Thursday, September 28, 2023

"The world of the future..."

                    this is the second part

                                               this is the first part

i picked up a book at the estate sale place which was called "Guns, death, terror" 1960's and 70's revolutionaries, urban guerrillas and terrorists"...edited by jack sargent the chapters were on the black panthers, the weathermen, the angry brigade, Baader Meinhof, the SPK, the PLO the SLA and Brigate Rosse i read most of the of the most distinctive things about all of these groups is how stupid they were and how so many people were killed for no reason...i was especially interested in the black panther chapter since there is a "new black panther" group now and i am hearing a revisionist history of the old black panthers...according to the author (Michael Spann) of the chapter about these terrorists most of the founders of the black panthers were street toughs and drug dealers and extortionist who decided that the system could be changed through violence. "VIOLENCE IS NECESSARY. IT IS AS AMERICAN AS CHERRY PIE." H. Rap Brown...the history if it is accurately described in this book would indicate any attempt to clean up the reputation of these gangsters and feed it to the youth of today in public school curriculums would be a travesty of justice...i imagine that the blacks thought their situation in society was not going to improve as the prejudice was (and is ) systemic...however the light generated by the burning cities produced much more heat than light...the above demands were stupid and moreover the "reparations" which are currently being considered (not favored by any other people of color) will certainly amount to another  "Versailles Treaty" with very bad repercussions...

"The world of the future will not flourish behind walls- no matter who builds them and no matter what their purpose. A world divided economically must inevitably be a world divided politically..."William P. Rogers (1972)

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