Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"The greatest poem ever known..."

                                             long awaited rain makes a big splash...hurray!
       biggest and brightest rainbow i've ever seen...the white on the right bottom is a 4-door pick-up truck
                                   coming and going...  seen more birds since the rain...these are happy birds
                                        lots of sand moved down the dry-washes when it rained

well i got what i wanted for christmas..."a monkey and a plywood violin"...probably should think about getting a room for the night..."It's the Presidential suite ya' know"..."Well the whole cabinet could use the bath-tub...They ought to have lifeguards"...been thinking about putting an advert on a singles site..."If you can't find love at least we can find symmetry"..."but my lifestyle does not appeal to most women..."It might get a wee bit dangerous sugar butt"...but i am always asked complicated questions about what i do..."I tempt those who can be tempted and i punish those who deserve to be punished...that is my function, my occupation,,,my job, my joy..."

heard this on a you tube lecture by John Bradshaw...on shame...

""To a Child"

""The greatest poem ever known/ Is one all poets have outgrown/ The poetry, innate, untold,/ Of being only four years old-/ Still young enough to be a part/ Of natures great impulsive heart/ Born comrade of bird, beast and tree/ And UN-self-conscious as a bee-/ And yet with lovely reason skilled / Each day a new paradise to build; / Elate explorer of each sense/ Without dismay, without pretense!-/ In your unstained transparent eyes / There is no conscious, no surprise/ Lifes queer conundrums you accept, / Your strange divinity still kept.-/ Being, that new absorbs you all/ Harmonious unit, integral/ Will shred into perplexing bits,-oh, contradictions of the wits!/ And life, that sets all things in rhyme,/ May make you poet too in time-/ But there were days, O' Tender elf,/ When you were poetry itself..."  Christopher Morley 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

"It is time to dismiss..."

"Cei n'est pas une pipe!"...i saw an unusual pattern beneath a bush and was reaching down to pick it up when my old brain said NO!

 last night mama brought her baby to get a drink and maybe catch a kangaroo rat for dinner...maybe not....

i saw in my reptile book that the sidewinder rattlesnake is also called the "horned" rattler...all i see on this snake are a couple of white lines on top of the eyes...this animal was between 12 and 14 inches long so not a full grown sidewinder if that is what it is...the messages from the eyeballs are routed to two different parts of the brain...the old part and the new part...the old part gets the message quicker and in this case the old brain vetoed the hands move to pick up a snake....

good news...a bill was introduced in congress called the "Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act" by senator elizabeth warren and representative  hank johnson...i think that ms warren and ms harris might make a good pair for the presidential race...the current contenders...not so much...

i read this advice given by s. johnson to a clergyman in boswells life of johnson on how to write a is also good advice on how to write a blog..." the labor of composition, do not burthen your mind with too much at once; do not exact from yourself at one effort of excogitation, propriety of thought and elegance of expression. Invent first, and then embellish. The production of something, where nothing was before is an act of greater energy than the expansion or decoration of the thing produced. Set down diligently your thoughts as they rise, in the first words that occure; and when have matter, you will easily give it form' nor, perhaps will this method be always necessary' for by habit, your thoughts and diction flow together."  samuel johnson 8/30/1780 

"It is time to dismiss bailouts, reject extortion attempts, and recognize that cherry-picking the past is no way to secure freedom and prosperity for the future." Washington Examiner 11/21/23  this after a special committee of African Union and Caribbean Community representing 75 countries endorsed demand that European states should pay reparations for "historical mass crimes"....i dont think so....

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

"Mr. (name blank), who loved buttered muffins.."

 spider skin from the spider cocoon, these spiders may be exclusively on the ocatillo  plants
it appears that there is a fight brewing with these foxes...

been having nightmares about the conflict in Gaza...i youtubed generational trauma and assume that both the Israelis and the palistinians are about ate up with generational trauma...there will be no end to this conflict...noble warrior culture...i dont think so...

also wanted to see what was available about carl jungs thoughts about UFO sightings...he wrote a book called "Flying saucers, a modern myth of things"...i have never been too interested in UFO but now i have twice seen lights in the desert sky...can not ignore i can not identify these lights

had a big climate summit...ha ha ha...not a mention of population control yet! how stupid is that...

picked up an encyclopedia of sherlock holmes...for a dime...will soon begin to carry a penang lawyer and might find some serum of anthropoid to get my libido up and running

went to mexico this morning  for a tooth exam and a extraction=$50 one cleaning=$25 100 50mg antibiotic=$9 parking=$ a headache but the dental work needed to be done... 

"Mr. (name blank) who loved hot buttered muffins, but durst not eat them because they disagree with his stomach, resolved to shoot himself; and he eat 3 buttered muffins for breakfast, before shooting himself, knowing that he should not be troubled with indigestion..."   from Boswell's "Life of Johnson"

Friday, December 1, 2023

"No Mans error..."


have not seen any white tailed antelope squirrels which used to way out number the round-tailed ground squirrels...the foxes seem to have good coats and are really thirsty...i bought a new waterbowl today so there will be more water available

lots of helicopters flying low over the mountain-top...maybe someone decided to climb the trail to the top and fell jnto a crevasse...more food for the vultures...

well finished the 3rd season of "la Femme Nikita" and a basic overview is that all the characters first of all need to get laid...they are all trained to kill...and they need to get laid...and they are all devious...and they all need to get laid...and they are all sociopaths and they all need to get laid...and everyone wants to kill their co-workers...and they all need to get laid...Nikita shoots fast and kills with great frequency...and she needs to get laid...just a  suggestion...

"No mans error becomes his own Law; nor obliges him to persist in it."  Thomas Hobbes

Thursday, November 16, 2023

"The germ of dissolution..."

                                     home sweet desert...near the cargo muchacho mountains
                                                 el centro is right up the road a ways...

i see where ms. Omar has filed a "resolution of disapproval" to stop the usa from supplying the Israeli military with bombs...however smart they may be...5000 dead children...sounds dumb to me...

i watched a movie a few days ago that i feel compelled to comment on..."Altered" (2006) 88 min. directed by eduardo sanchez with "creature" make-up by mike elizade...the movie is about some "good ol' boys" who go out into the swamp to capture a stupid alien monster hereafter referred to as SAM...these fellows are not strong on brain seems that one "Timmy", brother of one of the guys was killed by SAM and now they seek revenge...they find one of these creatures and wrap it and chain it and haul it to the home of a friend nearby...the friend is too stupid to say no but his girlfriend ain't no fool and decides to get out of dodge...but she is detained by so called boy friend and tied to the bed and DUCT TAPE is put over her mouth...duct tape plays a bit part in this movie...the boyfriend is a nit wit and the SAM bites on the guys and is butt ugly...the creature is sort generic ugly with large teeth borrowed from half a dozen other moves so fast you can not see how it is built but it likes to as ugly as this monster is once it bites someone they sort of break out with a serious case of elizade has done great job of creating very disgusting humans gone wrong... until the last 20 minutes or so i have no complaints about the acting or the directing or anything else...but the dialogue goes all to hell when the monster is loose and the girls boyfriend starts to tell the monster to take him and leave the others lone...what a of the bite victims has decayed into an open sore and they keep telling him he will make it...and the other one gets into a tug of war with his own intestines with the monster and he finally ends up stuffing is intestines back into is stomach...sort of (one of the better intestine shots is in "Machete" when mr Machete swings down the side of a building on someones intestines...) anyhow one guy pleads to be killed and he is finally it turns out the girl (Hope) is the only one who has enough guts (so to speak) to come in with a pistol an blow SAMs brains out ; the boy-friend says that if the  monster is killed the whole monster clan will kill the entire human race...if these clowns are any example of the human race they deserve to be whacked...anyhow the last 20 minutes should have been re-written in my critical opinion...the girl is worth saving but the rest of the lot ain't worth pissin' on...even the sheriff's deputy is a loser...a dead loser

if you want to watch some seriously depressing on utube there is "Daniel Schmachterberger" introduction to the meta-crisis...i think the lecture on the Cerruti Mastodon is much more interesting as the speaker shows the evidence being used to say the 130,000 year old mastodon was eaten by a homimid in california..

 "The germ of dissolution of our federal government  is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body, (for impeachment is scarcely a scarecrow) working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a little today and  little tomorrow and advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States and the government of all be consolidated into one."   Thomas Jefferson (letter)

Friday, November 10, 2023

"It is the first step..."

 glad to see the foxes and the kangaroo rats still live antelope squirrel yet

i am living the dream that  wernher von braun had when he saw the first satellite hurled into space on his rockets...he said that the entire globe would be able to access information in the future... i sit in the desert/forest/swamp/etc and and able to see what is posted online...such as "Alan Watts on Carl Jung and the Philosophy of Good and Evil"...a must see posting...also "Face your Dark side" Carl Jung and the Shadow...also saw B. Obama in a 45 min. dialogue on AI...glad to know he is still in there making reason popular again...

i see where China has taken back their inbred pandas...when i was in the national zoo thee was a baby elephant across the sidewalk from the panda which i much preferred to watch...i view more than intellectual stuff however and would recommend Jason Salmon "Bisquits and Gravy" and Mark Normand "out to Lunch"......i crunch my big toe as i got out of the truck this morning and for a while had the "Byronic Limp"...but all better now....i did view "The Expendable" 1-2-3 and was seldom hears a action hero like stallone say " i just go my ass kicked"...i heard the best line i have yet heard on "The Sopranos" last night when tony tells his son that he needs to "kiss gods as for the rest of your life"...great stuff....

"It is the first step in sociological wisdom to recognize that major advances in civilization are processes which all but wreck the societies in which they occur; like unto an arrow in the hand of a child. The art of free society consists first in the maintenance of the symbolic code; and secondly, in the fearlessness of revision, to secure that the code serves those purposes which satisfy an enlightened reason. Those societies which cannot combine reverence to their symbols with Freedom of revision must ultimately decay either from anarchy, or from the slow atrophy of a life stifled buy useless shadows, "  Alfred North Whitehead..."Symbolism. Its meaning and Effect."

Friday, November 3, 2023

"Mens indignation, it seems"

                                      can in the desert with bayonet stab wounds
                                   remains of the tank tracks from training of Patton's troops

effects of wars last a long long time...Hillel the elder a revered Jewish religious leader was asked   what was the essence of Judaism....his reply was "Do unto others as you would have done to you." of the most quoted phrases from the Moslem holy book is "Allah is merciful"... so we can pretty much rule out religion as the cause of the current conflict in Israel and Palestine...i picked up a DVD called "30 days" created by Morgan Spurlock...all of the segments were great but one which is a good insight into the Moslem faith is called "Muslims in American" about a devout Christian who spends 30 days in a predominantly Muslim community and dresses as a Moslem eats as a Moslem  and prays 5 times a day with the Moslem's (as a Christian) is quite interesting how this man deals with this change in his life and how it changes his world of the better discussions on the internet is from the Ralph Nader radio hour segment called "Strategy of Annihilation", Nader's family is from Lebanon and he is not in favor of the current US relationship with Israel...

i have watched several Robert Sapolsky lectures and one of the better ones is called "Biological Underpinnings of Religiosity"...also there is  a lecture on "Brian Gender" which is very informative and should be viewed by anyone who wants to stay relevant about the multitude of gender issues...i see where the Musk Mellon said something about the term "CIS" being anti heterosexual...according to Sapolsky CIS has to do with how one views themselves not who one has sex with...

i see where is is becoming popular in some circles to criticize  ms spears the entertainer...she apparently has some issues (as we all do) and she is still wealthy...i would recommend  that she spend some "face time" with ms "Jewel" ( i dont know if that is her first name or her last name) but she is another pretty blond entertainer except she spends some time in trying to reach some level of "self actualization"...,and did not take her "stardom" to define her...and she is a good yodeler...

"Mens indignation it seems is more excited by legal wrong than by violent wrong; the first looks like being cheated by an equal, the second like being compelled by a superior."  Thucydides

Thursday, October 26, 2023

"So I came to Washington..."

                                    new terrain looking west X northwest
                                 this morning looking west ...temps in the mid-30's

sooo....heard that 40 states are looking to sue "META" for contributing to the mental dis-ease of americas youth....they say young people are addicted to their social media....or some such bogus complaint...i never got a facebook account as it took all of my attention to write a blog...considering the current state of affairs it must be better to zone out on social media than spend too much time scrutinizing human affairs...i know the small screen urges are pretty  powerful in me since I found out how to get Utube on my phone...but i am only spending my time (way too much time) on the news and important stuff like a history of king crimson and captain beefheart and such as that...but i do encounter very good documentaries such as "Ravens: Intelligent Rascals of the Skies" which also includes other corvids...some people said that ravens are linked to the devil...i don't think so...Odin had a pair of ravens named Huginn and Muninn...and ravens are not listed as vermin in the state wildlife regulations so that they cannot  be killed at any time ....also i watched a lot of sling-shot videos...i think since i am not the owner of a firearm (i think i would be refused a firearms permit...even lizards can get a gun permit in this state!) i need to get a sling-shot to protect myself from...berserkers and such as that....maybe not...i was told i might be charged with conspiracy to obstruct the federal government since i said it was not legal to burn the huge piles of trees that were left when they thinned the Coconino and Kaibab forest this year...HUGE piles...i said the tree sitters need to return to sit on these piles to force the feds to do the right thing and not burn them..."I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast; FOR I INTEND TO GO IN HARMS WAY." John Pail Jones (1778)...i watched my first "Sopranos" DVD's first season...pretty good...i picked up all 5 seasons of "La Femme Nikita" and this series seems to consist of one group of people killing and torturing the other group and most of these episodes end with much sadness...poor Nikita sees all her friends bumped off and often the culprit is let off since they have good conections...when the rats chewed on her face i figured she was going to get is a real mess...i watched season 4 of "Californication" and I must say ol' Hank does not really make you like him...he lost the best looking woman in the series who was his wife and now he is floundering around indulging his alcoholism and satyrism...serves him right...Rob Lowe steals the scene every time he appears on the screen...also "The Shield" is a good series...but alarming how corrupted a police force can much for the old TV shows...a few days ago i read how many children and women the Israeli military (NOT THE JEWS) have killed in their bombings.. there must be some changes in human behavior as soon as possible...

"So I came to Washington, where I knew I would be farther away from America than I could be on some foreign  shore; not that I do not respect this as a good part of America, but in its general routine the heart of America is less felt here than at any place I have ever been." Senator Huey Long (!932)  Huey Long was from Winfield Parish which voted not to secede from the Union during the civil war because they said that it was a rich mans war... 


Thursday, October 19, 2023

"A conscientious man would be cautious..."

                                            congress deliberating on legislation
                                          can a bee sting a mouse to death and then eat it?
                                              artfully depicted bug with long antenni
                                                   it might be nice to return as a dragonfly
                                              artful fly with red...whatever...
 the score is still the same...humans losing the game...too many dead folks across the land...however i did watch some good youptupe and would like to recommend a couple...the one i watched this morning was very interesting as it was mike wallace interviewing aldous huxley in 1958...huxley was a man who sort of saw through time in his book "Brave new world"......many of the things he predicted in this dystopian novel  seemed to be starting to attention to the details of huxleys response' is kind of frightening to think that "Brave New World" was written a few decades before this interview...and now several decades later the predictions still hold true....

also there was a very interesting  interview on "firing line" with w.f. was called "the warren report; fact or fiction' with mark lane...this was shortly after the kennedy assassination...i was in the 4th grade when this deed  took place but i have always felt that i was somehow suspected of being complicit in this deed....i remember i stood up and went to what was called the "cloak" room to sharpen my pencil...i had never seen a cloak except on little red riding hood...we had coats an sweaters...anyhow when i returned there were two teachers in the classroom and they stared at me strangely and then they announced that school was over for the day...there was no grassy knoll or anything like that in the cloakroom but i felt kind of suspected anyhow...

you might also want to find a youptupe documentary about a guy named georg cantor who was a mathematician who studied infinity and other odd things...old georg died in an insane asylum after thinking too much about infinity...sounds about right...i was watching one of my "consciousness" interviews with a guy from Amsterdam who studied physics then studied psychology and he said that quantum physics was too complicated for anyone to understand....(for now i assume)...but i like to watch these documentaries to keep my brain somewhat active...i know from the medical lectures that to make the synapses and dendrites grow you have to repeat the stimulus many i do...

"A conscientious man would be cautious how he dealt in blood." Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol" 1777

Thursday, October 12, 2023

"What man calls civilization..."

      yellow ant on a yellow street sign

 these teeth are much older than my teeth...but my teeth do not look as good...damn!

Socrates suggested that the terms be defined before a discussion

ISRAEL=the northern kingdom of the Hebrews (c930-721 BCE) from the Hebrew "YISRAEL"= he that strives with god (Gen. 32:28) Established as the Jewish homeland in 1948 CE on land that was part of the British Mandated territory of Palestine                                                                                                 PALESTINE= territory in the middle east on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea...the name Palestine was used as the official political title for land west of the Jordan river mandated to Britain in 1920...In 1948 the state of Israel was established in what was traditionally Palestine                                GAZA STRIP= territory in Palestine on the South east Mediterranean coast became a self governing enclave in 1994 with an elected legislature in the mobius strip and endless trek to nowhere     ZIONISM= movement to establish a Jewish nation in what is now Israel- founded by Theodor Herzl in 1887

so some things to consider....last week there was talk of Israeli citizens not needing a visa to enter the USA...was this consideration also extended to the Palestinians? was also a mentioned on the news  that there was a very powerful organized crime presence in the area...soooo....i suppose that the organized crime folks are both Israeli and Palestinians...when a population is under a tyrannical government they invariably resort to "organized crime" to get what they need to live...that's the way it was in Sicily, Russia and Ireland, etc. etc. etc...

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war is worse..."John Stuart Mill

when Willian Tecumseh Sherman lived in Louisiana he said that blacks were not equal to whites and could never rule themselves even though he had been to new orleans and seen free men of color living as successful businessmen...the notion that anyone would call another human less than human is absurd..."we are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly..." sounds like Nazism returned...

"Should a nation which attacks and occupies a foreign territory in the face of United Nations disapproval be allowed to impose conditions on its own withdrawal?" Dwight D. Eisenhower (said in 1957 when Israel invaded Egypt)

saw a DVD called "Masked and Anonymous" which has a lot of famous movie stars and a famous singer songwriter named Bob Dylan...the story rambled on and on...but there was one standout performance when a Miss Tinashe Kachingwe sang "The times they are a changin'" her voice sounded angelic compared to mr dylans croaking...

What man calls civilization/ always results in desert/ man is never on the square/ he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth/ each generation wastes a little more/ of the future with greed and lust for riches....                    Don Marquis   " WHAT THE ANTS ARE SAYING" (1950)

Thursday, October 5, 2023

"The reason..."

                           some of the one dollar DVDs i bought last week

                                 most of the apple was worth eating...but this is scratched and dented produce

big news this week...and also small news...first the little news...the people who researched quantum spots or dots got a Nobel prize...this research made possible better TV screens and some other things too...the big news is that there has been spotted by the Webb space telescope some very unusual round things about the size of Jupiter floating in space...and not near a star so these objects do not seem to be rotating around a body at all...and there seems to be about 40 of them and they are in pairs...DAMN!...

on a more earthly plane i need to make some corrections to some errata from previous blogs...the comment that i would drop half a dozen more nukes on japan for their treatment of prisoners of war was a comment made in the heat of...well being mad...but sortition (see previous blog) is a very poor way to serve up revenge...i do believe in revenge...mainly served cold...also i made some comments about the early Greeks being not too ahead of anybody with their stupid wars...i bought a DVD made by the PBS called "The Greeks-crucible of civilization" is about 140 minutes long narrated by Liam Neeson made in 1999...the commentary is a must hear it seems these folks were living by this big plateau looking thing which came to be called the acropolis which means high place and one day a fellow named Peisistratus showed up with a tall beautiful young woman and he said she was the goddess Athena...OK sure...she was actually from the next village over but back then (as now) a tall beautiful woman can make the old thinking a little this guy says since me and Athena here are pals you should make me the king of this place...and so they did...well this guy eventually sort of made the locals mad and they decided to have a vote...they voted on everything every 9 days they voted...a black stone meant no and a white stone meant yes to whatever it was they were voting on...this voting stuff (called democracy) got the people so energized that they built the Parthenon and carved beautiful statues and generally built a heavy duty city state...which lasted about 250 years when they bit off more than they could chew and got their butts kicked...they sent several hundred boats (triremes) to Sicily to whoop on them and got beat so bad that it only took 24 boats to bring the survivors back...the people of Athens did not even know what had happened until a guy who went into the barbershop got to chatting with the barber and he mentioned that he had been in the neighborhood and knew how bad the Athenians got their butts kicked...serious bummer...well it only got worse...anyhow a good story about the Parthenon being built was that the huge blocks of marble were brought from the quarry by mule teams ( i am assuming in wagons)...well there was a mule that got too old to pull the wagons but it liked to walk along side the other mules to keep itself busy...good mule it you ask me...also the director said they looked high and low for a model of the Parthenon but could not find one...UNTIL...they found one in...wait for NASHVILL, TENNESSE...who knew...

"The reason , Earth is short-/And anguish absolute-/And many hurt,/But, what of that                               I reason, we could die-/The best vitality/Cannot excel Decay,/But, what of that                                         I reason, that in heaven-/Somehow, it will be even-/Some new Equation, given-/But, what of that?                                                                                                  EMILY DICKENSON (1862)

Thursday, September 28, 2023

"The world of the future..."

                    this is the second part

                                               this is the first part

i picked up a book at the estate sale place which was called "Guns, death, terror" 1960's and 70's revolutionaries, urban guerrillas and terrorists"...edited by jack sargent the chapters were on the black panthers, the weathermen, the angry brigade, Baader Meinhof, the SPK, the PLO the SLA and Brigate Rosse i read most of the of the most distinctive things about all of these groups is how stupid they were and how so many people were killed for no reason...i was especially interested in the black panther chapter since there is a "new black panther" group now and i am hearing a revisionist history of the old black panthers...according to the author (Michael Spann) of the chapter about these terrorists most of the founders of the black panthers were street toughs and drug dealers and extortionist who decided that the system could be changed through violence. "VIOLENCE IS NECESSARY. IT IS AS AMERICAN AS CHERRY PIE." H. Rap Brown...the history if it is accurately described in this book would indicate any attempt to clean up the reputation of these gangsters and feed it to the youth of today in public school curriculums would be a travesty of justice...i imagine that the blacks thought their situation in society was not going to improve as the prejudice was (and is ) systemic...however the light generated by the burning cities produced much more heat than light...the above demands were stupid and moreover the "reparations" which are currently being considered (not favored by any other people of color) will certainly amount to another  "Versailles Treaty" with very bad repercussions...

"The world of the future will not flourish behind walls- no matter who builds them and no matter what their purpose. A world divided economically must inevitably be a world divided politically..."William P. Rogers (1972)

Thursday, September 21, 2023

"If you keep telling lies about me..."

 when i saw another perfect hole in the ground i noticed some fresh dirt near the hole(top image) perhaps this is made by a perfect mouse i thought, but when i returned with the game camera to get some images of the holes owner i saw something beneath some nearby grass...i saw it was a spider i set the camera and got 32 ,10 second videos of the waving grass but no spider...when i lifted the game camera the spider ran from beneath the board (bottom image) and i took a picture...i find it amazing that such a small animal can dig a hole in relatively hard soil (see spider above upper left nail)...pretty small for such a large hole...

i am somewhat embarrassed to say that i found out how to get radio programs on my phone as well as YouTube and i spent the last few days watching and listening to some very interesting programs on the phone thingy...i highly recommend "The Ralph Nader Radio Hour"...i listened to "Reducing Gun Deaths" from sept. 16th (73 min) was astounded at how knowledgeable Mr. Nader and the person being interviewed the end of the segment i had to look up how old Mr. Nader is as he was very eloquent and informed...he is 89 years old and will be 90 in any mention of someone's age as a determinant in their cognitive ability is mis-guided... I also watched a segment of "Firing Line" with willian f buckley interviewing morris udall of is a very good interview and it is amazing how wrong the predictions of what lay in the future...i also watched You Tube "Harnessing the power of Information"  which is a great documentary...i also watched and interview with Francis Fukuyama by Bryan Lamb on "Book T.V" which is a must watch every Sunday on some cable stations...there are some great interviews of authors...and anyone who says they don't really like to read can be very informed with all the information available online...when Robert Rodriguez asked his son who composes music for his films where he learned music theory he said he learned it on You Tube...who knew...

I see the DOD is asking for $842 billion bucks for their next years budget...i also see where a pilot ejected from an $80 million dollar stealth jet...he was found but it took a while to find the crashed jet...they should take the money out of the pilots pay...

there was a company that was recently investigated for fraudulent billing of the federal government and the woman that turned them in got $70 million bucks as her part of the fine...DAMN!...that a pretty good paycheck...

i heard on the nader show that there is $360 million in fraudulent medical billing in the USA...

now at the risk of showing favoritism i would like to make a comment about clothing...mine, yours, Mr. Fetterman's...I  don't wear hoodies because it restricts my peripheral vision...but when a person wants to have restrictions on their clothing they should move to Iran or China or some other authoritarian country but here in the US of A we should allow as much freedom as possible in our attire...Mr. Fetterman is correct...there are much more important issues than his Mr. Rodriguez says "To think out of the box you have to live out of the box"...and this country is in much need of thinking out of the box...

"If you keep telling lies about me I'm going to tell the truth about you" country I lyrics heard this week

Thursday, September 14, 2023

"His was the dilemma..."

                                           obsidian flaked tool-craft
                                           obsidian flaked tool- this is art
                                          fresh crop of baby short-horned lizards...third location to find them

tuesday night about ten it started to rain...first it sprinkled...then it plopped...then the rain came down harder and with more volume than i have ever seen (or heard) i know from the weather news that there is a phenomenon due to some climatic conditions which cause Liberia last week it rained in 24 hours the amount which usually takes 6 months...over 5 thousand dead from the far...i am glad i was able to experience this phenomenon as now i can somewhat apprehend what may be the result of rainfall...the entire earths surface is now subjected to the results of temperature place is exempt...

now on to a happier subject...a major political figure has decided to leave the office in the hope that younger people will fill his vacated job...(can you others take a hint?!) australia there is a woman named Georgie Purcell who is 31 and who is a member of parliament with the Victorian Animal Justice Party who has been chastised because she used to be a "pole dancer" (look her up she is a real hottie)...she wants to stop duck hunting in her state...i used to live on a catfish farm...i hunted ducks once...killed one duck then gave it up....the organization called Ducks unlimited went to a lot of trouble to promote the interests of wild ducks and geese (so they could hunt them) and they did such a good job there were so many more geese in the Canadian nesting areas that they nearly ruined the habitat... you have to be careful about changing animals populations or things can get bad really quickly...there is a woman named Sussana Gibson who is a nurse and she is in the house of delegates  the state of Virginia...she uses the internet to show herself and her husband engaged in sex...which viewers pay to is a really big business and she is hardly alone in this business endeavor...anyhow some busy-body says that "elected officials should uphold a certain level of decorum and professionalism even in their personal lives" what wearing a condom?  i was watching a great utube documentary yesterday called "Atom: the Illusion of Reality" hosted by Jim is a real mind expanding view of the atomic world...there is some good information about Richard Feynman who was a brilliant physicist who "invented" Quantum electro dynamics...which was pretty much said to be ridiculous when he presented it at a conference  ...but now is recognized as pretty accurate stuff...anyhow Dr. Feynman was a "rogue"  scientist since he dated his students and went to strip bars and is said to rather like an occasional orgy... so i dont think the sex thing is a real hindrance for someone in any endeavor.. anyhow, anyone who has even a little history knowledge knows that "decorum" is not and has never been in great supply in anyone's government...

since i came into town this morning i have been subjected to it something i said? I hope so...

i decided to look up what the budget of the US army is since Professor Kai said that 40% of that budget is unaccounted for...the budget is reported for 2023 at $185 billion bucks...40% of that is a lot...what are they doing with the money?!  well, my theory is that they now own a lot of real estate here and abroad...i have noticed that there are more and more vehicles being sold in "military" colors...greys. khaki, greens...kinda makes ya think dont it? ..Mr. K also said recently that the return on investments in stocks and bonds and real estate is going up...and " A BIG CHUNK OF THE POPULATION THAT HAS NEITHER REAL ESTATE OR STOCK MARKET HOLDINGS..." thanks kai

so lets do the numbers...there  were 1186 ships launched, not 1000 to go fetch Helen of Troy (that face thing remember)  22 year sentence for proud boy leader trying to overthrow the U.S. government...22 and a half years for Harvey Weinstein committing criminal culinginus                                                        376 armed law enforcement personnel waited 71 minutes to enter an unlocked door to kill an 18 year old punk who had slaughtered 19 4th graders and two teachers                                                       

so that mr putin can see that his real-estate endeavors are dumb lets look at who has made the most of their countries...Vatican city=less than one square mile about 1000 people                                                 San Marino=24 square miles about 28,000 people                                                                                      Andorra=180 square miles about 75,000 people                                                                                           Monaco= one square mile about 37,000 people                                                                                          Liechtenstein=62 square miles about 32,000 people  

I also watched another real mind expanding documentary called "Chaos Theory: the science behind the miracle of life" also hosted by Jim Al-Khalili...this is a must see and needs to be viewed several times to let some of the profound ideas sink in... 

i picked up a DVD called "From Dusk to Dawn" which i had never seen before...directed by robert rodriguez and also with Quentin tarantino as a Gecko brother and writer...i watched the DVD called "Full Tilt Boogie" which is a documentary about making the movie and i also watched the "special feartures" which were about making the sort of changed my mind about the movie and I think the movie is much more entertaining after seeing where it came mr. tarantino said in his "commentary" that he was really impressed with the scene when the young brother asks his sister to shoot him when the vampires are chewing on him...she says no, he asks again ,she says no, and then she shoots him and he explodes into a thousand bits...well for ME the most impressive scene is when the dancer with the snake wrapped around her (salma hayek) has five of her toes in Quentin's mouth and is pouring booze down her leg so as he can get a must be said that in this dance scene Rodriguez told Salma that if she could not dance with the snake she could not be in the movie... the commentary is a very good addition to viewing the movie...(and by the way Ms. Hayek is female voluptuousness personified)

"His was the dilemma of a religious nature without religious beliefs." said of Charles Baudelaire



Thursday, September 7, 2023

"He who'd know..."

                                     art from the Indian contemporary artist book
                                       i found the base a couple of months ago and the point last week                                                                   a few miles apart...apparently the points were not discarded like the cutting                                                tools                                


                                 more contemporary (1930's) Indian art...the habit of women helping other women to groom their hair is several thousand years old and the Taliban will learn the hard way that their idea of virtue and morality is not very well received 

well to quote O'Shea "WHO'S THE MACK!?"...the people at mack rock desert "neo-pagan" festival got more than they bargained for...i have spent time in that desert after a blizzard but never after a rain storm...i wonder how many attendees have ever read Sessions Wheelers book "The Black Rock Desert"   i was amazed that they said 70,000 were there for the festivities...i heard that one of the "rules" was to have "radical inclusion"  WHOA! i dont think so!...i know the gathering used to be free and now they made so much money they have bought the town of Gerlach...a few mile south is the Smoke Creek desert which is quite beautiful and goes under water when it rains a lot...

i heard the president of egypt wants to limit the births in his country...and the city of Williams about 40 mile west of here voted to stop all residential construction for 5 or 6 years until they could upgrade their sewer system to handle more people...i am glad to hear that unbridled growth is being recondisered...

i have been accused of being XENOPHOBIC because i wrote about know what immigrant mean "got off their butts to do something to improve their situation"...which is more than you can say about a lot of people who have been here for generations...immigrants have a improve their lives...

i hear a lot about J. Bidens less than eloquent speech...there is a condition of the brain which effects speech without effecting biden lacks eloquence but not cognition../.to paraphrase t.s.eliot speaking of d.h. lawrence..."a writer who had to write often badly in order to write sometimes well..." and i suppose biden might say such things as the leader of china is a dictator and putin cannot be left to rule russia...sounds like intelligent words to me...

"He who'd know what life's about/ Three millennia must appraise;/Else he'll go in fear and doubt/ Unenlightend all his days...Goethe

so long jimmy...born in Pascagoula mississippi...i've spent time there...a good pawn shop with 25 cent DVDs and a good thrift store...and also the shipyard that built the last icebreaker for the USA has 2 and russia has 52...not good odds "only time will tell"...

Scales and clocks just can’t be trusted
Keys and locks are destined to be busted
Metaphors were never made for keeping score
And I’m feeling for the sound of time

Is it the answer or just a suggestion
Is love what we truly want or merely a protection
Is this music made to last or crumble like a shell
Is there heaven here on earth or is this really hell

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

Are we destined to be ruled by a bunch of old white men
Who compare the world to football and are programmed to defend
I’d like to try a princess or a non-terrestrial
Who is neither boast nor bashful is there really such a girl

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely grand
For nearly half a century I’ve been singing in a band
I’d like to think I’ll make it to two thousand and one
Will the party be at my house God I wonder who will come

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense will it ever ring a bell
Only time will tell

Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong
Only time will tell is there a message in this song
Will it ever make sense on this crazy carousel
Only time will tell

Only time will tell


Wednesday, August 30, 2023

"You can't build an economy..."

                                           yellow fungi? lichen? whatever on rock in all shade

                                           more of the same in a different color...

reading in my book of ideas there is mention of various philosophical "determinisms" but there is no mention of "biological determinism"...i read that by 2100 AD there will be 10 billion people on planet if there is nothing that can be done to stop humans from i think once the full effects of climate extremes begins to take toll the population will be reduced...i read that there are 40 million immigrants' in the USA...11 million undocumented people i the USA and millions more on the way here...damn! i have heard different names are being used to describe mothers...gestational  parent, birth parent. egg producer, carrier...Mama is what i used...

i see where biden is described as strange for not accepting a glass of water from a man in Hawaii...he has a 50 years of experience and ain't stupid...the old man is getting more good press as trump is gettin more bad press...

i heard about a couple of young women singer/musicians in Ukraine who gave a concert and went to the mall and the mall was bombed by Russian planes and they both were killed dead...they called themselves "SIMILAR" and should be looked up as they sound great...

brown giraffe born in Tennessee very rare...weighing all the animals in the London zoo...very odd...

saw "Rich men north of Richmond" performed by the writer of the song...good performance don't agree with the lyrics..."5 foot three and 300 pounds" addiction is a Mama had it...65% of all the endorphins in the body are in the gut...why we feel good when we eat... i might write a song called "poor people north of Richmond (California)" before you get to el Cerrito del Norte exit...end of the line...

so i was thinking about the beginnings of western civilization...back in 5th century Athens all those smart people...did i mention that they went to Melos and told the people they needed to back Athens in the war and the people of Melos said they wanted to be neutral so the Athenians killed all the men and sold all the women and chidden into slavery...not exactly the height of enlightenment...did that to several city states...

swampy says voting in a single day..i say give em' a month...swampy says paper ballots...i say paper, metal, wood, hand raised, whatever...AND...i say every citizen needs an anonymous people...if the utilization of the massive computational power now achievable is to be of any use we must have accurate information to input...that 11 million undocumented segment of the population will be reduced considerably....much to the benefit of the legal population...and the 100 billion dollars that was stolen in the covid funds would not have happened ....organized crime has crippled this country and those folks who think they should bot pay taxes are leaving the country way too much in debt...

i looked up CONSTITUTIONAL SHERRIFFS AND PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION...and i was astounded at all the folks who are involved with dozens of delusional ideas about their sovereignty...what a crock...i highly recommend that everyone make themselves very familiar with all the anarchists' and other anti government groups...they should move to Haiti and see how they like mob rule...

 the person who stood 40 yards or so from my truck yesterday evening and fired off a couple of clips of 9mm rounds just for fun is probably associated with these clowns who want to run things...

"You can't build and economy on illegality." Ron de Santis 

Friday, August 25, 2023

" A vile melancholy made him mad..."


the rain had the gophers repairing their homes (holes) so i saw this one during the daytime...likes apples
have no idea what creature made this neat hole in the ground...not a crawfish

big news of the week is people being registered in the court system to stand trial for...lots of stuff...but it must be remembered that an indictment is not a finding of guilt and according to legal experts a guilty finding is not a sure indication of guilt...but we have to have a legal to trial we go...some countries just make those charged disappear and thats the end of  it ...

no trans-sexual women in chess...a first i thought they were saying in chest...i was mistaken...there is an excellent one hour lecture with good graphics and video from "HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL CENTER...HOLIDAY LECTURES ON SCIENCE...POTENT BIOLOGY, STEM CELLS CLONING AND makes clear what happens during women's pregnancy from the time of fertilization...

i have some first hand experience with the drugs and or chemicals (testosterone) that some people want to deny folks who are not 18 years of age so as to alter their body chemistry to align with their chosen is very important that these chemicals be allowed to be administered so as to interact with the body as soon as possible...

i see sledgehammer boy got hammered...good riddance...of course putin just made more people fear him (and want him dead)...

the so called presidential debates did not really bring out any hidden qualities of any of the participants...Swampy seems to be delusional about a lot of the things a president needs to not be delusional trump and climate change...desantos wants to eliminate what some want to illuminate...woke ain't broke...pence said "consensus is the opposite of leadership..." well maybe in a dictatorship but not a democracy...

.heard a japanese fisherman say "we've been protecting the ocean since the time of our ancestors..." excuse me? they have been vacuuming every living creature and a lot of seaweed for as long as anyone can remember...they tried to buy costa ricas fishing rights but they were not going for it they saw what they did to the gulf of baja...wiped it i think the radioactive water dump may be a bad mistake but the japanese have a very poor record of conservation...

10,000 emperor penguin chicks fall off of an ice flow and drown...just a little taste of whats in store for the wildlife...

heard a fellow of native American extraction talking about his new board game called "BURN THE FORT"...such a fun game!...he did not mention gang rape the women and torture the the noble savage ain't that great...authorities suspended 200 fraudulent rehab centers in arizona where mostly native people were going for 'sober living"...millions scammed from the taxpayer...someone wants to build a 40 million dollar museum for the Navajo code talkers...that money needs to be spent seeing to it that every native child and adult have have internet access and health care and other things that keep native people from not achieving their potential...not a museum so someone can skim more money...YUP'IK peoples in Alaska have made it a part of the childrens education to learn the ways the elders hunt and fish...much better than getting drunk down at the walmart...

so i had the experience of having phone service where i could get on the internet...i am ashamed to say i spent more time looking at weather and craigslist than i should have...but i did see a very good youtube one hour video called ARISTOTLES LAGOON" which is about a lagoon on the island of lesbos where he went when plato gave the job he thought he was going to get as head of the philosophy school to his nephew...he spent two years  at the lagoon inventing natural science...then Philip of Macedon hired him to teach his 13 year old son...alexander (not yet great)...good video...

i also looked up teatsqueezer on youtube...the same phoney girl that has tried to make herself the teatsqueezer queen was there with 70 subscribers and her hiding her ashamed face...the Teatsqueezers would not even let that girl in the barn...not to milk not to feed not to clean...they do not like her sort of criminality...

made 36 years with no alcohol and was going to celebrate with a toke on the pot pipe...can't really celebrate sobriety stoned though...


Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"People are becoming a force of nature..."

more vivid colors on this lizard than seen before...breeding condition? male or female? 
this animal was 30 yards from above specimen...and about half the size...immature? different sex?

well i have been fatigued since i awoke at 3 am this morning...actually dropped the tailgate and rolled out of the beggars tomb at 4 am after the noise became disturbing...armed with my new 6 foot all wood broom handle i opened the hood of the truck to see A GIANT RAT! sitting on my motor...damn those rats to hell! blood pressure goes sky high when this happens...i jabbed at the vermin and he withstood the poke...(i need to put a long nail on the tip of this pole) and disappeared into the engine compartment...i hastily (too late i believe) set the two rat traps and lay them on the engine...after watching some music DVDs until it was light enough to make my morning coffee i went about the oppressive routine of packing up to go into town...15 minutes to unpack...2 hours to pack...not good...not good at all...but i had determined to get the broken guitar to the new guitar shop in town and see if she will sing as well as before...overcast and threatening storms even as i write this...but no more fire restrictions in this area...the rain is good but as everywhere else extreme weather may occur at any time...i must stay where escape in the event of extreme rain...

heard on the radio that some "youths" have sued "the government" because they say "other people" are making climate change possible due to "carbon based fuels?"...can that be right?...the problem can be looked at several ways...too much carbon fuels or too many people...i prefer to think that if the population was made smaller as well as continuing to make fuels more efficient we would not have to be eating crickets and other foolish "remedies" for too much carbon in the i think people have been told a big lie about what the petro-chemical industry has done to the never hear about population reduction...

i have also been hearing about the native American  response to environmental degradation...the place in Hawaii that burned up used to be bird habitat and maybe should be planted to be bird habitat again...i get tired of hearing about the environmental "Natives"...more birds have gone extinct in Hawaii that any other place on earth..i get nauseous every time i hear about those "magnificent" bird feather robes.. .give some of that land back to the birds...i heard a native woman say that the giant protected spot off the coast of california was protected by her people for the last 20 thousand years...(most archeologists have recognized the salmon river site in idaho to be the oldest so far at 16,000 years...older than clovis) anyhow lets not quibble about a few thousand years...the fact of the matter is that ALL CULTURES PUT GROCERIES AT THE TOP OF THEIR LIST OF PRIORITIES...when those awful white people got to north america all the cultures were STONE AGE CULTURES...that had not begun the use of smelted tribe got big enough to push another tribe off their lands and they did it...from the east coast to the west coast...MIGHT MAKES RIGHT!...this has been the motivating factor for a million years and more...people respond to power and until enough power is put in the hands of people who are not MACHEVELIAN MOBSTERS the situation will not change...

picked up what i thought was a music DVD last week but it is a snowboard DVD called "Smithereens" and i must say i had to look at my 2003 winter Olympics DVD to compare skill levels...i have never seen as much "death defying" action in any sport as these snowboarders display...there is an ambulance section in the "extras" but most of the people seem to have gotten into a ZEN space to do this stuff...and survive... 

well got to go and fix my sautéed onions with black beans and pork-chops for diner....

"People are becoming a force of nature, like a magma plume or a rock from space, but the diversity of ecological stressors they exert is unique in Earths history. :Scientific American (7/22/22 )"Rise of the Toxic Slime"...