Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"Why don't you judge..."

i have never posted any images of me playing guitar but my memory sticks etc. have been purloined and therefore i suspect there are images and videos that i made which have been posted by others...oh, well...this is my lovely orlando rescued model number by i really like this instrument and she sounds nice to me...the $40 cost was minimal and i had to do some repair work on her...gluing braces etc. i read an interview with johnny winter once and he was asked when he first started to play guitar...he said at age 12...then he was asked when he made his first recording for a record and he said two years later...sort of made me want to quit guitar...i started at age 58...but i like guitars and i persevere...for my own enjoyment...

there seems to be an increased amount of  "conflict"  around the world in the news these days...i would like to go on record as not being in conflict with any of the peoples of the planet and do not want to be included in any governments resources to engage in lethal confrontation....that is to say i do not hate Chinese or Russian or Iranian etc etc etc people, but i realize that governments and military's see themselves as needing to "engage" others for the purpose of promoting....what i am not sure... 

anyhow i do believe that there are people who seek to do others harm other and i appreciate those people that they put themselves in harms way to stop this ...i just hope that the cure is not worse than the disease...

"Why don't you judge for yourself what is right?" Luke 12:57


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