Friday, August 23, 2024

"Old age has been charged..."

the rain has brought good grazing to the livestock in the mountain pasturage in this area...


awoke to ukraine soldiers featured on the news with the drone operators showing how effective they can be in destruction...even at 3 in the morning the information flows...way too many political advertisements...unfortunately this election for the head of the executive branch of the government of the USA seems to have taken a turn for the desperate...both sides predicting apocalypse if the other side gets elected...i think there will be drastic events regardless of which side gets into office...we are just at a time in history where the physical realities mandate that change will take place...besides the inevitable climatic changes the reality of an increasing population of humans and a reduction of available natural resources sort of sets the stage for some drama....alas and alack as usual an orderly transition into fundamental changes is not likely to happen....soooo....disorderly change will happen...but change is on the way...

got a notice on the phone yesterday morning about a 6 year old boy who went missing at the lava caves a few mile down the road from where i was...then 4 hours later got a notice that an 8 year old boy had been found...aged two years in 4 hours...must have been a magic cave...i looked at some cheap GPS tracking devices online a few weeks ago...might be a good investment for folks to put one of these things on their their kids for instance...

i looked at some interesting movies is called "Swamp Fire"...with buster crabbe and johnny weismuller both of whom were Olympic swimmers and played Tarzan in the movies...the story takes place in south louisiana and deals with boat captains in the southern  regions  of the looked familiar...another movie was "Swamp Water" which deals with the Okefenokee swamps and was directed by Jean Renoir son of the famous has a very young walter huston and a very young walter brennon and several very young other eventually well know actors...the cinematography is excellent...there is a DVD which i picked up with a movie called "Barbarella" (1968) which i had never seen before was a big deal back is actually quite creative and being before there was very sophisticated "special effects" they make good use of physical stage settings such as shag carpeting...this film stars a very young jane is a sort of a "lost in space" meets "austin powers" type expression of modernity...unfortunately ms fonda decided to go to north vietnam and "provide aid and comfort to the enemy" and her popularity was diminished...(she should have been thrown in prison)...anyhow the film is worth watching... 

i found an interesting YOUTUBE account called "The wicked fruits of Amalek" which is about the old testament character so named who was told by the old testament god to annihilate all the men women and children and livestock of their enemy who had attacked them...i think some of the attitude of the current crop of annihilators is based on these historical renditions...god forbid anyone should make their actions coincide with three thousand year old accounts of military encounters..."vanity vanity all is vanity"

i like to watch old television shows on DVD because they have no commercial of my favorites is "Maverick" with james garner...the later maverick where he moves to a small town in southern arizona and owns a bar and a ranch outside of town... one of my favorite episodes is called "The Mayflower Women's Historical Society"... all of the characters are very well played and this particular episode deals with "illicit ardor" which sort of in a very mild way portrays the choices women make in choosing who they grant their "favors" to...the choice is theirs...garner liked to push the envelope..

"Old age has been charged with being insensible to pleasure and the enjoyments arising from the gratification of the senses- a most blessed and heavenly effect, truly, if it eases us of what in youth was the sorest plague of life."



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