Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Death destroys a man:..."

watched another documentary last night
second episode of ascent of man
by j. bronowski
the harvest of the seasons
he spent time with the bakhtiari nomads
from iran
sheepherders living in the mountains
traveling 250 miles twice a year
on foot and donkey and
swimming many cold rivers
with their livestock

and then bronowski spent time in jerico
where agriculturalist were born
he pointed out that nomads don't invent
because they are too busy gettin' a livin'
whereas agriculturalist invent things
because they have some free time
to think
they invent civilization
yeah right
then he mentioned that the mongols
were nomads and they participated
in a co-operative form of theft
from the agriculturalist
that co-operative form of theft thing
seems to have flourished
bronowski pointed out that among the bakhtiari
when the old
could no longer cross the rivers
they stayed behind to die
makes ya think
or should

life is as fragile as milkweed down
death is certain

think i'll watch the new documentary
about the roma tonight
the gypsies
something comforting knowing
there are still nomads on this planet
not inventing civilization

 "Death destroys a man:
the idea of death saves him."
                           E.M. Forster
got to get
back to the circus
mr. cayetano

Friday, February 17, 2012

"He has outsoared the shade..."

i am sitting at a small table in a smokey bar
in new orleans
i clutch a beer bottle in my hand
while the singer in the band sings a few notes
as i chat with a lovely woman across the table from me
 from behind the bar a floozy watches the crowd

a man says cut

the singer stops singing
the water vapor smoke begins to thin
the beer bottle is empty and has been
and i am still 24 years sober
the lovely woman is happily married
but not to me
the floozy behind the bar
is a stunningly beautiful redhead
who breaks the heart of men like me
for a hobby

this is the business of illusion
selling illusion to people
who are already living an illusion
a mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a mirror

we do it three more times
then the director thanks us
and we walk two blocks back to the
building to get out paperwork signed
then catch the van to the parking lot

i wonder if i have enough gas to get home
and if the 6 bucks i have in cash will help if i don't
my heart hurts a little
but it is not broken

He has outsoared the shade of
 our night;
Envy and calumny and hate and
And that unrest which men miscall
Can touch him not and torture not
From the contagion of the worlds slow stain
He is secure, and now can never
A heart grown cold, a head grown
grey in vain."
                       Percy Bysshe Shelly

back to the circus
mr. cayetano

Monday, February 13, 2012

“True guilt is guilt to the obligation...

the notion of guilt sometimes enters
into my mind
there are all kinds of things
people seem to think I need to
be, act, do, say, etc.

been reading fewer books lately
can’t really make any excuses
 thinking maybe I could say
 i’ve been reading a lot on-line
yeah right
to paraphrase truman capote’s comment
on kerouac’s  book ‘on the road’
that’s not reading
that’s surfing

see the queers can get married now
in california
good for them
serves them right
now when I go to wombat park to ride the bike
i have to worry about being kidnapped
by a queer when I go to the bathroom
and taken to california
and forced to marry him
pretty funny
the vigilantes stake out the bathroom
and send someone around
to make sure no homosexualites try
to snatch some innocent child
what a joke
they are vigilante fanatics

“Does it really matter what these affectionate people do- so long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses! Mrs. Patrick Campbell
(referring to rumours of a homosexual liaison between two actors.)

turned on the tele a few days ago and
watched with horrified fascination as one
person after another paraded up to the podium
to declare themselves the most “conservative”
candidate, commentator or whatever
these people are fanatics
scares the shit out of me

definitely time to start the
mushroom tea party
all candidates will give speeches naked
all candidates will take several bong hits
before giving a speech
all candidates will read ginsburg's 
aloud before beginning a speech
all candidates will sing lennon's 
give peace a chance 
before giving a speech
is it just my imagination or does that coulter
woman have a decidedly saurian look

watched one of my favorite tele stations yesterday
several hours of congressional interviews with
the nations top intelligence chiefs
they seemed worried
lots of threats to our freedom
they say
 seemed like a lot
of pretzel logic to me
as the hearings ended
mr clapper (does that name ring a bell) (military)
& mr mueller (fbi)
congratulated each other on being marines
they seemed like fanatics

 “From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.”
                                  Denis Diderot (1713-1784)

 “True guilt is guilt to the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself. False guilt is guilt felt at not being what other people feel one ought to be or assume that one is.” 
                                                                        R.D. Laing

happy valentines day
mr. cayetano

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"All men dream but not equally."

i had a dream
some more
the earth opened up and swallowed my truck
the truck turned over and spilled
everything into the hole
in the earth
i barely escaped
i wept bitterly
lots of significant imagery
what’s it all mean mr. natural

went to the irs last week
waited in line to see the guy at the desk
two guys ahead of me
they go up to the desk
they are deaf
they speak in sign language
they start out calmly
then become increasingly animated
soon they are yelling
with their hands
pointing at their paperwork
eventually they become disgusted
and leave
a lot was said but
not a sound was heard
i get my advice from the desk and leave
i return to the irs this week
i get in line
 the guy behind the desk
gives me the hand gun
you know he makes a gun with his hand
and points it at me
i’m being shot
by the federal employee
he is black
if i were in his seat and he were
where I am
i would lose my job
or at least be reprimanded
where’s the equality

i am inspired by others
listening to a woman on the radio
who says we have to address inequality
the bigotry
the slander
and speak out against it
dr. mary frances berry
an inspiration

i am subjected to harassment daily
on the job
at the store
in my home
i am not loved
the local constabulary
does not love me
the long arms of the law want
to put the squeeze on me
sid the squid and his squidlettes hate me
but i am inspired
i must persevere

at my job as an extroid i am
subjected to harassment
the old girls sit around and malign me
they say things of a sexual nature
things that would get me fired
if i said them
they lack sex appeal
“Woman’s virtue is mans greatest invention.”
                                  Cornelius Otis Skinner

i have been subjected to harassment
and even threats of violence
for speaking out against persons who
are seeking unwarranted entitlement
these particular people are becoming
increasingly dominant in business
they seek unconstitutional favor from government
they say they have a long tradition of aggressive
behavior and domination and superiority
above all they extol loyalty
“My honor is my loyalty”
         motto of the Schutzstaffel (German SS)
these people have become a fungus in society
semper fungus

i am told that if I do not behave
according to their rules
i will not have a roof
or a floor
or a door
or windows
and my legs will be cut off
and I will get no time
and my color is no good
and on
and on
and on
who are these people
do they know I live in a country
where men and women have
and died
and are dying every week
to protect my freedom
that’s not a dream
that’s reality
dead people
who were told to fight
and die
to protect my freedom
i must do my part
by demanding and fighting
for my freedom
in this country
or their lives were given in vain
i  must speak out against tyranny
and the daily abuses of power

we as a nation are being subjected to
the vain notion that some people
deserve better treatment than others
we must fight against the tyrants
freedom is always under siege
it’s not a dream

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.
T.E. Lawrence

i need to go
back to the circus
mr. cayetano

Saturday, February 4, 2012

"The only man who is really free..."

the candidates are all around us
every move
every word
every gesture
is analyzed
and we are fed a lot of

 spotted some editorial
commentary from an age gone by

“Cleveland is a ‘strong man” exactly as a hog is a strong animal. Stubborn without courage, persevering without judgment and greedy without gratitude, these unpleasant characteristics Cleveland and the hog have in common. There are several other points of resemblance; but I have no desire to be hard on the hog……”
                      William Cowper Brann
                       Editor of Texas newspaper
                       “The Iconoclast”

pretty tough on old grover
this editor was tough on
all the politicians
eventually he was gunned down
in the streets of waco, texas


 when i listen to some of
what the candidates
have to say- i think
perhaps we could indulge in their
ideas and plans
like a buffet
some of this
a smattering of that
nobody has all the right ideas

the two guys at the top of the heap 
leave me with a bad taste in 
my mouth

i keep expecting mmit to say
let them eat cake
he’s all frosting
and no cake

herr newt
is all recipe
and no biscuits

"The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse."
                      Jules Renard (1864 - 1910)

got to get 
back to the circus
mr. cayetano

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Beware lest in your anxiety..."

i have enemy's i suppose
who doesn't
i've been told many many times
you can't win against those folks

i picked up my 1889 copy of marcus aurelius antoninus
just now from the table beside the bed and decided
i would copy the first thing i saw
when i opened the book
and here it is from page 68

"This then remains; Remember to retire into this little territory
of thine own, and above all do not distract or strain thyself, but
be free, and look at things as a man, as a human being, as a citizen,
as a mortal. But among the readiest to thy hand to which thou shall
turn, let there be these, which are two. One is that things do not
touch the soul, for they are external and remain immovable; but our
perturbations come only from the opinion which is within.
The other is that all these things which thou seest change
immediately and will no longer be; and constantly bear in mind
how many of these changes thou hast already witnessed. The universe
is transformation; life is opinion."

i feel better already
i was watching a documentary about epicurus
on top documentaries night before last
this fellow had some interesting views
and would not be an epicurian by todays meaning
of the term
he thought advertising caused people to stray from
being happy
so a couple of thousand years ago this really rich
fellow in turkey who was a big fan of epicurus
built this giant wall in his city right next to the market place
and he chiseled in red letters on the wall the ideas of epicurus
about how buying things was not going to make people happy
pretty interesting
epicurus figured if people would bolster
themselves against advertising and opinion they would find it
easier to live the good life and be satisfied without
trying to purchase happiness
check out the video
very nice view from the old market place.

and that's why i keep bolstering myself against opinion
that i can't win against those folks 

"Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master."

got to go,
back to the circus
mr. cayetano