Friday, March 26, 2021

"Men are qualified for civil liberty..."

                                              this fox is standing in front of a 12 in ruler                                                         well i hate to admit it but i have hundreds of fox videos now and could not be sure whether I am seeing a kit fox or a swift fox...but i am astounded at how small these animals are...once when I went out of the van to see them shortly before sunrise I was startled because I thought I was looking at a house-cat...and not a very big house cat either...a couple of mornings ago there were several barking near the van an I suspected that they  needed something and sure enough the water dish was empty...     considering how many kangaroo rats I have caught on video with the new game camera I would thing that occasionally they would devour a few of these...and I have seen a new diurnal ground squirrel which I had not seen before...the round tailed ground squirrel...Citellus tereticaudus...which has no stripes...from the number of tracks and holes I see of the rodents I think there must be enough to support a sizeable population of carnivores...But I have never seen a snake...which would get a lot to eat....very few raptors but several shrikes (or butcher birds) which like to eat the lizards...i have found several dead lizards pinioned on a shrub where the shrikes apparently forgot where they left their meal.  

i figured I would write my favorite Edmund Burke quote...which i may have written somewhere else already but it is worth attention...i have neutered it...

"People are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains on their own appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity; in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the councils of the wise and good in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon the will and appetite is placed somewhere; and the less  there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that people of intemperate habits cannot be free. Their passions must forge their fetters." Edmund Burke      

so i would like to recommend a movie which I picked up a while is "Algiers" with  Charles Boyer and Hedy Lamarr and Sigrid Gurie..from is about a man who will make you cry.

and also a CD which I picked up in Mississippi by gil scott heron called" I'm not from here"                   this recording is kind of unique in it's raw may make you cry also



Friday, March 19, 2021

"Terrorism today is not a conventional enemy..."

                                 about a year ago...when masks were a new thing

 "Terrorism today is not a conventional enemy and has its own rules    of engagement. No territory to control, no economy to protect          or nurture, no citizens to whom it has obligations , nor does it have     an existence with the society of states, there is no institutional            relationship to states or super-national organizations, its hostility     might be self inspired by some ideological fervor, or externally generated in response to some action perhaps of ours or condition     of its constituency. In a sense it seems to me to have nothing to lose,"  Geoff Hoon- British Foriegn Policy Center


Thursday, March 18, 2021

"It is a rare thing..."

    probably a side blotched lizard...about 7 or 8 inches long

i was listening to the daily comments about bit-coin on the radio                                                               i heard the first purchase made with bit-coins was some pizzas                                                                 which were bought for 10 thousand bit odd that the value                                                      of these tools for commerce would have reached the value of over $50,000                                               but when you consider the price put on a piece of canvas with oil paint on it                                              at over $100,000,000 the whole concept of "value" becomes warped.....                                                    in the 18th century there were "Physiocrats" who believed agriculture was the                                        the standard by which things should be valued....there are people who are worth in excess of 150 billion dollars 1866 Lew Wallace went to mexico to hunt on an estate which was described as 8,131,242 acres with 7000 peons owned by Carlos Sanchez...i read the difference between mexico and the USA is that these huge land grants which were awarded to people in favor in Spain allowed power to be concentrated in a few people and therefore a wealthy class ruled the impoverished many...I wonder if the mega rich people in the USA will eventually lead to a serf/ruler society here                      now a cubic foot of lead weighs about 708 pounds and a cubic foot of gold weighs about 1204 pounds     and neither one of them is good to other words a cantaloupe can keep you alive but                     gold cannot keep you alive...but I have heard that there is plenty of food to send to the starving             people in Yemen but no money with which to purchase people starve to odd               I do not think that history will be kind to the 20th century....

"It is a rare thing to find a combination of great means and of great conceptions in one mind." Colton

Saturday, March 13, 2021

"A home is not a mere transient shelter..."

                                                       housing / residence/ home/ abode/shelter

i hear a lot about the so called homeless                                                                                                          as i have said for quite a long time...the homeless industry is booming                                                     the corrupted business leeches are delighted to pilfer the money                                                                if permanent but mobile housing were developed which a person could                                                      acquire equity in the so called homeless would be better situated in the world                                            the above shelter would be a good basis from which to design a more functional                                       housing solution...recyclability should be a high priority...                                                                          "A home is not a mere transient shelter; its essence lies in its permanence, it its capacity                          for accretion and solidification, in its quality of representing, in all its details, the personalities                of the people who live in it. In the course of years it becomes a sort of museum of these people;              they give it its indefinable air, separating it from all other homes as one human face is separated             from all others. It is at once a refuge from the world, a treasure-house, a castle and a shrine of                  a whole hierarchy of peculiarly private and potent Gods."  H.L. Mencken

30 million acres of US farmland is foreign owned 

Friday, March 12, 2021

"We are often brought nearer..."

                        white-face bovine...looking for trouble

NEWS FLASH....NEWS FLASH...NEWS FLASH                                                                      

The farm of Mr. E. Teatsqueezer was recently invaded by a mobbish                                                          herd of white-faced is his response to this incident 

"Our farm was over-run by an unruly herd of cattle who broke the doors open                                          on the Teatsqueezer towers barn facility and made their way to the feed room                                           where they broke open bales of hay and bags of grain and ate all they wanted                                          and then pooped all over the floor and terrorized Miss Moo and traumatized Horace                                Hogwash and then left the barn without regard to the guard dog Rupert who would have                          been stomped to pieces if he had not climbed to the top of the tractor.  These ruffians                              showed no respect for our private property or animals and we is seeking damages from                          the owners of this herd. Miss Moo did not eat for several days and Horace was unable to                         sleep well although his appetite remained good...Rubert however remains stalwart and                            vigilant in his duties to guard our property...   

"We are often brought nearer to unbecoming actions by the heedless use of unbecoming words."                                                                                                                                          ARISTOTLE                         

Thursday, March 11, 2021

"The insatiate itch..."


this is probably a zebra-tailed lizard...a young one...just unearthed and very got darker                  dug up while digging a hole for the feces...

there are 60 tons of turds on denali
apollo missions have left 96 bags of turds on the moon
feces are 30 percent bacteria
arab speakers make up 5% of the worlds population                                                                                    58% of the worlds refugees and 68% of the worlds war deaths                                                                    there are 182,000 TOP SECRET jobs in U.S. government                                                                           Able Marpol a white jew from the Bronx wrote "Strange Fruit" a song made                                             famous by Billie Holiday...Marpol also adopted two children of the Rosenberg's                                        after they were executed by the U.S. government for espionage                                                                A-7713 was Elie Wiesels  concentration camp tattoo number                                                                      Ernest Hemingway's son Gregory had a sex change operation at age 65 and died as Gloria                       "We Croak" is an app that will call you 5 times a day to remind you that you are going to die                  one million hampsters were trapped  in east germany in 1966...125 hampster skins to make a coat           Simo Hayha was a  finnish woman sniper who had 505 confirmed kills...she used a 1928 Mosin-Nagant rifle                                                                                                                                                    "God is not on the side of the heavy battalions but of the best shots." Voltaire                                              "All military defeats can be summarized in two words-" Too Late." Douglas MacArthur                             Bette Davis husband Mr. Harmon Oscar Nelson is where the name for the "Oscars" come from               as of 2018 the highest paid public employee in 8 states is a college  basketball coach                              in 31 states it is a football coach                                                                                                                    "Wisdom comes by disillusionment" George Santayana                                                                               
"The insatiate itch of scribbling, hateful pest,                                                                                              Creeps like a titter, through the human breast;                                                                                               Nor knows, nor hopes a cure."     Juvenal

"Der feind steht im ergenen Lager"                                                                                             

"If thousands are thrown out of employment..."


               well employed coyote...are at least not un-employed...

a couple of days ago i noticed movement and saws this animal casually sauntering by...                             i spoke a few words of encouragement as he got nearer...and being a not-unfriendly sort                          he walked towards me....and I realized I didn't have any vittles easily at hand...but he wasn't                    going to stay for lunch and he just lifted his leg and peed then went on his way...                                     these animals have been relentlessly destroyed as long as the europeans have been in north america         risking the possibility of a bubonic plague outbreak if the rodents get too populous...

there are people who have been equally scourged and maligned...they like the coyotes and some other     animals have been made "CORPUS VILE"...the Jews, Blacks, Irish, Cajuns, Italians, and many others    

"There never was a civilized nation of any complexion than white." David Hume                                      "The negro of Africa have by nature no feeling that arises above the trifling." Immanuel Kant

these highly regarded european philosophers were un-enlightened...and Pythagoras thought farts             contained the essence of the soul and when we poot we lose some of our soul...hopefully not so...

but so called philosophers are not all the same... take Thales for instance...he is identified by ARISTOTLE as the first pre-socratic philosopher...well this enterprising philosopher had a knack          for noticing things in nature and one year he predicted that there was going to be a very large olive           harvest...but he kept that information to he bought up all the olive presses and when the harvest time came he made a bundle of  money...

"Intelligence is quickness to apprehend as distinct from ability, which is capacity to act                              wisely on the thing apprehended." Alfred North Whitehead                                                                       

"If thousands are thrown out of employment, it suggests that they were not well employed.                        Why don't they take the hint." Henry David Thoreau (letter, Nov. 16, 1857)