Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Marriage without love..."

  since i am quick to criticize poor risk to reward decisions made by others i decided to get the hell out of  harms way...i packed up  and went into town and rented a room...i discussed with several federal forestry workers the fate of all the life forms that get burned up and the consequences of these "prescribed" burns on the ecosystem...not enough is done to promote the regrowth of the charismatic micro-fauna...the bugs...

i watched the legislative cat fight between the black the brown and the blond female legislators and it seems to me that this encounter did not facilitate any legislative duties being achieved...i find that if i keep a list of things i need to do i am more productive in my daily chores...legislators get paid too well to squander the time and money being allocated to them...minimum wage is still $7.25...  if they can not find anything else to apply their talents to this attrocity is something that needs urgent attention....PLEASE!,,,

i see where the term "lawfare" has become popular to describe the multitude of legal charges which are being brought against various people... especially the former seems to me that this country should be proud of the fact that legal challenges are confronted by legal means rather than the use of force...usually....

the international criminal court has decided to issue arrest warrants for people in israel and palistine...i looked up how many people died when the USA  bombed cambodia during the vietnam war...more than one hundred thousand citizens died according to the internet search...and it said that a bomb fell on Laos every nine seconds for seven humans are certainly willing to whack the hell out of each other regardless of any social or religious or governmental considerations (or financial)....i also was amazed to read recently that 80 percent of all the doughnut shops in california are owned by cambodian/american citizens...this seems to be a usual occurrence that so many people who have lived in countries that USA has engaged in military actions against pack up and come to the be prosperous...

i read where K. Harris was reported to tell some girls that if they found the "doors of opportunity" to be locked to them they should "kick the fucking door down"....proper emphasis on an important issue i suppose...we can call it the "swift" effect...

"Marriage  without love means love without marriage..." said by kenneth clark on "Civilization"  (also a common subject of country western songs)


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