Monday, February 13, 2012

“True guilt is guilt to the obligation...

the notion of guilt sometimes enters
into my mind
there are all kinds of things
people seem to think I need to
be, act, do, say, etc.

been reading fewer books lately
can’t really make any excuses
 thinking maybe I could say
 i’ve been reading a lot on-line
yeah right
to paraphrase truman capote’s comment
on kerouac’s  book ‘on the road’
that’s not reading
that’s surfing

see the queers can get married now
in california
good for them
serves them right
now when I go to wombat park to ride the bike
i have to worry about being kidnapped
by a queer when I go to the bathroom
and taken to california
and forced to marry him
pretty funny
the vigilantes stake out the bathroom
and send someone around
to make sure no homosexualites try
to snatch some innocent child
what a joke
they are vigilante fanatics

“Does it really matter what these affectionate people do- so long as they don’t do it in the street and frighten the horses! Mrs. Patrick Campbell
(referring to rumours of a homosexual liaison between two actors.)

turned on the tele a few days ago and
watched with horrified fascination as one
person after another paraded up to the podium
to declare themselves the most “conservative”
candidate, commentator or whatever
these people are fanatics
scares the shit out of me

definitely time to start the
mushroom tea party
all candidates will give speeches naked
all candidates will take several bong hits
before giving a speech
all candidates will read ginsburg's 
aloud before beginning a speech
all candidates will sing lennon's 
give peace a chance 
before giving a speech
is it just my imagination or does that coulter
woman have a decidedly saurian look

watched one of my favorite tele stations yesterday
several hours of congressional interviews with
the nations top intelligence chiefs
they seemed worried
lots of threats to our freedom
they say
 seemed like a lot
of pretzel logic to me
as the hearings ended
mr clapper (does that name ring a bell) (military)
& mr mueller (fbi)
congratulated each other on being marines
they seemed like fanatics

 “From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step.”
                                  Denis Diderot (1713-1784)

 “True guilt is guilt to the obligation one owes to oneself to be oneself. False guilt is guilt felt at not being what other people feel one ought to be or assume that one is.” 
                                                                        R.D. Laing

happy valentines day
mr. cayetano

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