had a lot of good pictures of the baby short horned lizards...but forgot my card reader...and don't want to walk back to the truck
been a long day...rolled out of the back of "beggers tomb" at 5 Am to heat water for gourmet coffee and pack up the gear...had to get new windshield wipers and fix the rear tire...no one will patch it so a new tire for $151 and a 4 hour wait...walked down to bookmans and traded in my 4th season farscape dvds for season two and a los lonely boys dvd...i picked up a colin hay dvd last week...its a keeper...highlyrecommend this dvd COLIN HAY AT THE CORNER HOTEL or something like that...the song "prison time" in the bonus section is a good example of his quitar and song writing talents...i think it is his only DVD...he has a "monologue" which is pretty interesting...the woman who starved to death her child in flagstaff got life in prison with no parole...bad news for carnivores...at 16,000 feet shrimp were found which have completely incorporated micro plastics into their bodies...and when someone asked the researchers how many other organisms at the bottom of the oceans have plastic bodies they said...wait for it....ALL OF THEM!...
"Non minor est virtus quam quaerere parta tueri...= "It takes no less talent to keep what you've got than to acquire it."
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