in store for the wildlife...

heard a fellow of native American extraction talking about his new board game called "BURN THE FORT"...such a fun game!...he did not mention gang rape the women and torture the the noble savage ain't that great...authorities suspended 200 fraudulent rehab centers in arizona where mostly native people were going for 'sober living"...millions scammed from the taxpayer...someone wants to build a 40 million dollar museum for the Navajo code talkers...that money needs to be spent seeing to it that every native child and adult have have internet access and health care and other things that keep native people from not achieving their potential...not a museum so someone can skim more money...YUP'IK peoples in Alaska have made it a part of the childrens education to learn the ways the elders hunt and fish...much better than getting drunk down at the walmart...

so i had the experience of having phone service where i could get on the internet...i am ashamed to say i spent more time looking at weather and craigslist than i should have...but i did see a very good youtube one hour video called ARISTOTLES LAGOON" which is about a lagoon on the island of lesbos where he went when plato gave the job he thought he was going to get as head of the philosophy school to his nephew...he spent two years  at the lagoon inventing natural science...then Philip of Macedon hired him to teach his 13 year old son...alexander (not yet great)...good video...

i also looked up teatsqueezer on youtube...the same phoney girl that has tried to make herself the teatsqueezer queen was there with 70 subscribers and her hiding her ashamed face...the Teatsqueezers would not even let that girl in the barn...not to milk not to feed not to clean...they do not like her sort of criminality...

made 36 years with no alcohol and was going to celebrate with a toke on the pot pipe...can't really celebrate sobriety stoned though...


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"People are becoming a force of nature..."

more vivid colors on this lizard than seen before...breeding condition? male or female? 
this animal was 30 yards from above specimen...and about half the size...immature? different sex?

well i have been fatigued since i awoke at 3 am this morning...actually dropped the tailgate and rolled out of the beggars tomb at 4 am after the noise became disturbing...armed with my new 6 foot all wood broom handle i opened the hood of the truck to see A GIANT RAT! sitting on my motor...damn those rats to hell! blood pressure goes sky high when this happens...i jabbed at the vermin and he withstood the poke...(i need to put a long nail on the tip of this pole) and disappeared into the engine compartment...i hastily (too late i believe) set the two rat traps and lay them on the engine...after watching some music DVDs until it was light enough to make my morning coffee i went about the oppressive routine of packing up to go into town...15 minutes to unpack...2 hours to pack...not good...not good at all...but i had determined to get the broken guitar to the new guitar shop in town and see if she will sing as well as before...overcast and threatening storms even as i write this...but no more fire restrictions in this area...the rain is good but as everywhere else extreme weather may occur at any time...i must stay where escape in the event of extreme rain...

heard on the radio that some "youths" have sued "the government" because they say "other people" are making climate change possible due to "carbon based fuels?"...can that be right?...the problem can be looked at several ways...too much carbon fuels or too many people...i prefer to think that if the population was made smaller as well as continuing to make fuels more efficient we would not have to be eating crickets and other foolish "remedies" for too much carbon in the i think people have been told a big lie about what the petro-chemical industry has done to the never hear about population reduction...

i have also been hearing about the native American  response to environmental degradation...the place in Hawaii that burned up used to be bird habitat and maybe should be planted to be bird habitat again...i get tired of hearing about the environmental "Natives"...more birds have gone extinct in Hawaii that any other place on earth..i get nauseous every time i hear about those "magnificent" bird feather robes.. .give some of that land back to the birds...i heard a native woman say that the giant protected spot off the coast of california was protected by her people for the last 20 thousand years...(most archeologists have recognized the salmon river site in idaho to be the oldest so far at 16,000 years...older than clovis) anyhow lets not quibble about a few thousand years...the fact of the matter is that ALL CULTURES PUT GROCERIES AT THE TOP OF THEIR LIST OF PRIORITIES...when those awful white people got to north america all the cultures were STONE AGE CULTURES...that had not begun the use of smelted tribe got big enough to push another tribe off their lands and they did it...from the east coast to the west coast...MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!...this has been the motivating factor for a million years and more...people respond to power and until enough power is put in the hands of people who are not MACHEVELIAN MOBSTERS the situation will not change...

picked up what i thought was a music DVD last week but it is a snowboard DVD called "Smithereens" and i must say i had to look at my 2003 winter Olympics DVD to compare skill levels...i have never seen as much "death defying" action in any sport as these snowboarders display...there is an ambulance section in the "extras" but most of the people seem to have gotten into a ZEN space to do this stuff...and survive... 

well got to go and fix my sautéed onions with black beans and pork-chops for diner....

"People are becoming a force of nature, like a magma plume or a rock from space, but the diversity of ecological stressors they exert is unique in Earths history. :Scientific American (7/22/22 )"Rise of the Toxic Slime"...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

"Sine ira es studio"

 abandoned watermelon on a pallet in the parking lot next to the dumpster in arizona in the summertime 

well i parked next to the pipeline last night after a day doing laundry and shopping in town but this site  was about 300 yards from the main gravel road (#171) and there was a rather steep dip in the road the bottom of which was a little muddy...i realized that if it rained more than a sprinkle my exit my be impeded so i packed up this morning and came into town to check the marked down groceries and a pawn shop and a couple of thrift stores...busted my budget... bought a 70-300mm lens for the D3 for $35 which worked fine and sells for $189 on amazon...then the camera hardly fits into the camera case so at the Saint V. thrift saw a case for 3 bucks into which the camera and new lens fits well...but wait "how much for this tent?" (North Face with full rain cover and good screens and fabric and all the tent poles intact) $6! yeah! now i have three tents...this may be a problem...i will donate the eureka USMC tent (the best) since it has gotten pretty worn (bought at traders village flea market in north houston for $35 some years ago...they usually sell for $150 and up) picked up a DVD at bookmans which used up all my trade credit and 37 is a jazz DVD with a famous vibraphone player and a horn player and since i bought a vibraphone a month ago (Pearl 30 metal bars with nice stand) from barn brothers i need some instruction...i had to make my own mallets...i really like the sound and the birds seem to like it too...

yesterday when i was in the grocery store i saw avocados on sell 2 for a buck ...i bought 6...i heard a story on the radio about the mexican avocado growers being shaken down by the mafia...either pay or die...i have noticed quite a lot of news about organized crime in the news lately...mafia organizing the timber cutting in the amazon...mafia killing the anti-corruption candidate in Ecuador...ever where there is a buck to be made gangsters show up and want some of the money...or else...last week a woman said that there were a lot of people in this town doing their "thing" (our "our thing"-cosa nostra) anyhow over the years i have noticed that more and more people seem to think "everybodys doing it" so i will too...this is how most of the worlds civilizations declined and became inoperable...this country USA has long been a bastion of freedom from tyrants but if the population decides to allow mafiosi to dominate business the end of a democratic governance is sure to come...russia was mobbed up as well as the Taliban run governments and they aint worth pissin on now..

.i have some good DVDs on comparative religion and the professor says that Islam is a law driven world view...if it says it in the Quran then it is not just religion it is  the Quran  has been about the same since 20 years or so after Mohammad (who could not read or write) wrote it down...there is however a lot of comment  on the holy book...the book is the word of god and that is why Muslims get so worked up about it being desecrated (burned etc.)...but like Plato did not think literature was good for society the Taliban now says music is against god...what a crock! i think the people that want humans to stop teaching women and ban musical instruments needs to be eliminated from the decision making process...anyhow i think about how good it is to be living in a relatively free country and i pluck my $40 guitar and tap my vibraphone every day...lovin it...

"Sine ira es studio"..."Without anger or partisanship" Tacitus said this of his histories

Friday, August 11, 2023

"Welfare payments and policies..."

                                          one of about 8 of the short-horned lizard babies i saw
                                           baby next to a ruler to see size
                                           these obsidian chips lay about 20 steps from where i cook
                                          don't know if this is the male or the female...was very near babies
                      found hundreds of these "edged" obsidian tools...only one "arrowhead" and it was broken

robbie robertson out my "festival express" DVD and "the last waltz" DVD to watch this very talented entertainer do his guitar magic..

.been raining some and frogs are vocalizing after dark...for a while it was only common night hawks doing their bizarre noise making...well worth listing to...big meteor showers for the next few days...but more rain so might miss that nature show..

watched a very good but depressing movie last week "Tom and Viv" (1994)about the T.S.Eliot and his first wife Viv...(115 min) Willem Dafoe and Miranda Richardson...Viv was kinda wild then she was kind of crazy (or so the "LUNACY LAW" would have you believe) she was incarcerated in a very nice facility but was locked up none-the less...mental illness is much more common than most people would like to admit...and much of it chemical imbalance should be called mental "dis-ease" mother was "institutionalized" at east louisiana state mental hospital at Jackson...the same place where the jazz musician buddy bolden was locked up and apparently died there...there is some good research about what triggers schizophrenia in some people and according to work done by R.D. Laing, family members are very likely to cause susceptible people to exhibit schizoid behavior ...

 read (again) "Mans search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl...i highly recommend this book for it's description of how millions of people were treated in the concentration camps in WW2 by the Germans....and how Dr. Frankl's "logo-therapy" was meant to help people get over the traumas in their lives...i heard where some Japanese are upset  about the movie "oppenheimer"...the complaint is that it ignores the results of the nukes dropped on japan... i read a book about an american guy who was a prisoner of war in japan...i think they should have dropped half a dozen more nukes on as to get the point across thoroughly...

when i was getting my tire changed i asked the clerk if they had EBT (food stamps) but i meant Wi FI...i was looked at like i had a disease...i have gotten food stamps for years...when i started working the minimum wage was $1.60 an hour...not a lot of social security coming out of those wages...minimum wage not only keeps people poor when they work but just as poor when they try to retire...

"Welfare payments and policies, too might be seen through a hierarchy lens, with some assuming that lines between rich and poor often reflect meaningful differences in peoples work ethic, talent, morality or value to society." this from an very good article in scientific "american" last month (more info next time)

Thursday, August 3, 2023

"Non minor est virtus quam quaerere parta tueri."

 had a lot of good pictures of the baby short horned lizards...but forgot my card reader...and don't want to walk back to the truck

been a long day...rolled out of the back of "beggers tomb" at 5 Am to heat water for gourmet coffee and pack up the gear...had to get new windshield wipers and fix the rear one will patch it so a new tire for $151 and a 4 hour wait...walked down to bookmans and traded in my 4th season farscape dvds for season two and a los lonely boys dvd...i picked up a colin hay dvd last week...its a keeper...highlyrecommend this dvd COLIN HAY AT THE CORNER HOTEL or something like that...the song "prison time" in the bonus section is a good example of his quitar and song writing talents...i think it is his only DVD...he has a "monologue" which is pretty interesting...the woman who starved to death her child in flagstaff got life in prison with no parole...bad news for 16,000 feet shrimp were found which have completely incorporated micro plastics into their bodies...and when someone asked the researchers how many other organisms at the bottom of the oceans have plastic bodies they said...wait for it....ALL OF THEM!...

"Non minor est virtus quam quaerere parta tueri...= "It takes no less talent to keep what you've got than to acquire it."