Friday, October 25, 2024


 good moon rising...a few days ago in the desert...keeps things in perspective....

I've been thinking about eros and thanatos...the life and death notions according to s. freud...he felt that  thanatos was the desire to return to an in-organic state....and the eros desire was aligned with the libido or sex drive or creativity....i think humans whether consciously or sub-consciously have these notions in their motivations or drives at all times...when i view the ancient earth and the surrounding celestial spheres i can better relate to my physical self  in this realm....the non-physical self is less readily recognizable in this ever i think my attraction to new growth  relates to my increased awareness  of my own aging self...caducity is a good term to tidy it up some...

i think before too many people get whipped into a frenzy of deportation they had better take a look at who it is that is doing most of the storm clean-up around the nation...and most of the fall agricultural work not to mention the dairy labor,,,,etc, etc usual some folks will "make an inch of truth cover an acre of ground"...when you "have to invent a world to support a theory..." i do not think the USA has become a "garbage can" so much as a re-cycling center...hooray for re-cycling...

i see on the early news where the zoo in colo. springs is being sued by the non-human rights project...they say their elephants are suffering due to inadequate habitat...the zoo is on the side of a mountain in the rockies...they have bred a lot of giraffes there...but elephants are a good place to start including non-humans the so-called "rights' movement...

i watched  some good utube presentations....sabbatical was in the city in russia where many world leaders recently met to consider how they will challenge the so called "west"...he is headed to siberia...hope had his long underwear handy.."philosophize this" released a good latest chapter which shows that mr. west is hitting his stride...very well done...and he says his next effort will deal with "mysticism"...what ever that is...

some good music came my way in the form of "Muriel Anderson demonstrates her Doolin Harp-guitar for Peghead Nation" and "Mike Dawes live at Cedars Hall"...i had to look up who was singing a country song i think called "excuse me, i think you love me' a tip of the hat to women's empowerment...

well i need to take my pygmy pony over to the dental floss bushes today...

"...distinction does not require separation..." Dr. Ian Gilchrist

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