Thursday, April 25, 2024

"Democracy is the idea..."

        the near mountain a few minutes ago...temps falling and snow predicted...then sunny on sunday...

 so i listen to WWOZ a lot when the contrast between desert and or mountains and swamp makes the experience all the more intense...on 4/20 of this year there was, as one might suspect, a music set about of the better songs was by big al carson from the album "Take your drunken ass home" which is a great song of the better tunes on the album is "Champagne and Reefer" which has a cautionary aspect to it... one of the things that may be happening with some of the current cast of cursers is the psychological condition called coprolalia=the obsessive use of obscene language (talking dirty) for sexual gratification or because of a psychological disorder...or not...i hear a lot about my notes which are a hot commodity in some circles...i should be able to get some help from the local constabulary but i am not loved by these folks...seems that my bringing corruption into the picture has made some folks turn sour...more sour by the hour...anyhow i don't choose to be a member or participant in any of the schemes which are afoot these days...but i find it especially distressing that with 18 intelligence agencies working tirelessly to save our country from the ravages of...whatever might ravage corruption perhaps, one would think that the second amendment might leave a little room for the first know, freedom of speech and all that...i heard this morning that the attorney general of arizona is pursuing several criminal charges against the former president and some of his staunch supporters...better late than never...also i think some of the more radically minded types may be suffering from "insular dwarfism" of the brain...whatever happens in the election for president...

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and they deserve to get it good and hard."  H.L. Mencken    

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