Friday, August 30, 2024

" enliven morality..."

so my birthday  was last month...this is the woman responsible...very cute!
porcupine skull at the top...bright yellow spider on a bright yellow flower...obviously more adjustments needed on the camera
listened to some good philosophy this week...giorgio Agamben was recommended by philosophize this so i looked up the site "Living on the margins; Agambens Homo sacer explained" "(7:28)(serenity of reason)...very radical views about the people who are sometimes called corpus vile...people without value in society so anything can be done to them...also i watched a documentary called "brilliant pebbles the rods from god...a brief history of kinetic orbital bombardment"....basically it is about taking light pole sized solid metal rods into space and dropping them back into earths gravity...they reach spectacular speeds and cause great kinetic power without explosives...whoa buddy!...carl jungs "the red book" is well worth listening to as it is about human psychology both positive and negative..."Carl Jung on "Wotan" what led to the rise of fascism and WWII."..i think judeo-fascism is becoming more common...i found a great documentary about the founding of the nazi organization called the SS a fellow named whistler put this online...very think it can not happen here!? think again...Philosophize this segment #185 is "should we prepare for an AI revolution" very current views about the so called intelligence developments in play today...i downloaded "TELEGRAM" on my phone...i think it must be for people who are much more secretive than i am...i have only made one phone call on my new government issued phone and it was to the phone service on the other phone...they pretty much told me i had blown 30 bucks on my additional time and that i should get the card from the dollar i suppose we are getting into that part of the election where "transitory bumpiness" may raise it's ugly head...
it is good to know that shanghai is the first Chinese city to have 500 kentucky fried chicken restaurants...thats a lot of chickens being eaten...

" enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality..." motto of "The Spectator"


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