Friday, August 16, 2024

"The prosperity of a people..."

found abandoned at the campsite...
does the ant feed on the bugs?
for a fly this is a handsome fellow
a woman said this was a bolete mushroom...i don't think so!
two large rats and 8 mice snapped at the grocery box this week...the ants, coyotes and the ravens liked it

i took the opportunity to listen to the 2 hour "conversation" between trump and musk...i have only made it through half of this encounter thus far...i highly recommend that anyone with an interest in trumps mental state listen to this...unfortunately there has been some rude remarks about trumps speech...first it was his hair then it was his body is inconsequential compared to the rest of his orientation...musk was very soothing and agreeable...he is obviously looking for a job...not born here so he can not be president...but he really wants to be...the conversation about climate change was not based on any science i ever heard of..i picked up a collection of DVD's entitled "The nature of matter: Understanding the physical world" by prof. david Bell (2015) lecture # 17 is entitled "The air we breath"...this 30 minute lecture is well illustrated and explains why the parts per million of carbon in the air is important...neither musk or trump seemed to have a good grasped of the concept of global warming...i have noticed that wealthy people view the seriousness of global warming differently from the less affluent...

I also heard a mr jamie diamond speak intelligently about the economic situation globally...his stance rejects the bickering that seems to dominate the conversation...

as i sat with my lovely $40 classical guitar in my lap i came across a ms. Konstantina Andritsou who was playing a classical composition on her guitar...she was 7 years old...i almost cried knowing i would never be anything but a very mediocre player at most...i do however love the guitar

the tension in various places around the world is somewhat it time for CASTLE BRAVO!...lets hope not...

on a happier note i watched Andy Huggins "king of the one liners" is an old guy...and very funny

"The prosperity of a people is proportionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed. To the community, sedition is a fever, corruption is a gangrene, and idleness is an atrophy. Whatever body or society wastes more than it acquires, must gradually decay; and every being that contrives to be fed, and ceases to labor takes away something from the public stock."  not sure who wrote this...maybe johnson?...


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