Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Death destroys a man:..."

watched another documentary last night
second episode of ascent of man
by j. bronowski
the harvest of the seasons
he spent time with the bakhtiari nomads
from iran
sheepherders living in the mountains
traveling 250 miles twice a year
on foot and donkey and
swimming many cold rivers
with their livestock

and then bronowski spent time in jerico
where agriculturalist were born
he pointed out that nomads don't invent
because they are too busy gettin' a livin'
whereas agriculturalist invent things
because they have some free time
to think
they invent civilization
yeah right
then he mentioned that the mongols
were nomads and they participated
in a co-operative form of theft
from the agriculturalist
that co-operative form of theft thing
seems to have flourished
bronowski pointed out that among the bakhtiari
when the old
could no longer cross the rivers
they stayed behind to die
makes ya think
or should

life is as fragile as milkweed down
death is certain

think i'll watch the new documentary
about the roma tonight
the gypsies
something comforting knowing
there are still nomads on this planet
not inventing civilization

 "Death destroys a man:
the idea of death saves him."
                           E.M. Forster
got to get
back to the circus
mr. cayetano

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