Saturday, August 12, 2023

"Sine ira es studio"

 abandoned watermelon on a pallet in the parking lot next to the dumpster in arizona in the summertime 

well i parked next to the pipeline last night after a day doing laundry and shopping in town but this site  was about 300 yards from the main gravel road (#171) and there was a rather steep dip in the road the bottom of which was a little muddy...i realized that if it rained more than a sprinkle my exit my be impeded so i packed up this morning and came into town to check the marked down groceries and a pawn shop and a couple of thrift stores...busted my budget... bought a 70-300mm lens for the D3 for $35 which worked fine and sells for $189 on amazon...then the camera hardly fits into the camera case so at the Saint V. thrift saw a case for 3 bucks into which the camera and new lens fits well...but wait "how much for this tent?" (North Face with full rain cover and good screens and fabric and all the tent poles intact) $6! yeah! now i have three tents...this may be a problem...i will donate the eureka USMC tent (the best) since it has gotten pretty worn (bought at traders village flea market in north houston for $35 some years ago...they usually sell for $150 and up) picked up a DVD at bookmans which used up all my trade credit and 37 is a jazz DVD with a famous vibraphone player and a horn player and since i bought a vibraphone a month ago (Pearl 30 metal bars with nice stand) from barn brothers i need some instruction...i had to make my own mallets...i really like the sound and the birds seem to like it too...

yesterday when i was in the grocery store i saw avocados on sell 2 for a buck ...i bought 6...i heard a story on the radio about the mexican avocado growers being shaken down by the mafia...either pay or die...i have noticed quite a lot of news about organized crime in the news lately...mafia organizing the timber cutting in the amazon...mafia killing the anti-corruption candidate in Ecuador...ever where there is a buck to be made gangsters show up and want some of the money...or else...last week a woman said that there were a lot of people in this town doing their "thing" (our "our thing"-cosa nostra) anyhow over the years i have noticed that more and more people seem to think "everybodys doing it" so i will too...this is how most of the worlds civilizations declined and became inoperable...this country USA has long been a bastion of freedom from tyrants but if the population decides to allow mafiosi to dominate business the end of a democratic governance is sure to come...russia was mobbed up as well as the Taliban run governments and they aint worth pissin on now..

.i have some good DVDs on comparative religion and the professor says that Islam is a law driven world view...if it says it in the Quran then it is not just religion it is  the Quran  has been about the same since 20 years or so after Mohammad (who could not read or write) wrote it down...there is however a lot of comment  on the holy book...the book is the word of god and that is why Muslims get so worked up about it being desecrated (burned etc.)...but like Plato did not think literature was good for society the Taliban now says music is against god...what a crock! i think the people that want humans to stop teaching women and ban musical instruments needs to be eliminated from the decision making process...anyhow i think about how good it is to be living in a relatively free country and i pluck my $40 guitar and tap my vibraphone every day...lovin it...

"Sine ira es studio"..."Without anger or partisanship" Tacitus said this of his histories

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