Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"You can't build an economy..."

                                           yellow fungi? lichen? whatever on rock in all shade

                                           more of the same in a different color...

reading in my book of ideas there is mention of various philosophical "determinisms" but there is no mention of "biological determinism"...i read that by 2100 AD there will be 10 billion people on planet if there is nothing that can be done to stop humans from i think once the full effects of climate extremes begins to take toll the population will be reduced...i read that there are 40 million immigrants' in the USA...11 million undocumented people i the USA and millions more on the way here...damn! i have heard different names are being used to describe mothers...gestational  parent, birth parent. egg producer, carrier...Mama is what i used...

i see where biden is described as strange for not accepting a glass of water from a man in Hawaii...he has a 50 years of experience and ain't stupid...the old man is getting more good press as trump is gettin more bad press...

i heard about a couple of young women singer/musicians in Ukraine who gave a concert and went to the mall and the mall was bombed by Russian planes and they both were killed dead...they called themselves "SIMILAR" and should be looked up as they sound great...

brown giraffe born in Tennessee very rare...weighing all the animals in the London zoo...very odd...

saw "Rich men north of Richmond" performed by the writer of the song...good performance don't agree with the lyrics..."5 foot three and 300 pounds" addiction is a Mama had it...65% of all the endorphins in the body are in the gut...why we feel good when we eat... i might write a song called "poor people north of Richmond (California)" before you get to el Cerrito del Norte exit...end of the line...

so i was thinking about the beginnings of western civilization...back in 5th century Athens all those smart people...did i mention that they went to Melos and told the people they needed to back Athens in the war and the people of Melos said they wanted to be neutral so the Athenians killed all the men and sold all the women and chidden into slavery...not exactly the height of enlightenment...did that to several city states...

swampy says voting in a single day..i say give em' a month...swampy says paper ballots...i say paper, metal, wood, hand raised, whatever...AND...i say every citizen needs an anonymous people...if the utilization of the massive computational power now achievable is to be of any use we must have accurate information to input...that 11 million undocumented segment of the population will be reduced considerably....much to the benefit of the legal population...and the 100 billion dollars that was stolen in the covid funds would not have happened ....organized crime has crippled this country and those folks who think they should bot pay taxes are leaving the country way too much in debt...

i looked up CONSTITUTIONAL SHERRIFFS AND PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION...and i was astounded at all the folks who are involved with dozens of delusional ideas about their sovereignty...what a crock...i highly recommend that everyone make themselves very familiar with all the anarchists' and other anti government groups...they should move to Haiti and see how they like mob rule...

 the person who stood 40 yards or so from my truck yesterday evening and fired off a couple of clips of 9mm rounds just for fun is probably associated with these clowns who want to run things...

"You can't build and economy on illegality." Ron de Santis 

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