when i saw another perfect hole in the ground i noticed some fresh dirt near the hole(top image) perhaps this is made by a perfect mouse i thought, but when i returned with the game camera to get some images of the holes owner i saw something beneath some nearby grass...i saw it was a spider i set the camera and got 32 ,10 second videos of the waving grass but no spider...when i lifted the game camera the spider ran from beneath the board (bottom image) and i took a picture...i find it amazing that such a small animal can dig a hole in relatively hard soil (see spider above upper left nail)...pretty small for such a large hole...
i am somewhat embarrassed to say that i found out how to get radio programs on my phone as well as YouTube and google...so i spent the last few days watching and listening to some very interesting programs on the phone thingy...i highly recommend "The Ralph Nader Radio Hour"...i listened to "Reducing Gun Deaths" from sept. 16th (73 min) was astounded at how knowledgeable Mr. Nader and the person being interviewed were...at the end of the segment i had to look up how old Mr. Nader is as he was very eloquent and informed...he is 89 years old and will be 90 in February...so any mention of someone's age as a determinant in their cognitive ability is mis-guided... I also watched a segment of "Firing Line" with willian f buckley interviewing morris udall of arizona...it is a very good interview and it is amazing how wrong the predictions of what lay in the future...i also watched You Tube "Harnessing the power of Information" which is a great documentary...i also watched and interview with Francis Fukuyama by Bryan Lamb on "Book T.V" which is a must watch every Sunday on some cable stations...there are some great interviews of authors...and anyone who says they don't really like to read can be very informed with all the information available online...when Robert Rodriguez asked his son who composes music for his films where he learned music theory he said he learned it on You Tube...who knew...
I see the DOD is asking for $842 billion bucks for their next years budget...i also see where a pilot ejected from an $80 million dollar stealth jet...he was found but it took a while to find the crashed jet...they should take the money out of the pilots pay...
there was a company that was recently investigated for fraudulent billing of the federal government and the woman that turned them in got $70 million bucks as her part of the fine...DAMN!...that a pretty good paycheck...
i heard on the nader show that there is $360 million in fraudulent medical billing in the USA...
now at the risk of showing favoritism i would like to make a comment about clothing...mine, yours, Mr. Fetterman's...I don't wear hoodies because it restricts my peripheral vision...but when a person wants to have restrictions on their clothing they should move to Iran or China or some other authoritarian country but here in the US of A we should allow as much freedom as possible in our attire...Mr. Fetterman is correct...there are much more important issues than his clothing...as Mr. Rodriguez says "To think out of the box you have to live out of the box"...and this country is in much need of thinking out of the box...
"If you keep telling lies about me I'm going to tell the truth about you" country I lyrics heard this week
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