Friday, September 13, 2024

"There is, by Gods grace..."

it's that time of year
i saw a picture of a rare bee recently...i looked kind of like this
this is the largest ant species i have seen here
a very handsome spider that snatched a bug then disappeared

i listened to about 30 minutes of the trump/harris encounter...hardly a debate...  i was perusing my notebooks and found some phrases which i think i used 4 years ago or more...

propter odium et atiam=accusation made due to malice....per incuriam= lack of adherence to the laws of facts...and especially...writ de Idiota inquirendo= inquiry into whether a person is an idiot..."...he may be a fool, but he's our fool, and if they think they are better than him the're wrong..." thanks randy...

i read where looking at pornography can raise a persons testosterone level...if they do no low testosterone has caused me some problems that may be worse than the benefits of low loss of muscle mass, fatigue, weight gain, possible cardio vascular disease, and also growing girl titties...damn i wish i had been advised of these possible side effects. so i looked at some porn last week...first time in about 20 months..since THE SHOT...actually i looked for porn about 20 hours and looked at porn for about 12 the way when the government gives you a phone you can assume that they will monitor said phone to their hearts content...unfortunately they are never contented...anyhow the testosterne count may have come up...i feel more energized than before when inspiration was only in my imagination...

i heard i had lost several of the readers of my blog...the numbers went from 12 to 8 from what i can tell...there were nasty stories being spread about my possible involvement in a menagerie a trois...pure speculation i assure you but my pickled pig lips sponsor was alarmed and threatened to limit me to one pig lip per month and the teat bag balm sponsor said that they are taking my sponsorship under advisement...durn their scurvy butts!...refer to richard Krafft Ebbing...perhaps those pesky immigrants ate the missing readers...yeah that's it they were eaten!

its is a good thing that ms. harris was called on in time...

"There is, by Gods grace, an immeasurable distance between late, and too late." madame Swetchine

as an afterthought which is always with me there is a legal phrase..."conspiracy to commit computer intrusion..."...



Friday, September 6, 2024

"...because it consumes labor..."

small yellow spider...this one was on a plant with some yellow flowers...there were also small green spiders of the same species which were on plants with more green
this cricket looking critter was with another one about half the size...perhaps a mated pair...this one was about two inches long...they were under a rock...

A 14 YEAR OLD ADULT?!...i dont think so...the usual incompetence which goes with someone else being victimized by the justice department...was the assault rifle owned by someone who is in "A WELL REGULATED MILITIA!?" as the constitution calls for...several hundred dead in the USA this year by "mass shooters" which i think means 4 or more shot within 24 hours by the same person...

and i am still having nightmares about the gaza hostages and the gaza slaughtered...i also had a long vivid dream about camels...they appeared to be arabian camels and they were being ridden...whats that all about?...

saw this beauty on Utube named Embla Matilde Njerva from norway who was an Olympic pole vaulter...she did well and there was a site which showed female olympic high jumpers, long jumpers and pole vaulters...15, 16, and 17 year olds in slow motion...all thin and strong...the reason that this age females make the best rock climbers is the strength to weight ratio allows them to creep up the rocks without their own body weight pulling them down...i was going to call ms. Njerva a greek goddess but there was a young woman from greece who also did well...

i watched a pretty good movie on utube called "Doublecrossed" which is about a fellow named adler berriman seal... known as Barry Seal...he was gunned down at the salvation army in baton rouge where he had been ordered to stay by a federal judge after a trial in which he implicated some very powerful drug dealers from south was generally considered to be a death sentence as he was not allowed to have a gun either...there was also a good documentary from WBRZ television called "Uncle Sam wants You"...where mr seal was interviewed by the t v station and they were at a place filming a drug deal at mr seals request...i grew up in the same town where mr seal lived and know from first hand experience that crooked government officials are not uncommon in louisiana ...i think that mr seal must have known that the incarceration of these drug kingpins would make them show that a lot of government officials are less than honest...such is was repeatedly said that mr seal had Central Intelligence Agency connections which allowed him to repeatedly fly loads of drugs from central and south america without being apprehended...there is a hell of a lot of information on the internet about the CIA and the international drug trade...insofar as the CIA is a "clandestine" oriented organization they do not really have the opportunity to explain the details of their work...but it is known as the "puzzle palace" for a reason.

this is my receipt for the last time i stayed at the salvation army in was a  dirty smelly corrupted place which should have been shut wilson was not the desk clerks real name probably...just a suggestive alias...

i watched some very good music on utube this week "Stan Getz Quartet at the London School of Economics (1966)...great music and good camera work

also i saw a short item about a woman named Clairo in the new yorker magazine so i looked her up on utube and watched her "viral" first appearance...she is Charming with a capital "C"  however the viral segment was several years of her newer contributions was called "Zinnias" which had more musical instruments...these women who sing so softly fail to raise my blood pressure...although astrud gilberto sang softly to good effect...i do like the janis joplin and florence welch style of belting them out....each to his own right...

"...because it consumes labor disproportionate to it's utility..."Samuel Johnson giving his opinion of ornamental architecture...which can be said about most of humans endeavors...

Friday, August 30, 2024

" enliven morality..."

so my birthday  was last month...this is the woman responsible...very cute!
porcupine skull at the top...bright yellow spider on a bright yellow flower...obviously more adjustments needed on the camera
listened to some good philosophy this week...giorgio Agamben was recommended by philosophize this so i looked up the site "Living on the margins; Agambens Homo sacer explained" "(7:28)(serenity of reason)...very radical views about the people who are sometimes called corpus vile...people without value in society so anything can be done to them...also i watched a documentary called "brilliant pebbles the rods from god...a brief history of kinetic orbital bombardment"....basically it is about taking light pole sized solid metal rods into space and dropping them back into earths gravity...they reach spectacular speeds and cause great kinetic power without explosives...whoa buddy!...carl jungs "the red book" is well worth listening to as it is about human psychology both positive and negative..."Carl Jung on "Wotan" what led to the rise of fascism and WWII."..i think judeo-fascism is becoming more common...i found a great documentary about the founding of the nazi organization called the SS a fellow named whistler put this online...very think it can not happen here!? think again...Philosophize this segment #185 is "should we prepare for an AI revolution" very current views about the so called intelligence developments in play today...i downloaded "TELEGRAM" on my phone...i think it must be for people who are much more secretive than i am...i have only made one phone call on my new government issued phone and it was to the phone service on the other phone...they pretty much told me i had blown 30 bucks on my additional time and that i should get the card from the dollar i suppose we are getting into that part of the election where "transitory bumpiness" may raise it's ugly head...
it is good to know that shanghai is the first Chinese city to have 500 kentucky fried chicken restaurants...thats a lot of chickens being eaten...

" enliven morality with wit and to temper wit with morality..." motto of "The Spectator"


Friday, August 23, 2024

"Old age has been charged..."

the rain has brought good grazing to the livestock in the mountain pasturage in this area...


awoke to ukraine soldiers featured on the news with the drone operators showing how effective they can be in destruction...even at 3 in the morning the information flows...way too many political advertisements...unfortunately this election for the head of the executive branch of the government of the USA seems to have taken a turn for the desperate...both sides predicting apocalypse if the other side gets elected...i think there will be drastic events regardless of which side gets into office...we are just at a time in history where the physical realities mandate that change will take place...besides the inevitable climatic changes the reality of an increasing population of humans and a reduction of available natural resources sort of sets the stage for some drama....alas and alack as usual an orderly transition into fundamental changes is not likely to happen....soooo....disorderly change will happen...but change is on the way...

got a notice on the phone yesterday morning about a 6 year old boy who went missing at the lava caves a few mile down the road from where i was...then 4 hours later got a notice that an 8 year old boy had been found...aged two years in 4 hours...must have been a magic cave...i looked at some cheap GPS tracking devices online a few weeks ago...might be a good investment for folks to put one of these things on their their kids for instance...

i looked at some interesting movies is called "Swamp Fire"...with buster crabbe and johnny weismuller both of whom were Olympic swimmers and played Tarzan in the movies...the story takes place in south louisiana and deals with boat captains in the southern  regions  of the looked familiar...another movie was "Swamp Water" which deals with the Okefenokee swamps and was directed by Jean Renoir son of the famous has a very young walter huston and a very young walter brennon and several very young other eventually well know actors...the cinematography is excellent...there is a DVD which i picked up with a movie called "Barbarella" (1968) which i had never seen before was a big deal back is actually quite creative and being before there was very sophisticated "special effects" they make good use of physical stage settings such as shag carpeting...this film stars a very young jane is a sort of a "lost in space" meets "austin powers" type expression of modernity...unfortunately ms fonda decided to go to north vietnam and "provide aid and comfort to the enemy" and her popularity was diminished...(she should have been thrown in prison)...anyhow the film is worth watching... 

i found an interesting YOUTUBE account called "The wicked fruits of Amalek" which is about the old testament character so named who was told by the old testament god to annihilate all the men women and children and livestock of their enemy who had attacked them...i think some of the attitude of the current crop of annihilators is based on these historical renditions...god forbid anyone should make their actions coincide with three thousand year old accounts of military encounters..."vanity vanity all is vanity"

i like to watch old television shows on DVD because they have no commercial of my favorites is "Maverick" with james garner...the later maverick where he moves to a small town in southern arizona and owns a bar and a ranch outside of town... one of my favorite episodes is called "The Mayflower Women's Historical Society"... all of the characters are very well played and this particular episode deals with "illicit ardor" which sort of in a very mild way portrays the choices women make in choosing who they grant their "favors" to...the choice is theirs...garner liked to push the envelope..

"Old age has been charged with being insensible to pleasure and the enjoyments arising from the gratification of the senses- a most blessed and heavenly effect, truly, if it eases us of what in youth was the sorest plague of life."



Thursday, August 22, 2024

"What hate required these things..."

 decided to stealth film this hole entrance beneath a rock...probably a rock squirrel=Citellus variegatus the markings seems to me to have some california ground squirrel markings...lots of kaibab squirrels in this area but i have never seen this species...

encountered the usual harassment at this site on the pipeline in kaibab national forest...seems there is a lot of "outlaw" inhabitants in this neck of the woods....

lots of news about the gaza/israel perpetual hateful encounters...i finished watching the last segment of the "Elusive Peace" DVD...don't mean to sound negative but i think that these desert tribal people have spent so many thousands of years raiding each others camps that they still have  a lot of the genetic predisposition  to raid and slaughter and steal...i think maybe Netanyahu is a modern day Josephus and he just wants to be the "last man standing"...

i was listening to the "philosophize this" segment on erasmus and thought this observation about the myriad of ways humans have decided to "worship" were not unlike my own..."What hate required these things at your hand, in vain they make their idle pleas, one that has lived only on fish, one that he has never changed his sacred hood, this one that he has lost his voice by continual singing the holy anthems, and one has forgotten how to speak in his strict obedience to his vow to silence, our savior will interrupt their excuses and say "woe unto you, you scribes and pharisee, I know you not.  I left you but one precept of loving one another and I do hear anyone plead that he has faithfully discharged this"

Friday, August 16, 2024

"The prosperity of a people..."

found abandoned at the campsite...
does the ant feed on the bugs?
for a fly this is a handsome fellow
a woman said this was a bolete mushroom...i don't think so!
two large rats and 8 mice snapped at the grocery box this week...the ants, coyotes and the ravens liked it

i took the opportunity to listen to the 2 hour "conversation" between trump and musk...i have only made it through half of this encounter thus far...i highly recommend that anyone with an interest in trumps mental state listen to this...unfortunately there has been some rude remarks about trumps speech...first it was his hair then it was his body is inconsequential compared to the rest of his orientation...musk was very soothing and agreeable...he is obviously looking for a job...not born here so he can not be president...but he really wants to be...the conversation about climate change was not based on any science i ever heard of..i picked up a collection of DVD's entitled "The nature of matter: Understanding the physical world" by prof. david Bell (2015) lecture # 17 is entitled "The air we breath"...this 30 minute lecture is well illustrated and explains why the parts per million of carbon in the air is important...neither musk or trump seemed to have a good grasped of the concept of global warming...i have noticed that wealthy people view the seriousness of global warming differently from the less affluent...

I also heard a mr jamie diamond speak intelligently about the economic situation globally...his stance rejects the bickering that seems to dominate the conversation...

as i sat with my lovely $40 classical guitar in my lap i came across a ms. Konstantina Andritsou who was playing a classical composition on her guitar...she was 7 years old...i almost cried knowing i would never be anything but a very mediocre player at most...i do however love the guitar

the tension in various places around the world is somewhat it time for CASTLE BRAVO!...lets hope not...

on a happier note i watched Andy Huggins "king of the one liners" is an old guy...and very funny

"The prosperity of a people is proportionate to the number of hands and minds usefully employed. To the community, sedition is a fever, corruption is a gangrene, and idleness is an atrophy. Whatever body or society wastes more than it acquires, must gradually decay; and every being that contrives to be fed, and ceases to labor takes away something from the public stock."  not sure who wrote this...maybe johnson?...


Friday, August 9, 2024

"Ain't no holy cows..."

little spiders everywhere
little lizards somewhere
russula(white) changes to lobster(orange) lots of these
watched this bird for several hours...probably a rufus
found lots of cans of colored hair spray in the thrift for a buck each...stencils next

weirdwokeweirdwokeweird  wokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwokeweirdwoke ...nope makes no sense to me...

watched 2 of 3 segments of a PBS produced DVD called "Elusive Peace" israel and the arabs... 2005...arafat and sharon and clinton and bush...same un relenting crap that goes on now... it does not seem very likely that these so called leaders will ever stop slaughtering innocents...

while watching "Bones" (season 8) Sweets the shrink said the term 'HYPER-AROUSAL)...i wrote it in my notebook for future reference...the segment was about some african refugees who had been boy soldiers...i youtubed the term and was directed to a dr allan schore speaking on "hyper-arousal, disassociation and the inability to take in comfort." ,,,it is a very good talk and there are a couple of other talks he gives with this one...all useful information...

also robert sapalsky #22 "emergence and complexity" is well worth watching...

"little chinese everywhere" has a new segment where she takes her 125 suzuki motorcycle way high into the tibetian mountains to see a couple of remote lakes...great drone footage as usual

also i like to watch "SABBATICAL" who is a white guy from new york who speaks fluent chinese and was in china for 7 years according to himself...he obviously has a death wish as he searches out dicey places and dicey characters all across the globe...his latest trip is to nicaragua where he swims in i suppose lake nicaragua which has bull sharks a-plenty...he speaks pretty good spanish and says that everyone should travel to this communist narco-state...i dont think so!

found a Sierra Ferrell song called "Rosemary" which is one of the best i have seen on the internet...great vocals, great guitar, and lyrics reminiscent of Florence Welch who has a tune about witches and one about snatching someones eyeball out of the socket....what are these women thinking about! 

also saw a painting called "Lassitude" by Gari Melchers...makes you want to lay down for a rest...

"Aint no holy cows/ Aint no evil sows/ Aint no points / For them that bows/Aint no holy rocks/And all them chants/ Won't open locks/If God made Nature/God can't be pleased/ To see this planet / With the build disease/ But God might be pleased/ If you can help? the least of these...MRY


Thursday, August 1, 2024

"He raves;..."

antelope hill...should be called irresistible  hill...vehicles prohibited...but not enforced!
three buck pronghorn having a meeting in the morning...charismatic macro-fauna
large hawk...apparently not eating many chipmunks...there are lots of chipmunks here
                       rare guitar fly...charismatic micro-fauna

interesting week around here and beyond...a couple of "gunners" came out to the meadow and set up a target and fired a rifle from a prone position...sounded like maybe a 270cal. and then a single shot from a 50cal...DAMN! that be a loud gun! anyhow why they chose to do their shooting so close to me is not really a be annoying...unfortunately they were very stupid in the placement of their target and were firing directly into the woods and road...yikes!...otherwise there was a proposal to open a firing range somewhere in this county but the neighboring residents opposed it and i guess not enough shooting sports advocates defended the it's back to shooting up the woods... 

i keep forgetting to recommend some youtube music i have found enjoyable..."The Knack" has long been one of my favorite bands and there are a several renditions of "Good Girls Don't(but I do)." one is in the studio and has the better sound but the other is at Carnegie hall with the better lyrics and is a tribute to teen lust... but one of the best videos is the knack at cbgb's and the first song is not one i have ever heard...but they bad mouth andy warhole...which is a good thing...and the lead guitarist get to show his chops...which are considerable...good retro video

also i found this 12 episode television show called "the fixer" which is quite good and european and has to do with "fixing" problems by using "extra-judicial" means''

so do you ever wonder why so many thousands of people are lined up at the US border to get in by whatever means possible....nigeria just raised their minimum wage to $40 a month ...i think i heard that Venezuela pays their government workers about 4 buck a month ...if you look at the wages paid around the world you can see why those folks are lined up to get in here...and if you think the economy can stand to have millions of hard workers (legal or not)tossed out of this country think again...India has this program where everyone in the country has an identification card...some people have eight...they have been able to cut out billions of dollars of graft and theft of government funds by having no anonymous people...

i thought that i should explain my recent suggestion to get involved in political ancient greece there was a term "idiota" from which the word idiot is idiota is a "private" person or a person who has no civic engagement...and they were thought to be stupid...therefore as i have not voted since about jimmy carters term in office i thought that i should express some political and or civic opinions this "election cycle"...i looks like Delusional Donald is doing a good  job of turning some folks against him...showing up in a room of black educated women and bad mouthing ms. harris is not a good idea... nor is questioning her "blackness"...i do not think she is anymore "black: than Obama was...Indian americans are not the same "ethnicity" as African americans...and anyone who wants to deny any part of their genetics does so with the reality of genetic testing...i embrace my neanderthal and denisovin heritage...i identify as an earthling...makes me less inclined to be dismissive of others...

Thucydides says that the "imponderables" effect the course of his lifetime it was the plague which wiped out the population of athens and killed Pericles their illustrious was all downhill after that... of course the covid disease had its toll in our times and the climate changes and of course the possibility of wars all around the globe effect our mindset...whoa buddy... 

"He raves; his words are loose as heaps of sand, and scattered wide from sense.- So high he's mounted on his airy throne, that now the wind has got into his head, and turns his brain to frenzy." Dryden

Friday, July 26, 2024

"Rules of conduct, whatever they may be..."

bugs and an insect on a thistle

 i thought there was a herd or capybara under the hood...but just a very large rat&friends...the ravens love this addition to their diet...and awoke me every morning at dawn to see if the trap-line was productive...

well now the democratic party has a candidate they can work for...i hope ms. harris pick mr kelly as the v.p. choice...for several reasons...first they can say to the republicans..."we see your marine lawyer and raise you a marine colonel ASTRONAUT!...even all your friends who "smell like weed and little babies" will  vote for an astronaut...AND...if anything puts the VP out of commission there is his twin brother who can take over (put that in the contract!) i anticipate the republicans will enlist the "brown-shirts" to intimidate anyone who voices favor for the democratic ticket...the label "ultra liberal" to describe ms. harris is not consistent with the information in a lengthy article i believe in new yorker which describes the dissatisfaction with harris in california as she was in favor or the three strikes rule and did not favor legalized pot among some other decisions she made which were definitely not ultra liberal ...anyhow i was thinking about the constant text messages which would like for me to give money to defeat the republican candidate...i think i will do my own campaigning as i can better spend the money than some distant persons...i am thinking i might make some stencils which say "DUMP TRUMP" and do the guerilla thing by stenciling every dumpster and trash can i can the BANKSY method of social commentary...

i have looked at quite a lot of utube commentators in the last week and one thing i have noticed is that every male commentator says "if i were her campaign coordinator" and then proceeds to give advice which was dug out of the remote swamp of their brain which is about as relevant as "i like ike" o'reilly seemed unable to even consider two women on the same ticket at the same time...ditto for mr, carville...what say let a "contemporary" female consider the situation and make her views known...anyhow the same ol' same ol' will not succeed this is likely to be a slug-fest and perhaps more "cheatle ear" in the future...

governor of california says no more urban campers in his state...yeah right! suddenly all the tent dwellers will go back to their abandoned palatial estates...what is this man thinking!? i have said for many years...the homeless industry is BOOMING!...billions of dollars is going to be invested in housing and billions of dollars will be squandered and stolen...yep the governor must have seen which side of his toast is buttered and now the prospects of cashing in on the "homeless" looms large...

well i hear the great island country of granada says they want money to "REBUILD" the property which was destroyed in the last storm...they say they did not contribute to climate change and were only singing and dancing when those horrible "first world" countries caused climate change...and they want MONEY MONEY MONEY!

i watched some good documentaries this of the better ones was "Lou Harrison- an american original"...this guy is a music composer who stepped way out of the box...lots of percussion and some of it very pleasant...


"Rules of conduct, whatever they may be, are not sufficient to produce good results unless the ends sought are good."  Bertrand Russell 



Saturday, July 20, 2024

"At least to pray..."

wired world
washtub abbs
a trio of pronghorn from a herd of about 15...

the day after i sighted this herd of about 15 pronghorn antelope a couple of rifle shots rang out from a newly arrived travel trailer nearby...then less than an hour later a shotgun blast was heard not too far from the theory based on experience is that cops (who often seek to harass me) carry shotguns as well as rifles and pistols...of course the wildlife viewing goes to shit when these gun goobers show up... i have encountered so much ORGANIZED CRIME in the state of arizona that it amazes me that the government paid individuals who are supposed to be SERVING AND PROTECTING the public apparently do not believe that it is a priority...victims like myself would i have been told that i am ALL SET...i have certainly heard that phrase before...i am being targeted because i do not wear the colors of the tribe and do not respond to the various hand signals and body language signs most trained capuchin monkeys  do...anyhow yesterday i was told that THEY have DECLARED WAR on me...damn! and that i was getting too close (two close) this happens all the time...well i'll certainly try harder to be compliant with the local mobs....not really...just one more reason to SUBVERT THE DOMINANT PARADIGM...

well i need to make some apology's according to some of the suggestions which i have a great deal of respect of 12 which recommends to make amends whenever the past on this blog i have suggested that anthony bourdain drank and used pot addictively... (i have all of bourdains DVDs and am a fan) i am a drunk and a pothead...i have no right to speak to anyone elses is called taking someones inventory...not a good thing...i also  suggested that nathaniel rateliff was a drunk because of his great song SOB...that was my mis-interpretation of his work...i am a drunk and a pothead and have no legitimate right to judge him...also ms ferrell was mentioned as having nearly died of some drugs she took...i do not know this great musician and have no right to suggest anything about her private life...i am a drunk and an pothead...and my own life is my concern...i watched the death and destruction of so many tantalized musical performers in my lifetime that i am always dismayed to see anyone struggle with addiction...i am a drunk and a pothead and my own life and those around me was negatively effected by my own habits... even after 36 years with no alcohol i see myself as a drunk who is not drinking day at a time... 

"At least -to pray -is left-is left- /Oh Jesus-in-the Air/ I know not which thy chamber is-/I'm knocking -everywhere-/Thou settest Earthquake in the South- /And Maelstrom, in the sea-/Say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth-/ Hast thou no arm for Me?" Emily Dickenson (1862)                                                                                   


Friday, July 19, 2024

"...these empires rise and fall..."

 this  is where i spent my birthday this year...beginning my eighth decade

excitement this we have vincent van trump to appreciate...or not...i listened to about 10 minutes of the candidates speech at the nominating circus...i was stunned by the contents of the speech...the man has not changed much..."ARGUMENTUM AD BACULUM"...old as human speech...well the democratic candidate got the sniffles and flew home and the republican candidate got part of his ear blown off and puts a bandage on it and keeps on keeping on...well as bill clinton is alleged to have said "strong and wrong beats right and weak"  

as for assassinations...since i spend much time within a stones throw of the US/Mexican border in the winter months i like to keep up with what is happening in that country...a mr. david frum who writes for the "atlantic" magazine says there is a "CRIMINAL INSURGENCY" happening in mexico...for april first this year 127 candidates for public office had been victims of political violence...24 dead candidates by the presidential election...82 candidates murdered...this country has made a serious mistake to let mexico become a narco empire...and dozens of environmental activists have been murdered...

i listened to e.musk talking about his business relationship with china...he respects the chinese for their being smart and industrious...i watch all of the "little chinese everywhere" blog...i was told it was "propaganda"...perhaps it is not showing all of the country...but that is why the VERY RESTRICTIVE government lets her produce her blog...she has a Ph,D in "geographic tourism" which she got at a university in switzerland so she  can speak with authority about much of what she shows in the various countries she visits ...i do not see any litter in the streets...maybe they pick it all up for the video...probably not..but one can see how there are people living everywhere...which is probably why she calls it what she does...i was somewhat amazed at a short encounter she had in tibet with some small children who showed her some cute songs and hand motions...she asked if they learned that in school and they said they had no school in their village...they learned it on TIC TOK...amazing!...i read that 600 million chinese citizens live on $137 a month! i also read a good article (i think in the new yorker magazine} about the chinese fishing fleet...several thousand fishing ships which pretty much scour every part of the world for or not...using abusive treatment of their sailors...many of whom are north korean almost slaves...(i spent my 40th birthday being worked 20 hours a days on a swedish owned salmon processor in alaska) thanks...i looked at some crawfish tails in the walmart freezer and the chinese produced tails (called boudreaux's) were nearly half the price of the louisiana produced tails...i have done commercial crawfishing and it ain't no joke...tough would be helpful if there was more tariffs on the chinese tails so the USA product could compete...

read an article in audubon magazine about a guy who could no longer hear the birds as well as when he was younger so he went to a fellow who built electronic audio devices and they made a device which would boost the notes that he could no longer hear...he was delighted to regain that lost birdsong...the engineers name was harald bode...whom i looked up...which led to john schneider who plays "micro-tonal" guitars and that led to an aussi band called "KING GIZZARD" who has a micro-tonal guitar player in their band and that led to "KING GIZZARD AND THE LIZARD WIZARD" which was played at KEXP radio station...very good tunes


"...those empires rise and fall not because of anonymous social and economic forces but because of individual decisions by individual leaders..." prof. j. rufus  fears

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Old style thinking..."

never ending confrontations with the humanoid segment of society

much of the news i hear recently has to do with whether the current chief executive and commander in chief is..WHAT!...some say the man is too old...age has nothing to do with the mans in-articulate mutterings...i suggest you go the the ralph nader radio hour and listen to mr nader speak articulately...and while you are at it listen to what mr nader has to say about the industrial hemp business and how many chinese are in this country working on farms...without green cards i assume...i also read that 30 million acres of farmland in this country is owned by non-americans...and there are about 30,000 people from Senegal who have come here in the last 2 years....serious over site on the part of national security... i read the immigrants are 37% more likely to start a business...thats good...for business i suppose...i heard the former head of NATO (i think) talking about the election and she kept referring to D.Trump as if he was already elected president...this morning NPR commentators kept saying that the POLLS show the two candidates (dont you hate that..two! damned candidates) were almost tied...well i remember very well the day of the 2016 election and the same radio people said the polls showed that ms. clinton had a 85% chance of winning...but when i awoke at midnight mr trump was stepping up to the podium to take the know stephen hawking was well respected and he did not speak at all...but he was pretty damned bright...i am reminded of the two knights in a monty python skit where one of the knights gets his arm cut off,,,then his other arm...then one leg and he is hopping around screaming that it is "only a flesh wound".... yep biden aint hurt bad it is only a flesh wound...and maybe a head wound too....

"Old style thinking insists on fixed concepts, certainties and absolutes. These are processed by means of traditional logic, and the answers are treated with the logic as such, but the emphasis is on the perfection of the processing and not on the basic concepts used, Another important danger is the smugness that follows perfect logic and excludes the search for new ideas and better approaches."       PO: beyond yes and no (1972)


Friday, July 5, 2024

"The only reason..."

              i got bugs crawlin' all over me!...but these are just some ants

                             a nice looking bird that decided to brave the ashes

it is too bad that humans do not age into things of beauty like old wood

big music week ...i have been studying my new book..."The Listeners Dictionary of Musical Terms" is a small book but packed with lots of information,,,most of which i will never use...however i believe many of these terms can apply to other than musical situations...for instance to describe Bidens performance at the debate "ENTSCHLAFEN"...I was noticing some of the tunes that seem to awaken my slumbering psyche...such as a couple by mr. Rateliff..."S.O.B" which has a definite "spiritual" aspect to it...sort of like the "Golden Gate Quartet";...except like Brother Dave Gardner he is preaching FOR it...special credit must be paid to Roo Lewis...and "I need never Grow Old"...which seems to have a "bubblegum" sort of flavor...this is superb video...both of these tunes have some of the best music videos on the internet today...also i came across ms. Ester Rose whose tune "Handyman" is one of the better videos and tunes...this woman is supposed to be from Louisiana and i suppose the lyrics about the levee are genuine...ishe is an amalgum of Jewel, Nikkie Lane and iris dement...I was astounded by Sierra Ferrell and her exquisite voice and guitar (the Gibson guitar she is playing is probably three times as old as she is) ..."Jeremiah" is very well presented as is "Hey me, Hey Mama" seems that this woman has a large self destructive streak and she may flame out like Amy Winehouse...addiction steps aside for NOBODY...i watched a documentary about a fellow named Don Cherry who was a musical genius with his little pawn shop horn as well as many primitive instruments and the piano...well worth looking into...also a fellow who calls himself "Shakey Graves" has a very creative suitcase percussion apparatus as well as a good guitar style...

some bad news on the horizon it seems.... i looked into "Project 25" which is being promoted by "The Heritage Foundation" which must be some covert outfit sent over from north korea or there-a-bouts...these people have assembled a 900 page plan to kick the USA into the order that they would like to see...very, very totalitarian...AND we are lucky enough that they say they can implement this plan without bloodshed...if we will allow it....nope i think it is time to lock and load and find out if those persons who are armed and forceful and on the government payroll have any intention of keeping this country free....these folks make the capital rioters look like a sunday school class...we be in a heap of trouble if the government allows this "Project 25" to go into effect...i also recommend that you listen to an episode of "philosophize this' called "are you left or right" which kind of puts into perspective the reality that these are just words and really have no bearing on a persons world view...thanks to stephen west for this great 205 lectures on philosophy...

so i was sort of having a bad day today since both of my truck batteries failed to start the truck this morning so i had to unpack the generator and charge the better battery and the 4:33 am wake-up time went right out the window and the heat of the day battered me until i dived into the library and brought the body temperature down a few degrees...but all the chores got done and it is good to keep these things in perspective...70 years old next week...unless the fates have clipped my thread...

"The only reason for time is so that everything does not happen at once." A. Einstein




Friday, June 28, 2024

"Remember that a painting,..."

                                       the bugs are enjoying the recent rains and the new flowers
                                         did someone in the american political system lose this!?
                               this is the state in which we will all eventually be...ashes to ashes dust to dust

listened to the so called debate between the two candidates for the chief executive job and might i mention commander in chief of the armed forces...etc etc etc...i was reminded of watching a demolition derby where old broken down vehicles speed around a dirt track and smash into one another trying to put each other out of the race...neither entertaining nor informative...."argumentum ad verecundian"

i watched a very engaging video on you tube @ cuddle buddies entitled "baby rhinos run up to girl for kisses and belly rubs"...i almost makes me cry with joy to see these magnificent animals well treated and loved...

another good video from the maker of "Cobra Gypsies" Raphael Treza called "Borneo Death Blow" is very well done and illustrates how these people have adapted perfectly to the environment they have lived in for thousands of years...all of Trezas video are great

i finished reading a biography of Paul Gauguin this week and i must say his "escape" from Paris to find his inspirational element was pretty interesting from a psychological aspect...all in all i am not sure if  he was not just a megalomaniac...and also a painter...his relationship with crazy vincent van gogh was fraught with tension...but probably did not promote creative production in either of them...i have only seen one van Gogh painting  up close and it was impressive...i saw a Gauguin sculpture in the new orleans museum of art and was not too favorably impressed...a decorated door i believe... 

i you tubed most of the artist's mentioned in the biography and some of them i liked a lot...there was one painting i found especially interesting called "L'Origine du Monde" (1866) by Gustave Courbet

"Remember that a painting, before it is a workhorse, a naked woman, or an anecdote is essentially a plane surface covered with colors arranges in a particular order." Maurice Denis (art critic)   


Thursday, June 20, 2024

"when my fist clinches crack it open..."

 this is a video taken with the forest in the background which is BTFU (burntthefuckup) and this is my dear Orlando mourning the occasion

i was detained by one of the local constabulary recently and i am very sorry to say that i acted the complete ass...i apologise to any and all cops who must endure the stupidity of someone like me who just froze up and denied that i had turned into the parking lot to avoid the light...the fact of the matter is that it is much more likely that you will be in an accident cutting through a parking lot rather than taking 3 minutes to wait for the light to turn...sorry sorry sorry..i must be made to sit on the "group "W" bench"

i see where it will be mandatory to post the 10 commandments in all public schools classrooms in louisiana next year ...that is opening a big box of worms...and not the good kind of worms either...the only biblical quote that i would vote to put in schools is "vanity vanity all is vanity"...

picked up a DVD movie called "White Zombie" (1932) 65min, B& was better than i thought it would be...the only complaint is the damned has to the the most awful vulture ever in a movie..sometimes it was a hawk or an immature was always loud and obnoxious...i watched a modern movie recently called "Cara Cara"...i took care of crested cara caras and yellow headed cara cara in the zoo and i can tell you this bird was a red shouldered hawk...(they breed in captivity so there are always some for sale)

i watched a good documentary about Epaminondas who went to sparta and freed the slaves...the spartans were probably the worst for slave abuse..anyhow this guy kicked the spartans butts by using unconventional tactics...not to mention unconventional troops...the spartans trained their male citizens from the age of seven to be tough warriors...should have been better informed about ethics...

one of the best documentaries i have seen in a while was entitled "Science is reconsidering Evolution" an interview with Denis Noble...mind expanding stuff

while i spent the last week camped in the ashes in an effort to see what the effect of the "prescribed burns" was on this environment...i had spent a week at a place where they thinned out about 80% of the trees but did not the thinned site i saw pronghorn. deer, bear, chipmunks and plenty of birds...the burned site had destroyed all the old tree stumps...which is prime habitat for mice, rats and chipmunks...which are the main diet for foxes, coyotes, hawks and owls as well as other carnivores...maybe they could rake the pine needles away from the tree stumps before they burn...the forest will not be the same for  long time...

i watched a video on utube of ted nuggent talking about how he did not think ms.t. swifts lyrics were as good as the music in the 1970's...i saw mr nuggent at the "celebration of life" rock festival on the atchafalaya river at mcrae louisiana...john sebastian opened the concert...he was great...i have his "how to play the harmonica" DVD and it is the best...better than a "shit-storm in texas"

"When my fist clinches crack it open before i use it and lose my cool, and when i smile tell me some bad news before i laugh and act like a fool, and if i swallow anything evil put your fingers down my throat and if i shiver keep me warn let me wear your coat..." "Behind blue eyes"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

"Dreams are the subtle Dower..."

animal hair nest found on the ground near last years ravens nest
cocoon like structure found at the very top of a pine tree which had fallen
very nice looking flower in the arid soil on the edge of the meadow

i picked up a book from the library sale shelf called "film and politics" published about 1960...very good information...the review of "Triumph of the Will" directed by a young woman named Leni Riefenstahl is a Nazi party propaganda shows a lot of large gatherings of people doing the group psychosis thing...which is always a good way to forget mentioned that "Unsere Fahne" is the battle song of the Nazi Youth ...good to know...i wonder what the battle song of the current Nazi Youth is..."Will" was Adolph Hitler's most frequently used word...according to this was pointed out that Hitler did not seize power...he was granted power and the folks in charge were described as a "gerontocracy"...whoa's deja vu all over again...

well after a smokey week i finally got away from the perma fires in the national forest...there was a spot with half a dozen small fires smoldering a hundred yards from where i was camped...i panicked when i first discovered them and poured a gallon of my drinking water on several of them ...this was a mistake... i finally fetched my shovel and shoveled dirt onto the smoking day there were only five smoldering fires in the pine needles...i spotted a couple of trucks with the government signs and they turned around and i approached them and said there were several small fires nearby...i asked if they wanted me to show them...the head guy said no (this guy had the physiognomy of a mountain gorilla...the widest back of any human  have ever seen) off they went down the road...gone for 45 minutes...i figured they had put a whoopin' on the fire...after they left i went to see what they had done...not a god- damned evidence of them ever having found the fires...desertion in the face of battle is what it was...i poured my piss jug on the fires for the next two days until there was no more smoke...

i read a good article which quoted a professor Stephen J. Pyne who has written 30 books about fires in nature...he says fire has altered the course of part because cooked meat gives more nutrition than raw meat so humans had more free time whatever humans do with their free personal observations make me believe that fire is not always the best way to deal with making a habitat more suitable...Pyne says ..."native americans routinely burned the landscapes-to foster the growth of useful plants, to clear up space for farming, and to improve the conditions for hunting... "well that great for the humans but most of the animals got burned in this deal...when i walked through the recently burned "landscape" i saw a lot of unusable land because all the organic matter was charcoal...i wonder how many species have been extincted by this method of making the landscape better for humans...too many...there are plants called "pyrophytes" which have a symbiotic relationship with morel mushrooms.

i hear where Apple has this new AI embedded in it's devices  which it calls "Intelligence"...scary as hell as far as i am concerned...crawls up your butt and explodes...very scary...

as of january 2023...russia has 5889 nuclear warheads...the USA has 5244 nuclear warheads...china has 410 nuclear warheads...france has 290 nuclear warheads...the UK has 225 nuclear warheads...according to Arms control association...well they ain't controlled a damn thing from what i can see! 

and if the usual pollution wasn't enough Ukraine is bombing the oil refineries in russia...yep we is going to get to the point of no return real soon...

 i found a film a while back called "Belle du Jour"...a french film about a woman who has an "unfulfilling"  sexual relationship with her successful husband... after some consideration she decides to work in a small neighborhood bordello...this film has english subtitles and the commentary should be listened to as the commentator has some things to say about the book from which the film was made...                               

"Dreams are the subtle Dower/ That make us rich an hour/ Then fling us poor/ Out of the purple door."   Emily Dickinson


Thursday, June 6, 2024

"The question is..."

the title of this image is "SURVIVAL" and the truck in the desert...surviving

a fellow came into the library and told the librarian that they needed to watch me as i might attempt to engage? the children..and they said they knew me and i was a writer and photographer...he was angered by that and said "NO  HE IS A HOMELESS PERSON"....about 25 years ago i took my savings from working on an offshore supply vessel for a year and bought a holiday rambler motor-home...and never looked back...i was quite enamored with having wheels under my home...i went from california to florida...and loved it...then i went back to work in the oilfield and continued to live out of a vehicle...a 199 toyota truck was next...315000 miles before i was hit from behind by a semi truck and then i bought a 1991 toyota van...300,000 plus miles before i sold it and bought the truck in the picture...i was under investigation since i paid cash for the truck...i was put in the same catagory as pablo escobar and osama bin laden...a rogue and a desperado...i have been stalked and harassed for 30 years now and i see no end in sight...however my life-style may not be very stylish but i do not live a life of not paying rent i can save enough money to have what i need...within reason...last week i bought a solar water heater for 8 bucks that actually brings water to a boil...doesn't sound like a big deal but in the survival game it is a big deal...when i hear about all the worlds population that have to scramble for fuel and clean water every day of their life i realize how fortunate i am to have a lifestyle that is somewhat self-sufficient...i do visit the grocery stores on a regular basis and have the expanding waistline to prove it ...if i was to recommend an investment i would say invest in groceries...

while listening to country western radio stations i could not help but notice the subject of many songs...too much alcohol and  romance gone wrong ...the song that says "love is like Reno" seemed too negative...the premise being that in reno and with love "you can't win"...i lived in reno a few years and the secret is to not bet, and if you do bet dont make sucker bets...just like love...a woman has better instincts than the best croupier...and she can see a sucker a mile off...there is a song that is kind of funny called "i,m just talkin' about tonight" can guess what this fellow is singing about...there are a couple of songs about "dirt"..."get dirt" is about investing in property and "dirt cheap" is about the emotional ties people get to their property... but eventually any dirt is left behind and there is little guarantee that it won't go to the highest bidder...i have been from here to there and back and i think that the "dirt" should be honored but not hoarded...humans have pretty much soiled the soil and it will need a lot of cleaning up to sustain human life...i don't know that it will be like on "WaterWorld" but more people require more groceries which requires more dirt...i saw a good documentary about these folks in asia who had their rice fields over-run with salt water and they began raising fish and crabs,,,and did pretty well with it...evolve or die...

i wonder about the strips of paper that can be soaked in urine and tell whether the person who's supplies the urine is pregnant...then i wonder about the two pills that can be ingested and a pregnant person will abort the why if this level of technology if available to most of the world...are there so many children born for whom the prospect of being well fed and clothed and sheltered and educated seems dismal...

heard where the feather of an extinct bird sold for many thousands of dollars recently...that is a very slippery slope when you begin commerce in animal parts

i heard where a woman in arabia posted an image of herself online wearing a baseball cap and the morality police were going to arrest her...she fled the country but the authorities arrested her mother and her sister and both of her sisters legs were broken while she was in custody...i hope none of my tax dollars are going to support anything in arabia...what a crock of crap those people have to live with

i hear where teenage males have taken an interest in high priced colognes...someone was criticizing $400 for 4 ounces of cologne but i used to buy high priced colognes from a shop on Royal street in new orleans and i can assure you that a 4 ounce bottle can last 4 years...the better quality the less you need...i would like to recommend that people experiment with quality oils and make their own fragrances...patchouli oil and clove oil when expertly combined make a great scent...

so it has cooled down some and i will head back into the forest...

"The question is, which is to be master-that's all" Humpty Dumpty



"Impotence takes on many forms..."

                                                                     bluebirds eat bugs
                                            horned lizards eat ants...this one has some ashes on it
                                   this is one of the many caterpillars that are out in the woods now
                                one of my favorite bugs...the long neck seems to be on several species

                                                         this is a  bug on bug encounter

 this is a tree which has apparently been struck by lightning...and not the largest tree around either

well the heat is on...temps in the 90's today and probably going to get hotter as the season progresses...i went and looked at the prescribed burns in the national forest which was done a couple of weeks ago...not a pretty sight...all the pine needles are ashes and some of the pine trees are scorched to death also...the habitat for anything that lives near the ground is gone...the insectivores are out of luck and out of lunch...

so i heard that the u.n. committee on climate change says earthlings have 18 months to stop the carbon in the atmosphere...or what?...all the ice is going to melt...even the ice in your freezer at home...and then rains, and tornados and hurricanes and very high temperatures and generally nasty times...still have not heard anyone say anything about TOO MANY PEOPLE!...  

I thought i had found a great place to live...the Marianas trench realty company  was looking for residence and the only qualification was "no bone"...that's me!...but as it turns out i misunderstood, the  qualification is "no bones"... well i guess can unpack my waterproof bag and keep looking...

a little reality check is in order for the Gaza/Israel conflict...i read a good article on the large business holdings of Hamas and how they finance their rather dumb aggressions against woman said that Hamas is willing to fight "to the last woman and child"...she said their leaders are not suffering as they have luxury accommodations all around the world...well it is certain that Netanyahu's description of the action that Israel has taken is "historic" is a year, ten years, a hundred years there will be people who will be seeking revenge for what Israel is doing to thousands of non-combatants...

a new woman president in mexico...she got her PhD in environmental science at the university of california at berkley is time to install ms K. Harris as the democratic presidential candidate...

picked up a DVD of a television series which was on for only one season called "Quarry"... i watched it a year or so ago and was stunned by the emotional impact...there are no hero's in this is about a vietnam vet who returns home to tennessee  only to find himself without employment opportunities and he is recruited to do what he was doing in vietnam...kill people...the male lead is a fellow named logan marshall-green...he as a sweaty greasy lovely wife is put to the test...the director of photography is Pepe Avila Del Pino...and the photography is great...

"Impotence takes on many forms-one of them being the reckless physical expenditure of physical potency."      Joyce Carrol Oats