Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"Shun those studies..."

back in the desert   lots of foxes...maybe three species...,all thirsty

"Shun those studies in which the work that results dies with the worker."     leonardo da vinci                                                 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Militarism...is fetish worship..."

 came across this old porcupine with some bullet holes in it...

so i was contemplating the societal implications of organized crime families and of course the clan of     'BROTHERS' came to mind...you know the people who have "served their country" and now they have decided to squeeze a little more out of citizens......some instances of this organized shakedown of the public come to mind....when  was working on supply boats in the oil field in the gulf of mexico we had some high seas and the waves ripped  some of the deck-boards off of the  back deck...so the captain calls a company to replace them and a fellow "brother" comes out and replaces the two boards which are pretty big and pricy at 20 feet long and 18 inches wide and 3 inches thick...when this "brother" presents the captain with the bill  and leaves the captain asks me how many boards were replaced and I say two and he says he was charged with three boards...but he is a "brother" so he don't say nuthin...once two "brothers" came on a boat I was on and are going to repair the dynamic positioning system and after a couple of days it occurs to the captain that they were milking the clock and he realizes that the problem was fixed on the first day and then they just flip the switch to off and waited...the captain threatened to call the coast guard and have them removed from the boat if they didn't get off...this sort of thing happens all the time and the "brother mafia" have decided that they want to utilize their veteran status to shake down people...I have been on public property that the "brothers" consider themselves to have extra rights to...serious mistake...this encroachment of the veterans mafia and the apparent lack of concern by the justice department will lead to a mafia state...which is well under way...In Iran there is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or IRGC which are the enemy of most Iranians...most Iranians hate and fear them...yet they still resist and protest despite being tortured and killed...bravery in the face of tyranny...people have to speak out against the illegitimate use of power to suppress speech and the use of intimidation...because tyranny is like a cancer and grows if left unchallenged...and I dont think the American public realize how many gangsters there are willing to snatch material goods and property from the public... 

now I know that some people will think that perhaps I have a particular dislike of the military which is not the case...I recently picked up a DVD called "The Greatest Generation" which I kind of find the title offensive...there is an interview with a fellow named Ed Wasil who is described as a P38 bomber pilot 20th fighter group out of England. He says with some glee that if they had enough fuel after a bombing run they would strafe the civilians and if they saw a woman pushing a stroller with a child they would strafe her too because "she was the enemy"...which I suppose could be called "the fog of war"...or "moral disengagement"...I think the people who have recently had to do battle with ISIS are every bit as "great" as the WW2 military and ISIS is as evil as the Nazi system...maybe more so....the Nazis were a governmental system ISIS is a religious based system...seriously dangerous...I heard an interview with the head of the joint chief of staff General Mark Milley who explained that a person working for the military takes an oath...not to the military or any government official but to the constitution of the United States...and that is where their loyalty must remain...and I think any person who knowingly violates the constitution should be refused any financial support by the government...a mr P.J. ORourke said in an essay that it is essential that "the people with the money and the people with the guns must never be the same people"...it may be too late for that...the gun goobers are proliferating...and just to put it in perspective 40% of the guns in civilian hands on this planet are in the USA which has 5% of the population...we be armed...not always a good thing...especially when you consider that there are really people who think Que and on and on and on is a legitimate  source of  accurate information...there is too much access to accurate information to for people to be so intellectually lazy as to believe poppy cock and drivel.  

"Militarism...is fetish worship. It is the prostration of men's (and women's) souls and the laceration of their bodies to appease an idol." A.W. Tawney "The Acquisitive Society" 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

"Wherever a man goes..."

 this is a very interesting article about the reduction of violence in human society...yeah, who knew          there has been a reduction in human violence...but humans are apparently less violent than chimps        and I can verify that because when a chimp tried to bite my finger off I did not resort to biting the chimp back...but I thought about...after much thought about the human race and whether they will survive...or even if they should survive...I have concluded that we need to change our genetics...and therefor we should hybridize with bonobos...a kinder, gentler primate...I know for some people that seems pretty radical...but the survival of the human species is at stake...I suppose we could take the even more radical step...and this is almost too horrifying to contemplate...we could enlist women in at least half of the decision making.......when R.B.Ginzburg was asked how many women should be on the supreme court she said "nine"...I got out my calculator and did the the math several times and it seems that is 100%...which seems like a lot to me...well maybe 5 women justices would be appropriate anyhow...but obviously if the trajectory which has been recorded in history continues...building/war,       building/war, building war...we will have so poorly utilized our resources that the catastrophic collapse...which has begun...will reduce humans to clinging to a vestigial environment...surviving,           not thriving...

"Wherever man goes, men pursue him and paw him with their dirty institutions,                                        and if they can constrain him to belong to their desperate odd fellow society."                                                                                                                             Henry David Thoreau "Walden"

Friday, October 9, 2020

"Some people never go crazy..."

                     as can be seen from the above diagrams bears is dumb...dogs is smart...cats?   

after much deep introspection I have determined that I am an omni-supremacist                                        that is to say I think I am better than everybody...it is a very useful delusion to have                                  except raccoons...I acknowledge that raccoons are my intellectual and moral superior                              and also they are cuter than I am...                                                                                                               I have determined that when humans are extincted raccoons will become the dominant species                they will live in nice homes in the suburbs and not wear high heels or neck-ties...superior                       however there will be overturned trashcans and garbage strewn in the streets...because no species           can overcome their genetic heritage....

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lifes they must lead." Charles Bukowski

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

                                            baby short horned lizard

                                            pocket gopher...i don't know who put the apple slices there


Teatsqueezer/Teatsqueezer and Hogwash announce shutting down of                                                         political consulting business until further notice

due to the unavoidable circumstances which resulted in                                                                              a sharp business turn-down the consulting business is closed

this is what Mr. Teatsqueezer has to say to the public

"We is very grateful for the good wishes of the public and their                                                                   concern for our animals...since the Hogwash brothers is very                                                                      busy building chicken coops and outhouses we have brought                                                                    Horace the mule foot hog to live in the repurposed silo which is                                                                 also know as Teatsqueezer Tower next to the manure lagoon...                                                                  the ground floor is animal stalls now and Horace lives in the stall                                                              next to Miss Moo the last of our dairy cows...although Miss Moo                                                              tends to snore in her sleep and Horace tends to grunt in his sleep they                                                         get along very well...Miss Moo fears getting Mad cow disease and Horace                                               fears getting swine flu so they keep socially isolated...but they do not wear                                               masks and the veterinarian says their main health problem is becoming too fat.                                       Since Miss Moo is a prize winning Guernsey cow she has blue ribbons and trophy's                                 on the shelves around the barn...she is used to being shampooed and blow-dried often                            and has beautiful golden hair on her head and tail...the cost of the hair care has                                          always been an income tax deduction but her show competition days are over.

On a much sadder subject it has come to our attention that the federals have decided                                 to use "lethal" methods to reduce the number of plains bison...they will allow                                           folks to shoot them...which is quite regrettable....it is usually the policy of the                                          federal government to allow surplus property to be acquired by municipalities for                                     a small fee, then eventually the public is allowed to bid on the surplus property                                        we find it hard to believe that there are not better ways to utilize these symbols of                                         wild America than to shoot them...certainly there are people with the resources to                                   get and safely keep and breed more bison...a live bison is preferable to a dead bison. 

Thank you again for your kindnesses and I would like to recommend                                                          Mrs. Teatsqueezers favorite song which is "Milk Cow Blues" by Willie                                                    Nelson on his "Live from Austin Texas" recorded September 6, 1990                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Thursday, September 3, 2020

"In the total picture of natural events..."


recently there has been some discomfort which has been brought about                                                      due to what I can only call ignorance and superstition on the part of                                                           some people who have hoped to portray me as some sort of dangerous                                                       person...a person who is, has or will do something extra-ordinary perhaps                                                 like turn someone into a newt..or a poot maybe....well I have had people                                                   threaten my life and so I will give some history and science to the problem

in 1692 there was a woman named Tituba who was a south american indian                                              who was working for a family in Salem, Mass....this woman said that she thought                                     one of the people in town was a witch...and before it was over with 19 people in town                             had been hanged for being "a witch"...serious bummer...now I don't read too much                                   fiction and as for harry potter and the hobbit I think the real world is a lot more                                        extraordinary than the "magic" being portrayed in some of the current fiction...a lot more                         excitement in physics and natural history than in fiction.....if you put nothing of real                                substantial factual information into your mind you will have a brain made of gummy bears                      and your life will be boring and dull...not exciting and interesting...now there is plenty                             of mystery and wonder in the world and people should take the time to find it and                                    not wallow in pathetic superstition...and accuse someone of witchcraft or deviltry 

"In a total picture of natural events, it is just as important to consider the exceptions                                  to the rule as the averages. This is the fallacy of the of the statistical picture; it is one-                             sided, in as much as it represents only the average aspect of reality and excludes the                                total picture. The statistical view of the world is a mere abstraction and therefor incomplete                    and even fallacious, particularly when it deals with human psychology. Inasmuch as                                 a chance maximum and minima occur, they are facts whose nature I set out to explore."                                                                                            Carl G. Jung "Synchronicity"



"The law can make you quit..."


august 19, 1987 was the last time I consumed alcohol                                                                                   i never was a hang out at the bar type of drinker                                                                                           i looked for live music or a pool table                                                                                                           i have never been kicked out of a bar but I was refused                                                                               entrance to the "Little Bear" in Colorado once because the                                                                         security at the front door....well he never said why...but I                                                                            visited again and was allowed to enter....                                                                                                      I quit drinking in Colorado...and did a lot of drinking there prior to                                                            "getting sober"....I used to wonder why some people become drunks                                                           and others don't....I read that the ADH4 gene (alcoholdehydrogenase 4 enzyme)                                       allows people with this gene to metabolize alcohol quickly....which apparently makes                                them less likely to have alcoholic behavior....but usually a person with one addiction                              is likely have them all...so be aware that the alcoholic or addict in your life                                                has an illness, a disease, a genetic flaw...but that makes it no easier to live with. 

in november of 1987 the musician eric clapton quit drinking and after reading his                                      biography I realized that nobody is more powerful than an addiction...I have                                           a video of eric clapton with "derick and the dominos" on my johnny cash video                              and on the "concert for Bangladesh"  video. clapton makes some comments about                                    how wasted he was in the filming of this video...and george harrison says he played                                 flawlessly...now clapton has an addiction recovery facility called the "Crossroads Centre"                      in Antigua.  He has a benefit concert on a regular basis and on his 2004 concert he gives                          an extraordinary performance on DVD 2 in "Have you ever loved a woman(blues in C)"                          he is alive, animated and obviously one of the best guitarists alive or dead...and he has                            certainly earned the right to sing the blues...(check out his autobiography)

"The law can make you quit drinking but it can't make you quit being the kind that needs a                        a law to make you quit drinking." Don Marquis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Monday, July 27, 2020

"Say not the struggle..."

   bird flying downward

Say not the Struggle nought Availeth

Say not the struggle nought availeth,
     The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
     And as things have been they remain.

If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
     It may be, in yon smoke concealed,
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
     And, but for you, possess the field.

For while the tired waves, vainly breaking
     Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back through creeks and inlets making,
     Comes silent, flooding in, the main.

And not by eastern windows only,
     When daylight comes, comes in the light,
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
     But westward, look, the land is bright.

one of my favorite poems
not much time 
recommend a good movie...some nudity not gratuitous
"Kama Sutra" (1996) a love story directed by Mira Nair
this movie should be viewed with the directors commentary first
it gives some indication of the more than 3 thousand years of
the culture of the Indian subcontinent...magnificent

also...I know I'm a little behind the times but I recently bought
a DVD of the music videos for an entertainer named Biork 
this is some of the most creative video I have ever seen...the music
is definitely overwhelmed by the video production...but the entire
collection of music videos is on one DVD and very good...but strange

i may have used this quote before...who cares

Saturday, July 25, 2020

"Everything has two handles..."

I went to a talk by James Baldwin some years ago and was rather bemused by his obvious disdain for his audience..we were in Baton Rouge a strong- hold of white supremacy for the last few centuries. However he started to ramble on and what I remember mostly was his describing the "vast prodigious  negro sexual drive"...one of the audience members, a young man,  was so disturbed at being  a white male that he stood up and asked Mr Baldwin how he might atone for his sin of white maleness...it was disgusting...now I don't have much "white guilt" despite some folks assurance that I should..I do however recognize that "people of color" are not on a level playing field in American society. In Africa in recent times there have been Africans killing Africans by the hundreds of thousand and not because of their color but because of their tribal affiliation. I have yet to hear anything about African-American racism...which is alive and rampant in some places in this country...don't like whites, dont like asians, dont like latinos...racism! I do admire Mr Baldwins literary accomplishments and his social commentary considering he has no college degree...but I can't say I like his writing much. I picked up a copy of this book and found it good reading.."Out There-Mavericks of Black Literature" Darryl Pinckney

Jean-Baptist Belley (1747-1805) born in Senegal and transported to Saint-Domingue as a slave, acquired freedom, joined French army, became landowner and slave owner and became chief of police. Now should this mans accomplishments be denied him because he was a slave owner..                                                                                                                                                                        Abwehr are alive and well in this country... Elie Wiesel-number A-7713..don't forget
 so are the anarchist- "License they mean when they cry liberty." Milton
 "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime" Aristotle "Politics"                                               Justin Rosenstein- co-inventor of the "Like" button on Facebook...you know I don't think I could live with a like button in my life...                                                                                                            Been spending some time with Oggetti di lussuria also known as the "PINK METH" I am apparently not the only viewer insofar as there seems to be gazzilions of sites available                                         I guess this makes me an onymous outre ofay...I can live with that

on a happy note..until it thaws1.5 Adelie penguins discovered on Danger Island using drones

I may be being stalked by an older blue chevrolet truck  Alaska licence plate number 7R46MB

"Everything has two handles-by one of which it ought to be carried  and by the other not." Epictetus this is the first quotation I ever collected in my notebook...it has served me well

                                         a couple of visitors to my campsite recently

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

"Jesus saith, Ye ask who are those that draw us to the Kingdom of Heaven..."

so I walked up to the top of the hill a few days ago where I can get some phone reception and then I sat down on a log where I could look down the far side of the hill ...as I sat down I set my camera down beside me and began thinking about I what I might do that was exciting....considering that travel is pretty restricted unless you have a private jet...by the way we are not "all in this together"...not by a long shot...I don't expect to see Jeff Bezos masked up in the walmart anytime soon...or ever...not a lot of billionaires showing up in the obituaries you might have noticed.  as I sat on the log wondering how I was going to keep up my work as what I recently heard Rick Steves the travel guy refer to as a "Pleasure Activist"...nice term...sounds a little less shocking than Hedonist which I generally use to describe myself...I started thinking perhaps I should spend some of my savings on an image consultant as I had just read about a woman named Karla Welch who was named the most "Powerful stylist in 2017" by the "Hollywood Reporter"...yeah thats what I need is to have a fashion consultant...and she dresses that Beiber fellow among others...and I could by an etegere and go to a soiree or two...then I noticed something moving up the hill towards me and I picked up my camera as it got closer...it sat down for a moment and looked down the hill as if enjoying the view....as I was...then it stood up and came towards me...the wind was blowing in my face so the fox never smelled my scent and I filmed it as best I could as it got closer and closer then the wind changed and the fox got my scent and stared at me for a few seconds then trotted away. This encounter was thrilling for me and I suddenly realized the photography is where my interests are. And of course as if to reinforce this idea that I should continue with photography I found a good buy on another Nikon camera for a hundred bucks in the pawn shop and then went into a thrift store and found for a buck a DVD with 12 hours of photography instruction by Joel Satore a great nature photographer for National Geographic.  so I guess I will forget about the stylist and the etegere and the soiree...unless of course I get invited to a soiree where I might rub shoulders with the stylish folks...or not." 

Jesus saith, Ye ask who are those that draw us to the Kingdom if the Kingdom is in Heaven?...the fowls of the air, and all beasts that are under the earth or upon the earth, and fishes of the sea, these are they that draw you, and the Kingdom of Heaven is within you"                         
 "The Oxyrhynchus Papers"


                                            the message said that the video format was not supported
                                           so I will have to figure out how to change the format
                                           I think this image is of the fox looking down the hill
                                           I have a couple of stills but the video is much better 


Friday, June 5, 2020

"While I was fearing..."

in considering the time that remains to us humans 
to be on this planet (even elon musk will die here)
it occurred to me that as a species we humans can create
things which in no way enhance our ability to survive.
I have been reading and listening  a lot about quantum
mechanics...but I still pretty much wallow in the mundane
world of mechanical physics...the possibilities of possibility
are difficult to realize....but the Planck scale somehow seems
comforting, knowing that when you get right down to it, we
make our own relevancies. what is important?...and how important
is it
so in considering this eternal question I think perhaps once the
rudiments of life are obtained music and the "arts" have relevance.
I read about cave paintings and listen to music of the aboriginals across
the globe and realize that something about engaging in these behaviors
of art and music has had a profound effect on human existence..something
which goes beyond "getting and begetting". 

i recently mentioned a songwriter who describes himself
as a "song and dance man"...Bob Dylan.. and I said his lyrics
are gibberish...some but not all are unintelligible to me. 
"Don't Think Twice" is very intelligible to me and actually
is important and relevant to me. 
Also he wrote a song,  the style and genre of which are what
came to recognized as his forte. The PROTEST song.
The song "Oxford Town" which I heard on an "Oxford
Review" CD from some years ago is appropriate to current
events. I have never heard him sing it anywhere else.

I would also like to recommend a particular tune by a particular
trumpet player whom I had the privilege to hear play at the New
Orleans Jazz museum. All of the concerts are supposed to be recorded
on a video system which is permanently installed in the concert hall
but I do not find the concert for Thursday, August 23, 2018 which
I believe was the day that I heard Mark Braud play "Palm Sunday" from
his "Living the Tradition" album. Mr. Braud is indeed living the tradition
as he is a third generation jazz musician and his family were formative
in the history of jazz music. He said he would like someday for some
of his music to be considered to be iconic as his relatives music is. After
hearing him play "Palm Sunday" I was compelled to relate to him that
I felt that I had just heard a tune which was "iconic" and I felt like I had
witnessed history being made....I could not find this tune played by Mr.
Braud  on the Jazz museum site or YouTube but perhaps it may appear soon.

so despite social unrest and the plague which unfortunately have always
been with us music and art and natural beauty are also...

"While I was fearing it, it came
But came with less of fear
Because that fearing it so long
Had almost made it dear." Emily Dickinson

Thursday, June 4, 2020

" Protection , therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate,"

invasion of privacy
n. the intrusion into the personal life of another, without just cause, which can give the person whose privacy has been invaded a right to bring a lawsuit for damages against the person or entity that intruded. However, public personages are not protected in most situations, since they have placed themselves already within the public eye, and their activities (even personal and sometimes intimate) are considered newsworthy, i.e. of legitimate public interest. However, an otherwise non-public individual has a right to privacy from: a) intrusion on one's solitude or into one's private affairs; b) public disclosure of embarrassing private information; c) publicity which puts him/her in a false light to the public; d) appropriation of one's name or picture for personal or commercial advantage. Lawsuits have arisen from magazine articles on obscure geniuses, use of a wife's name on a hospital insurance form to obtain insurance payment for delivery of a mistress's baby, unauthorized use of a girl's photo to advertise a photographer, and "tabloid" journalism treatment of people as freaks. There are also numerous instances of governmental invasion of privacy such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation compiling files on people considered as political opponents, partially corrected by the passage of the Freedom of Information Act in 1966. The right to privacy originated with an article in the Harvard Law Review in the 1890s written by lawyers "Bull" Warren and future Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis.
Unauthorized access" entails approaching, trespassing within, communicating with, storing data in, retrieving data from, or otherwise intercepting and changing computer resources without consent. These laws relate to these and other actions that interfere with computers, systems, programs or networks.

sometimes I wake up and take my temperature and wonder if rigor mortise will
be setting in soon...but not yet
as you may know...or not...being too nosy is a crime...and the invasion of
a persons privacy as well as the hacking into their computer is also a crime
big deal right
since my rights apparently do not exist in this here country I
thought I might point out some of the crimes that have been
committed against me in recent times...like right now.
first the fact that I was gassed in my vehicle on federal
property still kind of makes me desirous of retribution...
when I was at the California highway patrol office one
of the employees entered into my vehicle....the same excuse 
is always used...we had to see if he had a gun...why are
they concerned if I have a gun? because I am constantly
being harassed and they figure I may "go off" on someone...
but as long as I have the keyboard grenade why carry a gun?
the woman at the desk in the highway patrol office said 
that there were certain intelligence types (she said TEN people) 
which in current parlance would infer the Criminal Intelligent Agents...
not at all surprising as they seem to have infiltrated most of government
and a lot of businesses.  Yuma Arizona is a very dangerous place to be casual
about constitutional rights as the Marines are stationed there and the Army has
a huge proving ground north of the city...and if these folks give up on the 
constitution we are in a world of hurt...
When I was in the library...as a matter of fact every time I am in their library
my computer is hacked whether it is mine or theirs. Very bad for the constitution.
I feel it is necessary for me to include the motel where my harmonicas
were stolen...3 of them . I have a business card for the motel where I paid $263
for a weeks stay when the temps were above 100 degrees. I want to make 
very sure that when the owner of the TORCH LITE LODGE  said he was
going to make public my "internet searches" if I talked about the theft he was 
acting like he was back in his home country was of India where they stone people to death for eating beef! Extortion is not
a good thing. The fellow upstairs from me kept commenting about my activities
and said "i don't like him and I am going to burn him"...so I suppose the
US attorney for that part of Arizona a Mr. M. Baily could perhaps check the 
records and see exactly who was in that room and what was their relationship
to the owners of this business...my harmonicas were important to me as an 
integral part of my therapy for PTSD which has been brought about by having
my harmonicas stolen and being constantly harassed ...and while I am being critical
of the federals let me also mention the state, county and city yahoos who are illiterate
of the laws as written in the constitution'''every time I have  
been in the pawn shops in Yuma,(and every where else in the this country)
I have been accompanied by a representative of the law...undercover apparently
or the pawn shop gets a phone call
and they advise the pawn shop owner not to sell me a firearm...which
in Arizona is quite a restraint...what with all the 2nd amendment, gunslinger,
right to open carry advocates...I want all my rights..all the time...and I want what
every other person wants...compensation for injustices done to me... 
so now the pin is pulled and the keyboard grenade tossed...

"Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is
not enough; there needs protection against the tendency of society to
impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices
as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them."  John Stuart Mill 
                                                                                "On Liberty"

despite rumors I am not dead
or sick with the virus...yet

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

"Resentment is like drinking poison..."

    mr coyote came around to ask miss mountain cottontail out for lunch

I spent a week at this spot and the rabbit (Sylvilagus nuttalli) remained in her log
 which was only 20 yards away from my campsite
she got used to the lettuce and bowl of water daily so she did not have to venture
too far from the safety of the log
the coyote suddenly appeared when a black-tailed jackrabbit ran by the campsite
and I think he caught the jackrabbit but I am not sure ....but the cottontail was safe in the 
log when I left this morning...

I have been listening to the news quite a lot to learn what the 
protesters have been doing....
I remember the protests and destruction from the 1960's and some of
the other "civil unrest" in this country....

"When truth conquers with the help of 10,000 yelling people- even supposing
that that which is victorious is a truth; with the form and manner of the victory
a far greater untruth is victorious." Soren Kierkeguard

one of the most dangerous things a person can do 
is succumb to the influence of the "phenomene d' hallucination 

"Then does men's life become one vast disease,
when once they seek their ills by ills to cure." Sophocles

there is no defending the killing of a person
by a police officer who does so wantonly
and it has happened too many times to be
viewed as anything but a systemic failure
of policing...
however 167 police committed suicide in 2018
and several hundred thousand cops did not kill

"Trauma creates lack of empathy for another's suffering."
                           from "The Hidden Brain"

I contend that any uniformed cop who has been on
the job for a year or more suffers from PTSD
the work is unimaginably stressful and what
has evolved is a predator prey relationship
with many cops...and if you are one of the
people who is not of the same ethic make-up
as the cops you are very likely to become
involved in a self perpetuating 'bad vibe" relationship
which can quickly degenerate into an adversarial
confrontation...and they have guns...

"People are eager to tread underfoot what once they
too much feared." Lucretius

well I have a lot of notes written so I will post
more of my views later...

"Resentment is like drinking poison
and hoping it will kill your enemies"
              NELSON MANDELLA
and he had a lot to be resentful about!


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Veritas non erubescit

                                          short horned lizard=Phrynosoma douglassii

spotted this lizard at 7600 feet  after temps dropped to below freezing that night
absolutely gorgeous reptile and worthy of out attention to its habitat.

watched  bob dylan  dvds on his birthday and had subtitles on
the lyrics are sometimes   "obfuscation wrapped in vagueness,
covered with a layer of gibberish"

watched layryn hill unplugged dvd last night on her birthday
good nylon string guitar work

do not have any little richard dvds but my favorite
song he sung was "Rock Island Line" on the Oxford
American CD  from a few years ago...it kicks ass.

"Veritas non erubescit= truth does not blush

purkinje cells