Friday, October 25, 2024

"Better be despised..."

 i think the dog is Dagmar and the auto is a 1956 Pontiac Chieftain...the children live at the house 

the weather report said the temps would only be 94 degrees but the truck thermometer says 100 degrees, now i have 40 pounds of ice so i should make it OK...the room i rented was 80 bucks number 19 with an excellent air conditioner and excellent refrigerator an old style dial operated microwave which worked well and a bath with a shower and a tub the soap was about as useful as a poker chip and the shampoo in the plastic package could wash the hair on a small hamster...not a large hamster however...the television and remote worked well but the stations were not very good but one c-span and some public stations also.. i asked about weekend rates and was told the rates were the same as week-day rates...the neon lights were out on the sign but the ones that were lit said HACIEN...i think the others might have be DA...right there on the main drag in town...

the fellow at the place i had stayed in flagstaff raised the rates from 81 bucks to 181 bucks for friday and saturday...had to go down the road when i heard that...i hit two blizzards between flag and ash fork...i saw the longest backed up traffic i have ever seen in the eastbound hwy least 20 miles of stopped traffic...not sure what caused it there was an overturned semi trailer in the median and a pick-up truck which had been destroyed from the drivers door to the tailgate...don't see how anyone could have survived that...anyhow waiting until 5pm in the library to see if the temps go down some more...

i watched mr vance lie with a straight face into the camera on a campaign speech from yesterday i trump is still a psychopath and dangerous to the world...he seems to be experiencing what might be called a "historical mirage"...

read a good short account of the thinking process in humans according to Evelina Fedorenko who said that her research indicates that thinking can be done without using the language part of the brain...this is exactly contrary to what noam chomsky and others said their studies indicated...all thinking is dependent on language...a very interesting change in this science...may have implications on language and reason in machines also...

"Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security." E.Burke


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