Thursday, September 7, 2023

"He who'd know..."

                                     art from the Indian contemporary artist book
                                       i found the base a couple of months ago and the point last week                                                                   a few miles apart...apparently the points were not discarded like the cutting                                                tools                                


                                 more contemporary (1930's) Indian art...the habit of women helping other women to groom their hair is several thousand years old and the Taliban will learn the hard way that their idea of virtue and morality is not very well received 

well to quote O'Shea "WHO'S THE MACK!?"...the people at mack rock desert "neo-pagan" festival got more than they bargained for...i have spent time in that desert after a blizzard but never after a rain storm...i wonder how many attendees have ever read Sessions Wheelers book "The Black Rock Desert"   i was amazed that they said 70,000 were there for the festivities...i heard that one of the "rules" was to have "radical inclusion"  WHOA! i dont think so!...i know the gathering used to be free and now they made so much money they have bought the town of Gerlach...a few mile south is the Smoke Creek desert which is quite beautiful and goes under water when it rains a lot...

i heard the president of egypt wants to limit the births in his country...and the city of Williams about 40 mile west of here voted to stop all residential construction for 5 or 6 years until they could upgrade their sewer system to handle more people...i am glad to hear that unbridled growth is being recondisered...

i have been accused of being XENOPHOBIC because i wrote about know what immigrant mean "got off their butts to do something to improve their situation"...which is more than you can say about a lot of people who have been here for generations...immigrants have a improve their lives...

i hear a lot about J. Bidens less than eloquent speech...there is a condition of the brain which effects speech without effecting biden lacks eloquence but not cognition../.to paraphrase t.s.eliot speaking of d.h. lawrence..."a writer who had to write often badly in order to write sometimes well..." and i suppose biden might say such things as the leader of china is a dictator and putin cannot be left to rule russia...sounds like intelligent words to me...

"He who'd know what life's about/ Three millennia must appraise;/Else he'll go in fear and doubt/ Unenlightend all his days...Goethe

so long jimmy...born in Pascagoula mississippi...i've spent time there...a good pawn shop with 25 cent DVDs and a good thrift store...and also the shipyard that built the last icebreaker for the USA has 2 and russia has 52...not good odds "only time will tell"...

Scales and clocks just can’t be trusted
Keys and locks are destined to be busted
Metaphors were never made for keeping score
And I’m feeling for the sound of time

Is it the answer or just a suggestion
Is love what we truly want or merely a protection
Is this music made to last or crumble like a shell
Is there heaven here on earth or is this really hell

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

Are we destined to be ruled by a bunch of old white men
Who compare the world to football and are programmed to defend
I’d like to try a princess or a non-terrestrial
Who is neither boast nor bashful is there really such a girl

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely grand
For nearly half a century I’ve been singing in a band
I’d like to think I’ll make it to two thousand and one
Will the party be at my house God I wonder who will come

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense on this crazy carousel
Only time will tell

Only time will tell


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